You are doing pretty much what I did. You will find you have more options available to you then you really need, not always a problem! Just look to fit in
devotion/potency items to increase your healing. The highest quality you can find at each level raise. This will boost your early/mid level healing beyond many healers in the battlefield. You want to look for a
DC 1 enchantment item. Bracers should be easy to find. Check the vendors and the auction house. This will boost effectiveness of all your will based crowd control spells.
Now is about the time you want to start shopping for
robes/cloaks. There are robes that add mana, deathblock, fearsome, elemental resistance.
You want to start making a weapon set that you will start using more and more as you level. You are always looking for the best combo of
potency/spell penetration as you level. Dual wield these. With one weapon set, you boost your healing AND your CC capabilities.
Once you have spell point, devotion/potency, DC1, and spell penetration gear covered, now its time for you to learn how to CC. Get out into the wild aera. Solo it. Bring a friend/guildie. Duo it. Learn how fascinate works. Use all your spells. Get comfortable. Then host slayer/XP parties out in the wild areas.
I was party leader often while I was building Mississippee. That way, I had the star, if people didnt want to work together, if people didnt want play smart, they got the boot. Or, they simply didnt get healed/buffed