I also got fire storm greaves, those should help yes? but even with fire storm greaves and the cold sheild and the fire resist will 360 hp be enough, hes level 17, I dont have a shroud hp item, but I got the gfl, draconic vitality, toughness, minos, and +6 con.
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sometimes we have an abundance of healers, if I get the madstone boots, would it be bad to buff, then enter the melee double madstoned? I should get firesheild procing when the scroll wears off by my bracers of the glacier, and with double madestone be around 450-500 hp no evasion, but fire sheild, fireresist, and firestorm greaves?
With 450-500 hp you'll be ok. Make sure you are riding STR as high as possible, and remember your group heals on the inside, if needed. Im sure you know this already, but for those who don't, you need silver and pure good on your weapon in order to break the pit fiends dr.
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thing about group heals, im madstoningbut its prob the only way for me to hit 450-500 hp on this toon
no shroud hp item yet.
also what tod set do you think i should aim for.
And have you run your haggle bard through tod, and various epics? (im sure you have, what I want to ask is, any important tips?)
Are any of the proposed changes in U9 making you consider adjusting your build at all?
"Swords will cut you wide open!" - Trip Fisk
Due to change.
Code:Bard lvl 20 Spellsinger Lvl 1 Spell Current Cost U9 Cost Extend? U9 Extend? Remove Fear 10 10 y y Grease 10 10 y n Focusing Chant 10 10 y y Otto's Resistible Dance 10 10 y n Merfolk's Blessing 10 10 y y Lvl 2 Spell Current Cost U9 Cost Extend? U9 Extend? Cure Moderate Wounds 15 8 n n Glitterdust 15 15 y n Hold Person 15 15 y n Soundburst 15 15 n n Blur 15 15 y y Lvl 3 Spell Current Cost U9 Cost Extend? U9 Extend? Remove Curse 20 20 n n Crushing Despair 20 20 y n Good Hope 20 20 y y Displacement 20 20 y y Haste 20 20 y y Lvl 4 Spell Current Cost U9 Cost Extend? U9 Extend? Freedom of Movement 25 25 y y Dimension Door 25 25 n n Hold Monster 25 25 y n Otto's Sphere of Dancing 25 25 y n Shout 25 8 n n Lvl 5 Spell Current Cost U9 Cost Extend? U9 Extend? Greater Dispel Magic 30 30 n n Cure Light Wounds, Mass 30 25 n n Greater Heroism 30 30 y y Suggestion, Mass 30 30 y n Mind Fog 30 30 y n Lvl 6 Spell Current Cost U9 Cost Extend? U9 Extend? Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass 35 25 n n Heroes' Feast 35 35 y y Otto's Irresistible Dance 35 35 y n Greater Shout 35 15 n n Total to cast once: 640 581 Total to cast all extended: 840 Total to cast buffs extended, offensive twice: 906
** All sonic spells get lower costs... except for Soundburst (1d8 pts of damage, 6 second stun). It will now cost the same as Greater Shout (5d6 + 30 damage, 6 second stun).
** Casting everything once: savings of 59 SP. Casting everything extended: loss of 66 SP.
The extend nerf hurts bard's crowd control across the board, and there's no way to paint it any different. Is it game braking? No. But it's yet another kick to the groin for those who enjoy the crowd control play style as a top build priority. For most game content however, it just means keeping on your toes, and working even tighter with your party to alert them you are utilizing CC so they can be more efficient.
The slightly lower cost for healing however is a real nice boost for all healing specced bards.
Credit goes to Cahira for chart.
Last edited by LeslieWest_GuitarGod; 04-15-2011 at 10:13 AM.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Dungeons & Dragons Online Guild
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TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Dungeons & Dragons Online Guild
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what dragontouch armor and tiers do you recommend?
I got the shroud since AC will never matter on my hagglebot and so far exceptional CHA for the tempest.
I was thinking CHA skills for the first tier and maybe devotion VIII for tier 3?
I am sorry if this has been stated somewhere here before and I just missed it.
Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier
Doesn't Remove Curse come in wand form? If it does I think that Deep Slumber would be a far better lv3 spell than remove curse to keep slotted with the upcoming changes.
3rd level spells are actually pretty tight on a bard no matter what, anyway.
I have Deep Slumber, Crushing Despair, Haste, Displacement, and currently Fear in my 3rd level slots on Lamma. I can`t see myself giving up the first 4 spells these days and that last slot is a relatively tough choice on Fear, Slow, or Good Hope.
Some bards like having curing spells too. This issue with wands, pots, and scrolls is inventory space. I wouldn`t mind 3 more backpack tabs just for those.![]()
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zonbLF-NMZgOriginally Posted by Turbine
hey what do you use for your 6 charisma skills shroud item?
The set I show possesses lightening guard, its dual shard.
However the exact same item can be made without lightening guard, requiring just one shard. That's what I personally use. If you tend to DPS more, go for the guard, if not, go single shard.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Dungeons & Dragons Online Guild
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Conc Op are better on a bard but you can get not +6 skills. You can get +5 CHA skills + something + Conc Op which is the way to go IMO. However if you subscribe to the "I need to max Haggle, even if there are things that help me more in combat" theory then you will not be able to live without the +6 skills and need to make one at least as a swap.
Edit: or make a conc op HP item with a +6 skills item.![]()
Last edited by Valindria; 05-25-2011 at 05:02 PM.
There are so many more ways to craft now then when I originally built Mississippee. There are many more bard-friendly items now as well. The way you play your bard, and the gear you own or are willing to farm or buy will dictate how you craft. 3x air was the 1st greensteel item I made on Miss. Why? It took care of three areas in one slot.
Max haggle
Max cha
Spellpoints for CC and healing
I still think its a very good item. However, if you are building for DPS as well, then a conop item with +5 cha skills is certainly the way to go. Miss just so heavily used CC that there was no need to go DPS most of the time. I have recently changed a few things so I am DPSing more, giving me enough benefit to consider conop.
Do I like con op? Love it on the right toon. The more often you melee, the better you utilize conop. Miss is often out of melee range healing and CCin. So on Miss, its a tossup.
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I am doing the same -- I am trying to get my capped spellsinger's melee dps up. It is poor at the moment.
And one thing I have noticed in parties she joins lately...many of those parties need another dps'er, for whatever reason. It would be nice if she could do it, just a little. Masters Touching a GS Falchion...is that a possibility?
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