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  1. #401
    Community Member Anderei's Avatar
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    The spellsinger shines most from lvl 6-16.

    The Queenbuild can be used meleeing in the beginning until the other spellsigner capabilities start working. I suppose on a 28pt you started with 14 instead 16 str, should be still working fine. I started at lvl 4, so I dont know how to lvls 1-3 feel.

    Currently a bit ****ed at the thelanis vet elitstism with hyperactivity disorders (nooo a shroud taking 26 minutes instead of 25? lets click on the altar at stage 4 fast, before you finished looting, and no need to wait after part 5, who wanted to call out, should have done when harry was at 10%) - I started a bard at Orien, altough I had not the energy for another Queen build (in all its niceness), especially as 28pt build. I went for warchanter - but decided against all multiclassing advice for human pure, so eventually maybe when being tired to LR/GR it into a haggel-spellsinger at the cap.
    Str - 16, Dex - 15, Con - 14, Cha - 12; Toughness, TWF-chain, Slicing-Focus, Extend, Empower Heal, Improved Critical or Khopesh interesting experience at least at DDO again to level a toon without twinking it with best on level possible gear and infinite potions.Gonna be difficult to get the +2 dex tome for ITWF, might otherwise have to gimp another str lvl up into dex.
    But even staying warchanter still should yield 55 haggle, fair enough, altough my queenbuild on thelanis has 71 self buffed, without head of fortune and house d pot. In total I'm just not taking it too serious
    Last edited by Anderei; 03-13-2010 at 04:55 PM.

  2. #402

    Default Happy St Patties Day!

    "May I be in Heaven a half hour before the Devil knows I am dead."


    Johnny Tarr by Gaelic Storm

    Lemme tell you a little story about a man named Johnny Tarr
    He was a hard drinking son of a preacher, always at the bar
    Lager from the tap or shots of Paddy from the shelf
    He could open his throttle and throw back a bottle as quick as the devil himself.... Johnny Tarr

    Word got around that Johnny Tarr was no pretender,
    From Claire to here they'd lock up the beer when Jonny went on a bender,
    Down at D ickey Mack's, the Rising Sun, or at the Swan
    He was drinking at seven by ten to eleven well all the booze would be gone! Johnny Tarr!

    Even if you saw it yourself, you wouldn't believe it,
    But I wouldn't trust a person like me, if i were you
    I wasn't there I swear i have an alibi
    I heard it from a man who knows a fella who says it's true!

    It was nine in the morning, on a cold and rainy night,
    Johnny rolled into the Castle Bar, looking to get tight
    He had money in his pocket, he had whiskey in his eye,
    He said: Get up off your asses and set up the glasses, I'm drinking this place dry!

    Now all the serious boozers, they were soon broken hearted
    When Johnny finished off six and he was only getting started
    Guzzling down the pints, knokin' em back like candy,
    He was lookin' alright to be drinkin' all night, then Nora brought out the brandy! Johnny Tarr!

    Even if you saw it yourself, you wouldn't believe it,
    But I wouldn't trust a person like me, if i were you
    I wasn't therem I swear i have an alibi
    I heard it from a man who knows a fella who says it's true!

    Johnny drank the whole **** bottle, had another pint or two,
    When it made no impression he started a session with Murphy's Millenium Brew
    He was waiting for a pint when his face turned green;
    Jesus, Johnny fell down after only fifteen!

    You could have heard a pin drop, then the crowd let out a roar,
    It took five Cork women to lift Johnny off the floor!
    The doctor looked him over and said better call the hearse:
    But it's not what you're thinkin' It wasn't the Drink' this man died of thirst! Johnny Tarr!

    Chorus: X 2
    Even if you saw it yourself, you wouldn't believe it,
    But I wouldn't trust a person like me, if i were you
    I wasn't therem I swear i have an alibi
    I heard it from a man who knows a fella who says it's true!

    ** Happy St Patricks Day fellow bards!
    Last edited by LeslieWest_GuitarGod; 03-17-2010 at 05:29 AM.

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  3. #403
    Community Member Torkzed's Avatar
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    Default Spellsingers--How do you deal with undead?

    I am leveling up a spellsinger (currently lvl 7) along the lines of the original MQ. I recently ran necro part 1 with a good group, and although things went rather smooth, I felt mostly useless. I was able to do some buffing and I backed up the primary healer, but I just can't figure out how to have a real impact on fights with lots of undead.

    I noticed the same thing in Delera's and the Catacombs.

    I do great CC against kobolds and hobgoblins, but undead...

    Any suggestions?

  4. #404
    Community Member Anderei's Avatar
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    Holy Quaterstaff!

