This post is a first in a series of post about Turn Undead. You can view the second post here.
I decided to research this to it's fullest, using actual equipment and actual numbers:
Cleric lvl 16
Chr mod is +7
Edit: I haven't equipped the Radiant Server Set yet, so I don't know what "Exceptional Bonus" this provides for turn undead.
Seraphim Helm (Sacred and Hallowed)
Lorriks Shield (+2 to Turn level, +2 to damage and +4 to Max HD Turned)
Gauntlets of Eternity (+2 to Turn level, +2 to damage and +4 to Max HD Turned)
Edit: New item Drops from the Spire quest in Deleras Graveyard. Same bonuses as Gauntlets of Eternity for Turn Undead Checks, but they don't stack with the Gauntlets.
Basically the same bonus at a lower level for Turn Undead that is, the Gauntlets have other bonuses worth getting IMO
Seek Eternal Rest (+4 to level)
First I was lead to believe that the items stacked for the Turn Undead calculation, but, my numbers were not adding up. So, I decided to settle the issue once and for all. Below are my findings, what stacks with what, and a conclusion about Turning Undead in DDO.
Wearing Nothing at all:
(Combat): You roll to see how effective your turn undead is. You roll a 9 : you hit foes up to 18 hit dice.
9 [roll] + 7 [CHR Mod] = 16--> Check table table says 16 (Cleric Level) + 2(From Roll per Table) = 18 Max HD <- Calculation works
Helm Only (+2 to both Effective level and Max Hit Die)
(Combat): You roll to see how effective your turn undead is. You roll a 12 : you hit foes up to 23 hit dice.
12 [roll] + 7 [CHR Mod] = 19--> Check table table says 16(Cleric Level) + 2 (Helm's Effective Level Increase) + 3 (Per Table) = 21 + 2 (Helm Bonus) = 23 Max HD <- Calculation works
Shield Only (+2 to both Effective level and Max Hit Die)
(Combat): You roll to see how effective your turn undead is. You roll a 16 : you hit foes up to 24 hit dice.
16 [roll] + 7 [CHR Mod] = 23--> Check table table says 16(Cleric Level) + 2 (Shield Effective Level Increase) + 4 (Per Table) = 22 + 2 (shield Bonus) = 24 Max HD <-
Calculation works
Gauntlets Only (+2 to both Effective level and Max Hit Die) (Or new Deleras Item)
(Combat): You roll to see how effective your turn undead is. You roll a 14 : you hit foes up to 23 hit dice.
14 [roll] + 7 [CHR Mod] = 21--> Check table table says 16(Cleric Level) + 2 (Gauntlet Effective Level Increase) + 3 (Per Table) = 21 + 2 (Gauntlet Bonus) = 23 Max HD
<- Calculation works
(Combat): You roll to see how effective your turn undead is. You roll a 15 : you hit foes up to 24 hit dice.
15 [roll] + 7 [CHR Mod] = 22--> Check table table says 16(Cleric Level) + 4 (Per Table) = 20 + 4 (SER Bonus) = 24 Max HD <- Calculation works
Now for some Combo numbers
Gauntlet(or New Delera's Item) and Helm
(Combat): You roll to see how effective your turn undead is. You roll a 14 : you hit foes up to 23 hit dice.
14 [roll] + 7 [CHR Mod] = 21--> Check table table says 16(Cleric Level) + 2 (Gauntlet/Helm Effective Level Increase) + 3 (Per Table) = 21 + 2 (Gauntlet/Helm Bonus) = 23 Max HD <- Either the Gauntlet or Helm is being used, since they are both the same bonuses, it's obvious they don't stack.
Gauntlet and Lorriks
(Combat): You roll to see how effective your turn undead is. You roll a 9 : you hit foes up to 22 hit dice.
9 [roll] + 7 [CHR Mod] = 16--> Check table table says 16(Cleric Level) + 2 (Gauntlet/Lorrik Effective Level Increase) + 2 (Per Table) = 20 + 2 (Gauntlet/Lorrik Bonus) = 22 Max HD <- Either Gauntlet or Lorriks Shield is being applied, since they are both the same bonuses, it's obvious they don't stack.
Helm and Lorriks
(Combat): You roll to see how effective your turn undead is. You roll a 16 : you hit foes up to 24 hit dice.
