Just saw this interesting article. Apparently, Worlds.com invented the environment that apparently all MMOs use. Well, at least thats the way their patent and lawsuit reads against NCsoft (Tabula Rasa, Guild Wars, Lineage and City of Heroes).
http://www.betanews.com/article/Virt...Eve/1230595222The patent in question describes methods to allow a user to "interact with other users in a virtual space" through a server, with an avatar representing each user.
The patent's abstract reads in part, "The present invention provides a highly scalable architecture for a three-dimensional graphical, multi-user, interactive virtual world system."
Which sounds like every MMO out there. I wonder if they are successful at suing NCSoft if Blizzard is next along with every other company out there with a MMO.
Worlds.com's own website has several links to various articles about their lawsuit at:
What do ya'll think?