Originally Posted by
That sounds like a fun topic but please do that in another thread. This thread is about building a bard haggle toon that is an effective in the battlefield and off. She never was about solely maxing haggle.
I will comment in that thread, as I am interested in seeing the result. But, this thread will remain about building Mississippee Queen, and having fun playing bards.
Ok, just.. my main is a bard, i love them since PnP expirience 15 years ago..>.< And i can't imagine any other toon better than bard(except maybe monk, but hey..they always were cheat-like) to familiarize yourself with DDO. But... u have that "Haggle" word in the thread name... and even Negotiator Feat(+2) and Skill Focus Haggle(+3) are barely compensate all those Haggle points other builds can get. No offense, i've actually build a bard for my girlfriend by your build,and i observe ur build for few years..Just thought that if u have a Haggle-topic, we can discuss it here too..As a lot of players who are interested in haggle twinks are visiting this thread. While most of players don't care about haggle at all..