Well, my bard that's mostly following this build is finally 50k xp away from hitting level 20.
For the most part, its been a good run. Definitely fun playing the crowd control role, especially from levels 4-16 or so. The last few levels, however, have become a bit frustrating.
What's currently been bothering me most is my crowd control. I've been running Amrath a lot lately... and what the heck is with the will saves there? I swear nothing ever dances in a dancing ball unless it rolls a nat 1, and the only effect glitterdust or mind fog ever have is to draw aggro to me (though a few rogues commented on loving that, go figure).
I've also been looking at my DCs. I currently can hit 32 with my dreamspitter equipped on my 6th level enchantments. Now I look at my fascinate, having recently acquired a Bard's cloak. Unbuffed (and who doesn't keep GH on themselves?) my Fascinate has a DC that's random from... 54 to 73. Makes me wonder why I even bother with any crowd control but fascinate and Otto's Irresistible Dance. A monster that needs a 20 to save against a minimum DC fascinate could save on a 2 from my mass charm monster.
Still though, when I'm playing in areas where the monsters don't have insane will saves, I'm ripping things apart. Recently did an elite run of Acid Wit, and the party took virtually no damage from most of the enemies who danced away in the doorways. In fact, none of us suffered a single hit from the vengeance-seekers, due to overlapping dancing ball/glitterdust/mind fog.
It feels sad to be reduced to a buffbot with a stack of healing scrolls for some of the raids... but then, sometimes that's exactly what's needed. 75% Wand and Scroll mastery is enough to make my cleric jealous sometimes.
Still need a head of good fortune and Tier 3 on my greensteel goggles, and a greensteel weapon (luckily I got +1 exceptional cha on my dragontouched armor)... but my haggle's getting up there.
Remember to take advantage of the succubus hunting game that's back in the marketplace... even if you (as usual) only trigger the +1 psionic skills bonus, its well worth the 1000 gold.
*edit* One other question - if I wanted to keep lingering song at 2 or 3, what should I get rid of, without sacrificing haggle?