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  1. #881


    Quote Originally Posted by Tenebris-Niatellim View Post
    Is diplomacy even needed?
    Toughness and diplomacy are purely optional. I prefer both, based on how I play the game.

    I will buck the recent trend of giving up toughness despite it's changes. Toughness and epic toughness still stacks and is mighty effective in this style of bard. A dead bard don't play rock n roll.
    Last edited by LeslieWest_GuitarGod; 09-06-2013 at 03:06 AM.

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  2. #882
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeslieWest_GuitarGod View Post
    That sounds like a fun topic but please do that in another thread. This thread is about building a bard haggle toon that is an effective in the battlefield and off. She never was about solely maxing haggle.

    I will comment in that thread, as I am interested in seeing the result. But, this thread will remain about building Mississippee Queen, and having fun playing bards.
    Ok, just.. my main is a bard, i love them since PnP expirience 15 years ago..>.< And i can't imagine any other toon better than bard(except maybe monk, but hey..they always were cheat-like) to familiarize yourself with DDO. But... u have that "Haggle" word in the thread name... and even Negotiator Feat(+2) and Skill Focus Haggle(+3) are barely compensate all those Haggle points other builds can get. No offense, i've actually build a bard for my girlfriend by your build,and i observe ur build for few years..Just thought that if u have a Haggle-topic, we can discuss it here too..As a lot of players who are interested in haggle twinks are visiting this thread. While most of players don't care about haggle at all..

  3. #883


    Quote Originally Posted by maizotome View Post
    Ok, just.. my main is a bard, i love them since PnP expirience 15 years ago..>.< And i can't imagine any other toon better than bard(except maybe monk, but hey..they always were cheat-like) to familiarize yourself with DDO. But... u have that "Haggle" word in the thread name... and even Negotiator Feat(+2) and Skill Focus Haggle(+3) are barely compensate all those Haggle points other builds can get. No offense, i've actually build a bard for my girlfriend by your build,and i observe ur build for few years..Just thought that if u have a Haggle-topic, we can discuss it here too..As a lot of players who are interested in haggle twinks are visiting this thread. While most of players don't care about haggle at all..
    I very much welcome discussion on the many ways to build bards, and alter the Mississippee Queen build to someone's playstyle choices. But your proposal of building a haggle toon that isnt even a bard is just off topic not only in the thread so much as the entire Bard or specialist sections.

    As far as haggle goes, once someone takes the time to figure out the current max haggle for bards, Id be very interested in sharing that with the bard community.

    Turbine has granted haggle abilities to other classes, and anyone that maxes CHA and picks CHA in their epic destiny can go to town on haggle nowadays.

    Again, I appreciate that you've followed my thread for so long, but the point of building Mississippee was to prove that a toon that maxed out haggle could still PLAY a kick ass game of DDO... in addition to assisting my guild and friends out getting the best values on gear, healing supplies, scrolls, anything vendorable. The key however was to make her extremely effective in the field as well, not just sit at the login screen until I needed her.

    Nowadays even I do not see the value in going balls to the wall in haggle any longer. There really is too much fun stuff for bards to be doing. Still, a bard CAN go balls to the wall haggle and STILL be effective, whereas it would be immersion breaking for me to mix up any other classes to try to beat out the Pure bard just to say "HEY I GOT MORE HAGGLE!" but has gimped themselves to blithering smithereens.
    Last edited by LeslieWest_GuitarGod; 09-06-2013 at 05:01 PM.

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  4. #884
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeslieWest_GuitarGod View Post
    I very much welcome discussion on the many ways to build bards, and alter the Mississippee Queen build to someone's playstyle choices. But your proposal of building a haggle toon that isnt even a bard is just off topic not only in the thread so much as the entire Bard or specialist sections.

    As far as haggle goes, once someone takes the time to figure out the current max haggle for bards, Id be very interested in sharing that with the bard community.

    Turbine has granted haggle abilities to other classes, and anyone that maxes CHA and picks CHA in their epic destiny can go to town on haggle nowadays.

    Again, I appreciate that you've followed my thread for so long, but the point of building Mississippee was to prove that a toon that maxed out haggle could still PLAY a kick ass game of DDO... in addition to assisting my guild and friends out getting the best values on gear, healing supplies, scrolls, anything vendorable. The key however was to make her extremely effective in the field as well, not just sit at the login screen until I needed her.