    Otherwise, Personally I'd avoid Necro 1. I find the whole Necro series badly designed with the exception of cursed crypt, but only because its so much XP. Deleras is nice tough, and don't forget the silverflame club is actually useful beating the ghost-skelettons if you do not yet have a holy club/quaterstaff

  5. #405
    Community Member Torkzed's Avatar
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    Default Thanks for the suggestion

    I will put a holy quarterstaff/club on my shopping list.

    I definitely need something... In that run through necro part 1, I found the best thing in my inventory for fighting the undead was the old eternal acid wand from WW (I do have wand mastery II).

    It was sad, really. But it kept me out of the way of the party's tanks, and gave me something to do between buffing and heals.

    And I did finish off the end boss vampire with it

  6. #406


    Undead can definitely be a thorn in the side of many a spellsinger.

    However, if you pump strength to 16 during the build phase, you will have some options many spellsingers do not have. Early in the build, Id alternate between a holy quarterstaff and club/shield. Soundburst is great for mass damage. Undead is immune to the stun effect, but they take sonic damage. Some skeletons tend to be low on strength, which makes them easily tripable, especially skeleton casters.

    Look for a nice disruptor staff. I used a flaming staff of disruption for a while.. that worked great.

    Like any smart dps effort, remember to focus/use strength boosts/haste when they become available.

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  7. #407
    Community Member Skani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torkzed View Post
    I noticed the same thing in Delera's and the Catacombs.
    I do great CC against kobolds and hobgoblins, but undead...
    Any suggestions?
    Gliterring Dust works on undeads. On low levels its really nice spell - use it, love it. And your party gonna love blind skeletons
    MR. NOOB
    Skanher, Skani, Skaner, Skannar, Skanbot.

  8. #408


    Quote Originally Posted by Skani View Post
    Gliterring Dust works on undeads. On low levels its really nice spell - use it, love it. And your party gonna love blind skeletons
    Ahh yes, how could I forget Glitterdust.. I spammed the **** out of that spell. It can change the outcome of a nasty door fight. I use it often.

    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Dungeons & Dragons Online Guild
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  9. #409
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torkzed View Post
    I am leveling up a spellsinger (currently lvl 7) along the lines of the original MQ. I recently ran necro part 1 with a good group, and although things went rather smooth, I felt mostly useless. I was able to do some buffing and I backed up the primary healer, but I just can't figure out how to have a real impact on fights with lots of undead.

    I noticed the same thing in Delera's and the Catacombs.

    I do great CC against kobolds and hobgoblins, but undead...

    Any suggestions?
    Well depending on what you want to be doing, you can swap around and rebuild enhancements to take Music of the Dead if you are going to be doing Necro for a few days. Fascinating rooms of undead can be very very useful in the midlevels.
    Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more

  10. #410
    Community Member techguru's Avatar
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    Default Thanks

    LOL - thanks for whomever gave me ME bad replication.
    I was being sarcastic.. in the above statement for those that might have misunderstood.

    It was meant for the people that gave me the negative reputation for thanking leslie for the valuable inforemation found in this thread.

    Those people can go ahead and give me another 100 negative reputation if you want.
    I stand by my statement that I found very good and useful information posted here in leslie's post.
    Last edited by techguru; 03-31-2010 at 04:31 PM.
    PrepOn Pinciotti Lv 20 Human Bard Alahona Lv 20 Drow Sorcerer Sliceomatic Lv 20 Warforged Exploiter Vestri Vigoratus Lv 16 Human Cleric

  11. #411


    I have been asked many times why I actually "use" a Lorriks Shield. Technically, I dont use it as a shield, I use it as a clickie. Many people forget or don't realize there are 2 clicks of Panacea on this shield. I must say there's no better jack-of-all trades clickie than this one.

    ONE clickie that can remove feeblemind, poison, disease, fatigue, & nausea on myself in one shot, as well as give me a few hit points. To me, proper raid etiquette equates to letting clerics get first dibs on this ultra-valuable (to clerics) shield. But if no clerics roll, this is a great shield to posses... even if it only is used to remove feeblemind (pretty much all I use it for, unless of course I ran out of a wand mid-quest).

    Feeblemind drops your CHA (and int) down to zero. Not a good thing for a bard. Luckily, the feeblemind effect still allows you to use clickies! (The only other way to remove feeblemind is to drink a cheapo mnemonic pot)
    Last edited by LeslieWest_GuitarGod; 03-23-2010 at 06:52 PM.

    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Dungeons & Dragons Online Guild
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  12. #412


    Quote Originally Posted by techguru View Post
    I stand by my statement that I found very good and useful information posted here in leslie's post.
    I highly appreciate it brotha! Exactly why I've worked so hard to make this thread more than just about MY build. Always thankful to the bard community for coming together and helping one another out. That's all I've tried to accomplish here.

    Glad to see you found something fun to build and it seems like you dont regret a thing!

