Epic Elyd Edge:
Just holding Eylds Edge empowers a bard with sonic powers unlike any other class. Empowered with new powerful abilities, this bard can benefit nearby party members while damaging creatures that enter it's aura.
+6 Rapier, 2d6 base, Attack Mod: CHA, Charisma +7, good, adamantine, magic damage (just like SOS)
Keen -- 15-20 crit range (bards only: if you have improved crit slashing or piercing, 17-20 otherwise). x3 crit multiplier.
Sonic Weapon -- 1d6 sonic damage per hit.
Wounding Whispers -- Caster is surrounded by a sonic aura that harms those who attack him. Anything striking the wielder with a melee attack takes 1d6 + 1/lvl Sonic damage.
Cacophonic Burst -- on crit: You cause a burst of low, discordant noise to erupt at the chosen location. It deals 1d6 points of sonic damage
per bard level to all creatures within the area.
Tactical Precision -- Up to 1 party member per level in a 30’ area are better able to coordinate their attacks. If two of this spell’s subjects flank the same creature, they receive an extra +2 Insight bonus on their attacks on that creature and do +1d6 damage if the creature is vulnerable to sneak attacks.
Anthem -- song regen.
What do ya'll think?