    Nowadays even I do not see the value in going balls to the wall in haggle any longer. There really is too much fun stuff for bards to be doing. Still, a bard CAN go balls to the wall haggle and STILL be effective, whereas it would be immersion breaking for me to mix up any other classes to try to beat out the Pure bard just to say "HEY I GOT MORE HAGGLE!" but has gimped themselves to blithering smithereens.
    You are 100% Right! And non-gimped Haggle character is actually an ideal situation, right as it was be4 U19. It's a shame for Turbine to not add any Haggle bonuses on Bards. It's a madness actually, isn't it?
    BTW, with a sonic spellpower from Perform.. how should we actually "Nuke" this days? Also Wail with Heighten up to 6 level only.. Are u satisfied only with "Heal" and SP/HP Songs and some +SP(as u can compare +songs with +sp enhancements in usefulness) in our tree?

    BTW this is my Drow 18 bard/2 rogue build, if i could share it here. Without planner..Microsoft Excel + Screenshots - my only way to plan builds((

  5. #885
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeslieWest_GuitarGod View Post
    A discussion of skills U19:

    UMD: 51 Max. (Mass Heal requires 52 UMD roll. Even if you roll a 1, you will not fail.) Id lower Mississippee's UMD by 8 and bank em for other U19 powered skills.
    51 is enough for Mass Heal, but there are tougher scrolls you need a 59 for. Deadly Weapons comes to mind. Sometimes it's handy to be able to scroll that.

  6. #886


    Quote Originally Posted by SirValentine View Post
    51 is enough for Mass Heal, but there are tougher scrolls you need a 59 for. Deadly Weapons comes to mind. Sometimes it's handy to be able to scroll that.
    This is very true. My in-game live MQ no fails on Deadly Weapon, and every other scroll in the game... However, everything is a trade off. I just happen to believe in max UMD on my bards.

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  7. #887


    Quote Originally Posted by maizotome View Post
    BTW, with a sonic spellpower from Perform.. how should we actually "Nuke" this days? Also Wail with Heighten up to 6 level only.. Are u satisfied only with "Heal" and SP/HP Songs and some +SP(as u can compare +songs with +sp enhancements in usefulness) in our tree?((
    Im a firm believer in stacking abilities. Such as Mindfog when CC is challenged - CC of choice - Dirge - Siren's Song... choice of empower and/or maximize are options here but I prefer empower healing to be the better healer. CC > sonic on bards in most situations so max sonic all you can but don't change your build too much or you may gimpify it

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  8. #888
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    Quote Originally Posted by Outlandman View Post
    The best class for haggling is no longer bard. It is sorc (fire savant) can get +6 haggle from a tier 1 enhancement.

    I am going to +20 my hagglebard (exp stoned to lvl 16, no longer questing) to the following

    Rogue 1 (so haggle is a class skill, also 4AP in acrobat gives +3 for charming)
    Monk 3 (shintao negotiation +3, monkey form +2 at lvl 3, cha upgrade)
    sorc 12 (can cast GH, gets +6 haggle from intensity and cha upgrades)
    OK, so I realize now that this wont work because of alignment requirements. I'd have to use my +20 to shed all bard levels, then change alignment, then use a +3 heart to get monk. Feh.

    New plan:

    2 rogue levels so I can get mechanic skill boost +6 instead of human +4
    4 sorc levels so I can get intensity and +2 cha from fire tree.
    rest bard

    at lvl 6 bard, there is a core warchanter enh that gives me a GH song, and I'm going after +2 cha from warchanter tree

    AP human tree
    1 human versatility
    2 human adapt (cha)
    3 action surge (cha)
    3 skill focus (haggle)
    1 skill focus (for prereq)
    2 skill mastery
    12 total

    1 acrobat core
    3 charming

    mechanic core
    11 skill boost (+6) (5 prereq, 6 AP to buy)

    fire savant
    12 intensity and charisma (+1) including prereqs

    22 GH song and charisma (+2) including prereqs

    61 AP total needed

    my charisma:
    18 base
    4 level ups
    2 tome
    2 shipbuff
    5 equipment
    3 action surge
    1 human adapt.
    3 class-based emhancements

