Bards cc spells struggle because of the type of mobs at the current end game. Since we currently have devils which have high will saves and our staple spells are will save spells our cc spells are not that useful. I was looking forward to mod 8 because it was going to have other mob types such as giants that I could cc well, but alas the devs made them immune to enchantment effects which really hurts since next mod should have alot more devils which have high will saves.
Web is far superior to any bard cc spell in the current end game. Otto's dance ball is a will save spell, has a slower casting time, and is laggy. Ottos dance is a single target and short range. All other bard cc spells either give the mobs will or fort saves.
I have always thought the concept of building a haggle bard very boring. Qwijy and Gtar, who have their own business on Khyber, are the exception, but to build a bard just to make a little cash seems not fun. My spellsinger bard has a 60+ haggle, but I made her and play her all the time because I really enjoy her. In the VOD raid she is my best character by a longshot. She takes up a cleric spot and supplies bard songs and buffs - what isn't to like with that.