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  1. #41
    Community Member Mithran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odium View Post
    When diablo 3 comes out i am taking a week off of work. I also played diablo 2 into the ground, the loot runs were the best ever. The new graphics and mechanics look awesome. The online play was great, and there was always people to group with. the magic items were good.

    Diablo 2 was awesome for a while. I was in a regular crew that was second only to one other regular crew in the online play, and many of us could switch characters to fill the vacant party slots.

    When WoW was released, many of my old team left and when I tried to join them in WoW, it turned out that I didn't know which server they'd gone to. I'd been told, but forgot, and went to Zul'Jin, instead. In retrospect, they'd told me the first alphabetical listing, and I went to the last. WoW was fun for a while (200+ days played), but its society was ruled by the teenagers (young teenagers) and I never fit in well.

    The customization of the character builds in this game is really outstanding, as is its combat. I played from the mid-eighties book rules on occasion, and had the first edition hardcovers almost memorized, so when DDO was released, I came here from WoW and never looked back.

    If DDO were canceled, I would not play another MMO. LotRO just isn't as cool a game as DDO, despite my having read The Lord of the Rings about fifty times. Turbine would have to change LotRO's interface, combat, and character customization to DDO's in order for it to hold any interest for me. Oh, and then I'd have to be able to transfer my characters and gear there, too.

    The new Star Wars, according to rumor, will be using the DDO combat system.

    When the new Diablo 3 and Starcraft are released, I'll almost definitely buy and play them. My honest hope is that I will be taking a paid leave of absence from here to do that. If people knew about this game, the developers would be posting about the need for server splits and offering free character transfers to the new Realms.
    The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu

  2. #42
    Founder Sojourner's Avatar
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    Given my preference, I'll avoid going back to any 1st or 2nd gen MMO's at all. I define 3rd-gen MMO's as "MMO with Active Combat system".

    Currently there are only three out there that I know of - "DDO", "Age of Conan" and "The Chronicles of Spellborn".

    • DDO rocks, but we all know what its shortcomings are.
    • AoC was beautiful to look at, but the combat system was only barely "active" and was sluggish. And, the majority of the gameplay was severely a WoW-Clone. It had some good stuff, and some bad. But basically I think of it as WoW with upgraded graphics and a slightly reworked combat system.
    • TCoS I haven't tried yet. They released first in Europe, but I think they're in the states now, so I've been tempted to try them out.

    So, If I couldn't play DDO, I might try TCoS, or I'd go back to WoW as an MMO.

    WoW really is the Anti-DDO as far as complexity, missions, economy, non-missions things to do. Everything DDO does wrong, WoW does right. Everything WoW does wrong, DDO does right. So, it was a nice break to flip between the two for awhile when I was burnt out on DDO
    Last edited by Sojourner; 01-01-2009 at 09:41 AM.
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  3. #43
    Community Member hu-flung-pu's Avatar
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    Jump on to my windows netbook, loaded up with Planescape:Torment, and Baldurs Gate 2 with all the mods and expansions I could find for them.

    Two of the greatest games ever made.

  4. #44
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    No mention of Darkfall?

    Anyway, I have played them all and keep coming back to DDO. Been playing mmorpgs since EQ came out in 99 and nothing I have seen comes close. If I had to pick a few things that I love about this game they would be:

    1) Combat Sytem is the best ever made. hands down.
    2) Instances. I love them.
    3) Character generation and customability of characters versus many other popular mmorpgs.

    If it closed I'd probably experiment with new titles until I found one that I enjoyed or maybe I'd go back to LoTR.
    Ravensguard zerx,zerxi,zerxis,zmonk,kieras,varga,oregz

  5. #45
    Community Member silverraven's Avatar
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    I'd have to take a chance on...
    1. Stargate worlds - Loved both shows almost as much as AD&D
    2. Star Trek Online - Next generation was cool, I just hope its nothing like EVE. It took me 3 hours just to get threw the tutorial
    3. Darkfall - The only gripe here is the locked - third person camera
    4. Whatever the new Star Wars game is called - because hey it's Star Wars and Bioware (Bioware being my favorite publisher)

    In that order. I've tried the rest, I play the Best, but if its gone tomorow I'll find a new-second-best fix
    "!", the Late Heath Ledger as the Joker StormLord Mascot

  6. #46
    Community Member JetEskimo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreenGurgler View Post

    NWN2- consider it a mini-mmo. I played NWN on an awesome persistent world for 2 years and it was an amazing place (CEP-Nexus). It has long since gone bye-bye but I am sure with some searching I could find something close in NWN2 worlds.
    You'd think so, but the lack of a quality/populated PW in NWN2 is what actually drove me to this game. Perhaps if you live on the East coast you could make it work, but everything got pretty sparse around 9pm PST unless you were *really* into hardcore RP.