    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Dungeons & Dragons Online Guild
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  13. #413
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeslieWest_GuitarGod View Post
    I have been asked many times why I actually "use" a Lorriks Shield. Technically, I dont use it as a shield, I use it as a clickie. Many people forget or don't realize there are 2 clicks of Panacea on this shield. I must say there's no better jack-of-all trades clickie than this one.

    ONE clickie that can remove feeblemind, poison, disease, fatigue, & nausea on myself in one shot, as well as give me a few hit points. To me, proper raid etiquette equates to letting clerics get first dibs on this ultra-valuable (to clerics) shield. But if no clerics roll, this is a great shield to posses... even if it only is used to remove feeblemind (pretty much all I use it for, unless of course I ran out of a wand mid-quest).

    Feeblemind drops your CHA (and int) down to zero. Not a good thing for a bard. Luckily, the feeblemind effect still allows you to use clickies! (The only other way to remove feeblemind is to drink a cheapo mnemonic pot)
    or you can just wait 6 seconds and make a save now as well.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  14. #414


    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    or you can just wait 6 seconds and make a save now as well.
    ... which is a very welcomed change

    However... I choose to be prepared at all times, and a feeblemind at the wrong time could wreck havoc, and 6-12 seconds without a healer can alter the outcome of a quest. Therefore, I choose to carry panacea with me just in case ...

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  15. #415
    Community Member pappo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeslieWest_GuitarGod View Post
    Maybe the most talked about build in DDO that is the LEAST published is the mysterious haggle bard. However, when pushed, many who own a haggle bard will admit to only a 30ish to 40ish haggle skill. Some proper planning can really push the ceiling higher and net some great savings.

    Here's my build, about some rich "cajun lady".... a Mississippee Queen....

    So, how should I best outfit this Ivana Trump of Eberron proper? Would you change any feats/enhancements?
    I just started using your build and have just reached level 4 and wanted to ask some questions. I apologize if these questions have been asked before, and if so, just point me to the post.

    1. How did you finally "outfit" your Queen ?? What gear do you wear (armor, weapons, etc..) ?
    3. Did you change any feats/enhancements from your original posted build for Mississippee ?

    Thanks for the build and the other bard info you have posted concerning buffs.
    Last edited by pappo; 04-11-2010 at 09:34 AM.

  16. #416


    Quote Originally Posted by pappo View Post
    I just started using your build and have just reached level 4 and wanted to ask some questions. I apologize if these questions have been asked before, and if so, just point me to the post.

    1. How did you finally "outfit" your Queen ?? What gear do you wear (armor, weapons, etc..) ?
    3. Did you change any feats/enhancements from your original posted build for Mississippee ?

    Thanks for the build and the other bard info you have posted concerning buffs.
    goggles: supreme air greensteel with 3x haste clickies/auto haste/trip upon getting hit/+6 CHA skills (haggle/umd booster)
    necklace: Lorricks necklace for the healing benefits
    trinket: Head of Good Fortune, mummified bat.
    cloak: Bard Cloak
    boots: firestorm greaves, balance 15
    bracers: DC1 enchantment school
    belt: con 6 belt, Belt of Thoughtful Remembrance
    gloves: Gauntlets of Eternity for healing benefits
    rings: 30 striding ring of springing, greater false life, greater acid ring
    robes: a whole host of robes, fearsome/greater fire resistance seems like I wear the most. It changes based on quest I'm doing however.

    weapons: most times I use superior potency 6/greater spell pen 6 scepters. However I have a selection of weaponry when I choose to go melee. paralizer, vorpal,, flaming quaterstaff of disruption, smiter, 2 greater construct banes for shroud portals, and a light/dark shield that I'll use when I want to solo or tank up. My favorite melee weapons I have are 2 +5 flaming burst heavy picks of puncturing that I use when I play with hold monster. Auto crit heaven!

    2. As for feats/enhancements, I changed several things based on good advice from other bards in the community as listed in this forum. However, each time I made a change, I updated the OP. So the way its listed in the OP is exactly what I run with.

    There is DEFINATELY flexibility in the feats/enhancements for customization. Replacing the haggle feats with quicken/toughness or heighten have been done. I have not found a need yet to do it, so I havent. Your CC abilities are still fantastic, with a very high perform. Only a virtuoso can outsing you.
    Last edited by LeslieWest_GuitarGod; 04-11-2010 at 11:28 AM.

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  17. #417
    Community Member pappo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeslieWest_GuitarGod View Post
    robes: a whole host of robes, fearsome/greater fire resistance seems like I wear the most. It changes based on quest I'm doing however.
    Thank you for answering. I am having a good time with the bard. I have been a healer for some groups and did well with only cure moderate. My hypno and soundburst have worked extremely well. Soundburst is awesome at these low levels

    I just made level 5 tonight so your gear is not anything I can think about at this time.