16 [roll] + 7 [CHR Mod] = 23 --> Check table table says 16(Cleric Level) + 2 (Helm/Lorrik Effective Level Increase) + 4 (Per Table) = 22 + 2 (Helm/Lorrik Bonus) = 24 Max HD <- Either Helm or Lorriks Shield is being applied, since they are both the same bonuses, it's obvious they don't stack.
Now throw SER into the Mix
SER and Gauntlet
(Combat): You roll to see how effective your turn undead is. You roll a 19 : you hit foes up to 28 hit dice.
19 [roll] + 7 [CHR Mod] = 26 --> Check table table says 16(Cleric Level) + 2 (Gauntlet Effective Level Increase) + 4 (Per Table) = 22 + 2 (Gauntlet Bonus) + 4 (SER Bonus) = 28 Max HD <- So, it seems, SER stacks with the Gauntlets
Let's check out Max HD turned
(Combat): You roll for turning damage. You roll a 6 : 39 total hit dice of enemies can be turned..
6 [roll] + 16 (Cleric Level) + 2 (Gauntlets Effective Cleric level bonus) + 7 (CHR Mod) + 4 (SER) + 4 (Gauntlets Total HD) = 39 HD
So, it seems, SER and Gauntlets stack for both Max HD Creature and Max HD turned
SER and Helm
(Combat): You roll to see how effective your turn undead is. You roll a 12 : you hit foes up to 27 hit dice.
12 [roll] + 7 [CHR Mod] = 19 --> Check table table says 16(Cleric Level) + 2 (Helm Effective Level Increase) + 3 (Per Table) = 21 + 2 (Helm Bonus) + 4 (SER Bonus) = 28 Max HD <- So, it seems, SER stacks with the Gauntlets
(Combat): You roll for turning damage. You roll a 10 : 39 total hit dice of enemies can be turned.
10 [roll] + 16 (Cleric Level) + 2 Helm Effective Cleric level bonus) + 7 (CHR Mod) + 4 (SER) = 39 HD
Yep, calculation works out.
So, the end result, the ONLY thing that stacks are Highest Bonus, Plus Feats and Enhancements if you have them.
Knowing this, you want items that have:
1. An Effective Cleric Bonus
2. A Max HD Turned Bonus
3. Total HD Turned Bonus
The only two items that are in game that have all three bonuses are:
1. Gauntlets of Eternity (Reaver Drop)
2. Lorriks Shield (Hound Drop)
A final option is the Silver Flame Shield out of Temple of Vol. That gives you a +6 to your effective Turning level.
Now, the question would be, If you have both the Gauntlets and the Silver Flame shield equipped, and you have SER casted which seems to stack with everything, But, the Silver Flame bonus would be larger tha the Gauntlet bonus for Effective Cleric Level and Shield Bonus would be used in lieu of Gauntlet Bonus. But, the Gauntlets still have Max Hit Die and Total Hit Die bonuses, which should still be counted.
The hypothetical calculation could be:
(Combat): You roll to see how effective your turn undead is. You roll a 15 : **your hypothetical** hit foes up to 36 hit dice.
15 [roll] + 7 [CHR Mod] = 22 --> Check table table says 16(Cleric Level) + 6 (Silver Flame Shield Effective Level Increase) + 4 (Per Table) + 4 (Feat and Enhancement bonus) = 30 + 2 (Gauntlet Bonus) + 4 (SER Bonus) = 36 Max HD <- So, the max HD baddie you can turn would be a 36, subtract 4 if you don't have the Feat and Enhancement line, bringing it to 32.
A final thought, So, what can you turn, with, say, a 36 HD turn roll, well, I have no idea.....maybe a skeleton in Delera's on normal.....
Thus, the debate begins. A cleric's ability to "Turn" undead is greatly reduced due the shear number of undead in encounters. Now a Sorc or Wizard, who has Halt Undead, have no such limitation, just a Will save if that and can immobilize any number of undead in an area.
So a Level 3 caster spell is unbelievably more powerful than a Level 16 Cleric, with Full Turn feat and Enhancements, Epic Loot, and whatever spell bonus you can muster.
To rub more salt into the wound. Once you turn a baddie, it still goes through it's queued attacks even though it's turned. In my testing, I saw a steady 3 attacks by a baddie, after it was turned. Halt Undead has no such *grace period*. So, after I turned a skellie, I proceeded to get attacked 3 times, depending on what those attacks are, could do serious damage.
A caster, who succeeds on a Halt Undead, get's attacked 0 times after the skellie is halted.
Yeah, Turn Undead seems woefully wrong in DDO.