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  1. #1
    Founder Gol's Avatar
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    Default Pale Master and WF discussion

    I just wanted to go over some of the benefits from Pale Master in PnP that I hope to see in the PrE...

    In PnP, it's a 10 level Prestige Class. I'll hit the highlights that actually transfer to DDO meaning...

    1 - nothing
    2 - nothing that translates (Animate Dead)
    3 - nothing that translates (Darkvision)
    4 - 10% ASF reduction
    5 - +4 Fort Saves vs spells that effect only living creatures
    6 - +4 Strength, special attack 1/day
    7 - disease immunity, stunning immunity (and stuff that doesn't translate)
    8 - 20% ASF reduction, special attack 1/day
    9 - nothing that translates (Undead Cohort)
    10 - immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, death effects, critical hits, ability drain, energy drain, and anything that damages Str/Dex/Con

    How I hope that translates to a 3 level PrE (effects not stacking)
    1 - 10% ASF reduction, +2 Fort
    2 - 15% ASF reduction, +4 Fort, +2 Str, disease/stunning immunities
    3 - 20% ASF reduction, +4 Fort, +4 Str, <long immunity list as above>

    What I hope this means for Warforged...
    35% base ASF on adamantine body
    -20% ASF via Pale Master
    -15% ASF via Enhancements
    = 0% ASF in Adamantine Body

    Well heck, if I can get 0% Adamantine body....

    Warforged Juggernaut (PnP Version)
    Prereqs: Adamantine Body, Power Attack, and a non-DDO feat.
    1 - nothing that translates
    2 - immune to crits, +1 attack when charging*
    3 - immune to charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects. immune to all healing spells
    4 - immune to death and necromancy effects, +2 attack when charging*
    5 - immune to ability damage and ability drain

    Now some of this is handy. Some we already have, and some is provided by the Pale Master. What will be interesting is how they implement the whole charging issue. But what I find most interesting is the immune to all healing. Well, we're talking about WF wizards. Who cares? I heal myself anyway.

    Let's review the Immunities of both these PrEs.
    Charms (Charm Person/Monster)
    Compulsions (Good: Hold Person/Monster, Dominate, Fear, Command, Feeblemind, Hypnotism, Mind Fog, Otto's, Power Word Anything, Suggestion, Touch of Idiocy. Bad: Good Hope, Greater/Heroism, Rage)
    Phantasms (Phantasmal Killer)
    Morale Effects
    Death Effects
    Necromancy Effects (Harm/Inflict, Finger of Death, Horrid Wilting, Poison, Ray of Enfeeblement/Exhaustion, Slay Living, Waves of Exhaustion/Fatigue)
    Healing School (All Heals, Cures, Lesser/Greater/Restoration)
    Ability Damage
    Ability Drain
    Level Drain
    Sleep Effects
    Critical Hits (Fortification not required. This is simple immunity.)

    The various Symbol of X spells also fall under these categories - every single one of them.

    That's a lot of immunities. Just about the only thing you have to worry about is direct damage. Well, WF Wizzies have Reconstruct for that.

    Anyway, feel free to discuss. I have renewed hopes for my Arcane Psycho (Wiz 18 / Fig 2) build
    Last edited by Tolero; 03-10-2011 at 12:28 PM.

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