You're welcomed Luxx

Beckley did a fantastic job answering your questions. I'll add a few things as well.
Human Versatility is your haggle and UMD. You dont need it for the UMD because your UMD is already the uber. However to eek out all the haggle possible, naturally HV IV one of the things to max.
Song magic III is fine. IV is not necessary imo. Quicken/maximize or Quicken/empower healing make great combos.
Bard CHA II or III? Only even numbers matter. So this is reliant solely on the other gear you find and/or craft. So, CHA II
may be all you need.
Scroll and wand mastery IV. I love it. Its just guaranteed that you will use scrolls. This ones a non negotiable in my opi.
Lingering song. Meh. If you keep your eye on the ball, this ones almost always useless. This one's a quality of life issue, and a very popular one at that.. I consider it unnecessary, but understand it's justification.
Glitterdust is great. Very underused. It's a great spell to stack on top of your other CC... makes a great door stop spell. Works in so many different ways and on so many different mobs, even undead.
Mindfog's weakness is of course its a will save. Thats ok, its another will save they need to make. I love to stack my CC. And Mindfog makes Ottos (and any other will based spell) just a tad bit more dangerous, and that makes it worthy enough to earn a spot in my arsenal of spells.