    Did you run with robes in the early levels also ?
    I am using a +3 mithral chain armor and +3 light mithral shield right now and longswords to protect myself. Should I completely forget about melee for now and just practice the CC & buffs and use robes for protection ?

    Also, why did you take invisibility at lvl 5 and not take something like hold person or suggestion for CC? Was that so you could solo these lower level quests ?.

  18. #418


    Quote Originally Posted by pappo View Post
    Thank you for answering. I am having a good time with the bard. I have been a healer for some groups and did well with only cure moderate. My hypno and soundburst have worked extremely well. Soundburst is awesome at these low levels

    I just made level 5 tonight so your gear is not anything I can think about at this time.

    Did you run with robes in the early levels also ?
    I am using a +3 mithral chain armor and +3 light mithral shield right now and longswords to protect myself. Should I completely forget about melee for now and just practice the CC & buffs and use robes for protection ?

    Also, why did you take invisibility at lvl 5 and not take something like hold person or suggestion for CC? Was that so you could solo these lower level quests ?.
    You are doing pretty much what I did. You will find you have more options available to you then you really need, not always a problem! Just look to fit in devotion/potency items to increase your healing. The highest quality you can find at each level raise. This will boost your early/mid level healing beyond many healers in the battlefield. You want to look for a DC 1 enchantment item. Bracers should be easy to find. Check the vendors and the auction house. This will boost effectiveness of all your will based crowd control spells.

    Now is about the time you want to start shopping for robes/cloaks. There are robes that add mana, deathblock, fearsome, elemental resistance.

    You want to start making a weapon set that you will start using more and more as you level. You are always looking for the best combo of potency/spell penetration as you level. Dual wield these. With one weapon set, you boost your healing AND your CC capabilities.

    Once you have spell point, devotion/potency, DC1, and spell penetration gear covered, now its time for you to learn how to CC. Get out into the wild aera. Solo it. Bring a friend/guildie. Duo it. Learn how fascinate works. Use all your spells. Get comfortable. Then host slayer/XP parties out in the wild areas.

    I was party leader often while I was building Mississippee. That way, I had the star, if people didnt want to work together, if people didnt want play smart, they got the boot. Or, they simply didnt get healed/buffed

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  19. #419
    Community Member pappo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeslieWest_GuitarGod View Post
    You are doing pretty much what I did. You will find you have more options available to you then you really need, not always a problem! Just look to fit in devotion/potency items to increase your healing. The highest quality you can find at each level raise. This will boost your early/mid level healing beyond many healers in the battlefield. You want to look for a DC 1 enchantment item. Bracers should be easy to find. Check the vendors and the auction house. This will boost effectiveness of all your will based crowd control spells.

    Now is about the time you want to start shopping for robes/cloaks. There are robes that add mana, deathblock, fearsome, elemental resistance.

    You want to start making a weapon set that you will start using more and more as you level. You are always looking for the best combo of potency/spell penetration as you level. Dual wield these. With one weapon set, you boost your healing AND your CC capabilities.

    Once you have spell point, devotion/potency, DC1, and spell penetration gear covered, now its time for you to learn how to CC. Get out into the wild aera. Solo it. Bring a friend/guildie. Duo it. Learn how fascinate works. Use all your spells. Get comfortable. Then host slayer/XP parties out in the wild areas.

    I was party leader often while I was building Mississippee. That way, I had the star, if people didnt want to work together, if people didnt want play smart, they got the boot. Or, they simply didnt get healed/buffed
    I took your advice and got rid of the mithral armor and found a Moderate Fort, Fearsome, and Shadow of Mobility(for solo) robes. With the pots of Mage Armor, Barkskin +3, and Shield of Faith +3 my AC is at 20 so I didn't lose much by selling the mithral chain armor. I just need to remember to keep drinking them.
    I also found a Potency II of Power III and +2 Spell Penetration scepters for my main weapon set. Also got the "Flame headgear" which gives me 30% boost on heal spells. I am still looking for the DC1 item.

    I have been testing Fascinate against the Kobolds in the entrance to the Shan-t-Kor quest. I see now how it is all about the timing of throwing the spell while moving towards the enemies.
    Thanks for these tips. I look forward to seeing how my CC/buffs do now.

  20. #420


    Quote Originally Posted by pappo View Post
    I have been testing Fascinate against the Kobolds in the entrance to the Shan-t-Kor quest. I see now how it is all about the timing of throwing the spell while moving towards the enemies.
    Thanks for these tips. I look forward to seeing how my CC/buffs do now.
    Hypnotise & soundburst make a great combo... I used to use them together all the time at lower levels.

    As for healing, its imperative to always look for the best potency item you can use at each level. The better your potency, the better your healing.

    Glad your diggin' it!

    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Dungeons & Dragons Online Guild
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