    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    If DDO were gone tomorrow, I'd be down at the local nerd shop buying a new vid card so I could finally play my Fallout 3
    You should really do it anyway. Got a copy for Xmas (thanks dear) and it is a great counter-point to DDO. Wide open spaces, dialog choices that make a difference, etc. Just a really good game all around, well worth the price of admission.
    My Mighty Midget - Tysil

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  7. #47
    Community Member Hanza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hu-flung-pu View Post
    Jump on to my windows netbook, loaded up with Planescape:Torment, and Baldurs Gate 2 with all the mods and expansions I could find for them.

    Two of the greatest games ever made.
    Word! I would get Neverwinter Nights 2

  8. #48
    Community Member PSU93's Avatar
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    I tried Age of Conan back when it was first released, and it had a lot of problems, so I quit after my initial month was up. Granted, I haven't been back since then, but I hear that it still has issues.

    Warhammer was fun for at first, but I found it boring after a while. PvE quests were lame. Public quests were cool, but if there weren't enough people in your area, they became frustrating grinds. Scenarios were fun intially, but too many times were unbalanced. The massive RvR that the game was supposed to feature never materialized for me.

    WoW... let's just say I got through about 2 days of the 10-day free trial, and it was 1.5 days too long.

    LOTRO I've found to be very cool. The storyline is engaging, and Turbine has done a decent job of integrating it into the Tolkien lore. The graphics are very nice. The combat system isn't as good as DDO (tops in the industry by far), but isn't bad either once you get used to the differences. The community is very friendly. The world is HUGE with so many places to explore and tons of things to do. That's what makes it a great game in my opinion. For a casual gamer, there are a lot of things you can do in only 20-30 minutes, solo or with a group, quests, crafting...

    2009 could be a transformational year for DDO. I'm anxious to see what "big secret" Turbine is going to reveal.
    THELANIS: Marzen - Elexra - Andrez -Habsburg

  9. #49


    LotRO was boring. I mean BORING.

    Maybe WoW, but I would not play it like I play this game, and when I get to the raiding levels...welll...I probably quit. It did hold my interest by sheer content alone for 40 days.

    I'd play Spore, I like that game. And Little Big Planet. Hero's of Might and Magic III and IV. Ceasar and Pharoh. Maybe even ICewind Dale. Fable sucked AoC sucked, Warhammer sucked. TR was boring... Final Fantasy sucked 10 years out in 2 days of that MMO...

    I'd wait for Star Trek, forthe Trekkie (not those stupid wuss TREKKERS ) in me will try it out. And the Old Republic...


    Here's hoping for a bright new year for this game! CHEERS!
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  10. #50
    Community Member ChadMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rickpa View Post
    If DDO were gone tomorrow, where would you go?
    idk what i would do =( most likely x-box 360 27/7 before that i would have to get a therapist

  11. #51
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post
    LotRO was boring. I mean BORING.

    Maybe WoW, but I would not play it like I play this game, and when I get to the raiding levels...welll...I probably quit. It did hold my interest by sheer content alone for 40 days.

    I'd play Spore, I like that game. And Little Big Planet. Hero's of Might and Magic III and IV. Ceasar and Pharoh. Maybe even ICewind Dale. Fable sucked AoC sucked, Warhammer sucked. TR was boring... Final Fantasy sucked 10 years out in 2 days of that MMO...

    I'd wait for Star Trek, forthe Trekkie (not those stupid wuss TREKKERS ) in me will try it out. And the Old Republic...


    Here's hoping for a bright new year for this game! CHEERS!

    I'd wait for Turbine to release Doctor Who: the Time Wars and I'd play a Dalek... just to mess with people

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  12. #52
    Community Member Monsoon28's Avatar
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    Enjoyed LotRO, I might go back one day, but I've always really loved DDO.

    Knights of the Republic I'm hoping will be great.

    Star Trek online, DCUniverse Online both have potential and I'll be sure to try them both but only time will tell.

    Rumors also abound for a Fallout Online and I've love to see a Marvel Online game but these games are only going to be as good and the programmers and minds behind them.

    If DDO were to go away, I guess I'd ultimately hope for ForgottenRealms Online. (And not this 4th Ed version out there now.)

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