    38 total (fully boosted)

    haggle skill:
    14 cha bonus
    19 skill ranks
    13 equipment
    5 ship buff
    2 negotiator feat
    3 skill focus feat
    1 focusing chant
    4 greater heroism
    6 intensity
    3 charming
    6 mechanic skill boost
    3 human skill focus
    1 human skill mastery
    1 luck bonus Voice of the Master

    81 total (fully buffed)

    to get one more AP I'll have to use the extra XP thingies I get from my daily rolls on this toon until he gets that one more rank.
    Last edited by Outlandman; 09-17-2013 at 04:36 PM. Reason: forgot VoM

  9. #889
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Outlandman View Post
    4 sorc levels so I can get intensity and +2 cha from fire tree.
    fire savant
    12 intensity and charisma (+1) including prereqs
    You mention taking 4 levels of Sorc to allow +2 CHA from Fire Savant Enhancement tree, but only actually fit in +1 with APs. So, 1 less level of Sorc?

    My current plan for my Haggle Bard's 4th (and probably final) life (1 PL Rogue, 2 PL Bard - one of which wasn't really needed and I should have used my +20 LR to swap it for something else before TR):
    Human (for extra Feat, Enhancements Skill Boost for +4 Haggle, Human Adaptability for +1 CHA, Skill Focus Negotiator for +3 Haggle, Action Surge for +3 CHA during Skill Boost, Skill Mastery for +1 Haggle; total +10 Haggle, don't think any other race beats that)

    1 Barbarian (for Ravager Tier 1 Enhancement Ritual Scarring for +3 Haggle vs Rogue's Mechanic +2 larger Skill Boost)
    3 Sorcerer (for Fire Savant Tier 1 Enhancement Intensity for +6 Haggle and Tier 3 Enhancement +1 CHA)
    16 Bard

    EDIT: Or I might go for Completionist (+2 CHA and +2 Haggle for +3 Haggle total) and 3 Epic Past Lives in Martial sphere for 3x Skill Mastery (+3 Haggle).
    Last edited by Backley; 11-15-2013 at 06:51 AM.
    Author of Info Blue UI Skin (Really wish Turbine would update the skinning interface and enable all the new UI parts.)
    If you don't have an SSD, you should be using DDOPreload (fixes the slow first login issue)

  10. #890


    Quote Originally Posted by Backley View Post
    You mention taking 4 levels of Sorc to allow +2 CHA from Fire Savant Enhancement tree, but only actually fit in +1 with APs. So, 1 less level of Sorc?

    My current plan for my Haggle Bard's 4th (and probably final) life (1 PL Rogue, 2 PL Bard - one of which wasn't really needed and I should have used my +20 LR to swap it for something else before TR):
    Human (for extra Feat, Enhancements Skill Boost for +4 Haggle, Human Adaptability for +1 CHA, Skill Focus Negotiator for +3 Haggle, Action Surge for +3 CHA during Skill Boost, Skill Mastery for +1 Haggle; total +10 Haggle, don't think any other race beats that)

    1 Barbarian (for Ravager Tier 1 Enhancement Ritual Scarring for +3 Haggle vs Rogue's Mechanic +2 larger Skill Boost)
    3 Sorcerer (for Fire Savant Tier 1 Enhancement Intensity for +6 Haggle and Tier 3 Enhancement +1 CHA)
    16 Bard

    EDIT: Or I might go for Completionist (+2 CHA and +2 Haggle for +3 Haggle total) and 3 Epic Past Lives in Martial sphere for 3x Skill Mastery (+3 Haggle).

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  11. #891
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeslieWest_GuitarGod View Post
    Well, I finally settled on my enhancements for U19 Mississippee. Gone are the haggle niceties beyond max haggle skill points - if you get too greedy, you'll miss out on the new candy. And this 'Cajun Lady' loves sweet thangs as much as dresses that shine!

    Warchanter Enhancements:

    Skaldic Rage
    Poetic Edda II
    Action Boost I

    Pardon Les...just wondering how you got to Warchanter Action boost I. It needs 5 points spent to unlock and SR + PEII only equal 3 points. Am I missing something? Also, the only AB I see that low is that correct? Other than that, thanks.

