I've been leveling up a TWF khopesh barbarian and I'm wondering if I should stop and rebuild it into THF given the coming barbarian changes.
Premises: (Correct if wrong please)
1. Maxing DPS seems to rely on going two handed for the power attack and glancing blow enhancements.
(I could have sworn I saw an enhancement preview somewhere that showed a power attack boost for barbarians. I think it doubled the power attack damage again for THF. I can't find it now.)
2. AC, while already difficult to get to a meaningful level in high end, will be nigh meaningless when raging and frenzying for all but the absolute best equipped barbarians. Therefore, high HP will be much more important.
Given these perceptions, it seems that best barbarian may be the one that looks the simplest.
Stats: 18 str, 18/20 con (depending on race), and dump the rest.
Levels: 20 barb or 18barb /2 fighter
Feats would be PA, Cleave, Toughness, the three THF feats, Improved Critical, and Stunning Blow.
Depending on the build, more feats may be available.
Let me know what you think.