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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post

    It's balanced so that a cleric heavily spec'd with it will do well. A cleric like yours who has no real specialization in it at all will not do well.
    Uhm...unless you noticed, I've went well out of my way to acquire every item in game that can help turning, sans Mod 9 with the new Radiant set.

    And for every example you gave, it was a much higher Cleric Level than quest level that you said turning works, and you also left out the difficulty level.

    Another item, when you turn undead, you still get hit 3 times since undead still get to finish their attack queues. So, try standing around a few Mage Skellies, cast Turn Undead, get lighting bolted to death, and then see the skellies run away in fear from your corpse.

    The truth is, and I agree, you have to truly invest in Turn Undead for it to work. I mean feats, enhancements, items, build, etc.

    To get those, that's a huge investment in Feats and Enhancements that really limit what you can do elsewhere.

    So, bump up the higher end enhancements even more, so if a cleric does decide to go down that path, then Turn Undead for his level, and similar quest levels pays off.

  2. #22
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    Default re-use the save mecanism for turning?

    Quote Originally Posted by cinoaz View Post
    "I would love to see the halt undead aspect incorporated into the turning. Critfail=Destroyed, FailedSave=Halted, partialsave=feared, Save=no effect. "

    Turn Undead is one of those things that DDO follows *Precisely* to PnP and that there lies the problem.
    It thing it would be possible for the to make it work and still follow the PnP turning rules.
    But I asume that it's takes a bit more work then they are willing to invest in this area.

    If they use the same system as the casters as (eg "saves") it would be much easier for them to balance the dungeons for turning (as it would not nead a separate balance).

    My humble sugestion is that turning would chance to work in a similar way as the 2 to saves spell Weird.

    The target first gets a Will save. The DC of the Cleric - for the will save - is his "cleric turn effective level" (similar for paladin).
    If that save fails, the undead must succeed on a Fortitude save or be destoyed. The Save DC for this ability is "pure" Cleric Level/2 + Charisma Modifier. Even if the Fortitude save is successful, the subject cower in fear.

    Doing it the above way the "cower in fear" effect would be usefull for all Clerics/Paladins.
    But to destroy the undeads you need to have high charisma.

    The mecanism to calculate the DC that the first save is calculated against is a bit arbitary. And there might be good reasons to do it in a nother way. To use the will savs is also a bit arbitary. If it would be equal easier to implement the first save could also be a fort save.

    The 2nd save is solid. Using for save you ensure that you re-use the game mecanism that are used to balance against Implosion and WB.

  3. #23
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    I still have two turning clerics in game. One is level 20 now and the other lvl 17.

    The first is a 28pt build, my very first build in game, which was a cleric. The second is a 32pt build Drow, the day I unlocked Drow many, many moons ago

    I keep them around on the off chance, maybe someday, that DDO will decide, to *change* Turn Undead so it fits within DDO universe.

    I'm still ridiculed by Guildies everytime I bring them out of hibernation, I heard all the puns and one liners, and I go merifully on my way living the dream of hope that Turn Undead in DDO may someday be a viable option for clerics...

    Audacity of Hope covers many a dreams.......

  4. #24
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    In this day and age of favoured souls please give clerics back the respect they are due and the power they deserve as to be able to turn and dispel undead as well as they used to be able to do in the days of AD&D 2nd edition and not with the current pathetic ability/feat that I have been told about by all other player clerics and I am reading about now. Come on devs some suggestions may be over the top and some may be borderline but I think everyone agrees this suggestion/request is completely sensible within gameplay and only fair and, in fact is overdue to be implemented. The options within spellcasting for damaging undead are pretty pathetic and badly implemened by design, ie using Bladre Barrier, that one spell kills all similar in many ways to Fire Wall, whilst light based spells more specifically designed to do large damage to them are still pathetic in comparison to the BB.
    Last edited by joneb1999; 02-08-2010 at 01:14 PM.

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