Diablo 2 was awesome for a while. I was in a regular crew that was second only to one other regular crew in the online play, and many of us could switch characters to fill the vacant party slots.
When WoW was released, many of my old team left and when I tried to join them in WoW, it turned out that I didn't know which server they'd gone to. I'd been told, but forgot, and went to Zul'Jin, instead. In retrospect, they'd told me the first alphabetical listing, and I went to the last. WoW was fun for a while (200+ days played), but its society was ruled by the teenagers (young teenagers) and I never fit in well.
The customization of the character builds in this game is really outstanding, as is its combat. I played from the mid-eighties book rules on occasion, and had the first edition hardcovers almost memorized, so when DDO was released, I came here from WoW and never looked back.
If DDO were canceled, I would not play another MMO. LotRO just isn't as cool a game as DDO, despite my having read The Lord of the Rings about fifty times. Turbine would have to change LotRO's interface, combat, and character customization to DDO's in order for it to hold any interest for me. Oh, and then I'd have to be able to transfer my characters and gear there, too.
The new Star Wars, according to rumor, will be using the DDO combat system.
When the new Diablo 3 and Starcraft are released, I'll almost definitely buy and play them. My honest hope is that I will be taking a paid leave of absence from here to do that. If people knew about this game, the developers would be posting about the need for server splits and offering free character transfers to the new Realms.