  12. #892


    The Cajun Lady of Eberron proper is still alive and well! My build has changed little up until very recently, to take advantage of modern day DDO game mechanics. Whats great is I still play Mississippee the same way as I did before, except now she is a sonic powerhouse, which allows for faster soloing and top tier group capabilities.

    Im still testing whats going to work best at end game.... so for now just wanted to say: BARDS ARE BACK BABY!!

    Last edited by LeslieWest_GuitarGod; 12-17-2014 at 11:48 AM.

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  13. #893


    So for you pure bards out there, what's everyone playing?

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  14. #894
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeslieWest_GuitarGod View Post
    The Cajun Lady of Eberron proper is still alive and well! My build has changed little up until very recently, to take advantage of modern day DDO game mechanics. Whats great is I still play Mississippee the same way as I did before, except now she is a sonic powerhouse, which allows for faster soloing and top tier group capabilities.

    Im still testing whats going to work best at end game... will post the new build in a few days..... so for now just wanted to say: BARDS ARE BACK BABY!!
    I just started playing again and tracked down this thread to update my copy of MQ. Looking forward to the update!

  15. #895
    The Generous huntdawumpus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeslieWest_GuitarGod View Post
    So for you pure bards out there, what's everyone playing?
    I'm playing a Missippee Queen build with feats as layed out post U19. Got her up to level 24 and decently equipped. She's a blast to play, and I'd love to see how you've changed the build for the last updates.

    Sophiajhagl on Sarlona.

  16. #896
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    Just throwing in my support. Looking forward to seeing the update sometime soon

    I began playing again a couple of days ago after taking a break for 1½ years, and I was sad to see this build wasn't updated. I began playing a bard, but quickly abandoned it, and decided to wait for and update to this one. I've pm'ed Leslie, and he (or she) said he (or again, she) was working on it and it would be updated within a couple of weeks or so.

  17. #897


    Oh yeah, recent updates have been very kind to this build. Hell there are even MOAR ways to go than before thanks to epic destinies and the new enhancements. Expect to see the new update in a few days !

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  18. #898


    Well, enough of the silence! What is that I hear in the background... it's too late....

    Mississippee is back! Time to get lost... in song...

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  19. #899

    Default Mississippee Queen U23

    Mississippee Queen U24

    Well gosh its been almost 5 YEARS... since throwing my first Otto's on Mississippee. I'm really excited to get into discussing what the bard community thinks of where DDO is now with Spellsinger bards. This post however will contain what I've been building and playing up to today.


    Just one change from the original build. I swapped strength and con.

    STR - 14
    DEX - 8
    CON - 16
    INT - 8
    WIS - 8
    CHA - 18


    Race Enhancements:

    Action Surge CHA III
    Improved Recovery III
    Dont Count Me Out III
    Greater Heroism

    Swashbuckler Enhancements:

    Blow by Blow I
    Cutting Jibes I

    Spellsinger Enhancements:

    Haunting Melody I
    Magical Studies III (100 sp, granted: magical training feat, echos of power)
    Lingering Song III
    Flickering I
    Reverberate III
    Wand & Scroll Mastery III
    Yellow Merigold Crown
    Spell Song Trance
    Enthrallment I
    Sustaining Song
    Spell Song
    Song of Arcane Might
    Spell Penetration III
    Prodigy III
    Advanced Magical Studies III
    CHA II
    Spell Song Vigor
    Mass Hold

    Epic Destiny


    (Human Bonus) Empower Healing Spell
    Spell focus: Enchant
    Spell Penetration
    Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment
    Greater Spell Penetration
    Inspire Excellence
    Epic Spell Penetration
    Lasting Inspiration
    Epic Spell Power Sonic
    Last edited by LeslieWest_GuitarGod; 02-25-2015 at 12:18 AM.

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  20. #900
    Community Member pappo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeslieWest_GuitarGod View Post
    Mississippee Queen U24

    Well gosh its been almost 5 YEARS... since throwing my first Otto's on Mississippee. I'm really excited to get into discussing what the bard community thinks of where DDO is now with Spellsinger bards. This post however will contain what I've been building and playing up to today.
    Do you have any gear recommendations ? When I ran your original Haggle Bard, I was in robes all the way to 20, and did almost no DPS except from spells. I mostly ran around with dual scepters with potency/lore for devotion / enchantment and sonic.

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