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  1. #21
    Community Member vtecfiend99's Avatar
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    well, Conan was SUPPOSED to have those things but it failed on an epic level to deliver half of what the game had been touting for a year or more before it's release.

    Having said that, it had alot of potential, and I mean ALOT... if they had done things more like DDO does with socializing and quests. Instead the game took what was the second best combat system ever put in an MMO (second to this game of course) and mired it in WOW-like messenger boy quests. The landscapes were pretty, the NPCs were cool and over all the game was neat. But there was no way to get a group reliably, small issues like promoting someone to leader of yoyr guild by clicking the promote buton one too many times(lol) and things like the auction not working, mail not working, the siege mechanic broken, the quests givers disappearing the lack of an adult only environment(supposed to have been NO kids there but there were ALOT of kids) ruined that game.

    Now we have The Old Republic to look forward to on the horizon. The combat is supposed to be really dynamic and fun... but can it compare to this game? Maybe maybe not. My money is on that game becoming a massive property second only to WOW if they get it right. Who know's if they will get it right though?

    Bottom line? For all this game annoying glitches and lack of customer support... IT IS THE BEST THERE IS. Period. There is a reason no matter how mad we all get and how little we get told about things happening if they offered a life time sub most of us would buy it tomorrow. It's just that good. What the game needs is advertising. Advertising it most likely will never get. Can you imagine this game with 2 million subs? We would be ROLLING in content...

  2. #22
    Founder smyter's Avatar
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    The closest game to DDO is City of Heroes as far as play style (instance dungeons, PUGs, character development, etc). I would prolly go back there if DDO disappeared.. or maybe Dark Age of Camelot.

  3. #23
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwooley1981 View Post
    Bottom line? For all this game annoying glitches and lack of customer support... IT IS THE BEST THERE IS. Period.
    Perfectly unbiased opinion there.


  4. #24
    Community Member Odium's Avatar
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    Default My 2 cents

    Quote Originally Posted by Rickpa View Post
    After spending a couple of weeks of playing LOTRO, I am wondering why Turbine's really popular MMO is an MMO at all. The spawn points for new characters, and the world in between is so vast that if you play it at all, you're going to play solo. If you're stuck trying to find the ******* quest, you can scream on the advice channel all you want, you're not getting a response. If you want a social gaming experience, it doesn't seem to be happening there.

    In my experience of the horrible game, Vanguard, and from what many have told me about WoW, it seems that DDO is the ONLY online game that's social, adult, and not a frustrating pain to quest in. Perhaps too few want it, but is DDO the only game where:

    • Quests are instanced, and straightforward to enter?
      There are a few other games that do this, but not to the degree that ddo does
    • It's easy to join PUGS, or find people doing the quest you need?
      Warhammer Online has "public quest" that, as long as your in the area, your grouped and can easily find other to group with. Its just that DDO is so group oriented that, since you must have a group, they are fairly common to find.
    • You can control your character's career path to a high degree, and make interesting builds?
      I have to give Asheron's Call the nod on this. To sum it up, you have similar Stats (dex, str, etc.) with a limited amount of points to distribute. At start you get a certian number of "points" (around 50 i think?) to buy abilities (such as sword, axe, Life magic(healing) War Magic(damage spells) etc) which cost anywhere from 2 to 16 and you gain additional points as you level. With this setup you could have a huge degree of versitility, such as a debuffing/buffing axe wielder, or a healingish sword wielder. It also had two different levels of those abilities a "trained and specialized" the latter costing less XP points to increase as you level but costing more of those points to buy or upgrade it to that status. I think i would still be playing this game if the population was as large as it was back in the day and the graphics were overhauled (games almost 10 years old). DDO does have a good system but i wish there was more interaction of feats/enhancement/races.
    • You can control your melee, jump, maneuver, and control the swing of your weapons... as opposed to button bar mashing?
      DDO is superior in the combat area when compared to other games
    • The story lines are interesting, and the mobs have personality?
      Agreed as well. I do like Warhammer onlines tome of knowledge though. As you kill Mosters, explore areas, and do quests you unlock backstory and lore, which really pulls you into the world.

    The gripes against DDO are mostly that there's not enough of it. Sure I can complain about nerfs, and turning our builds upside down, but I figure that's just the nature of MMOs. What worries me is that there may never be another game like this, and that DDO will go away. It already seems to be on life support, so I can see this possibility.

    I agree, i am also pumped that there finally giving pure classes some bonuses. i wish they would incorporate some enchancements that are available to pureclasses (i.e. give fighters that are pure at high levels additional dr when using shields as well as increased AC, or give pure rangers a stance to do an additional attack for less AC, Maybe give sorcerers an option to give up a spell slot for additional damage. These would breed some diversity from all the multiclasses and be good for the game. While some will whine that it "gimps" their multiclasses" but i disagree. you gain alot by multiclassing (additional feats, Higher AC, Use of wands and spells, UMD), give me a reason to make a pure guy.

    If DDO were gone tomorrow, where would you go?

  5. #25
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    If DDO dies today, I probably go back to Battlefield 2 until Diablo 3 comes out. I know there's tons of haters (of Blizzard) but I played Diablo 2 into the ground and it was nice to start you own game with your friends a play or play single player. There wasn't any bugs or problems that I remember (but I never played on public servers and it was either single player or a locked group game, some of the public servers kad a lot of pk'ing going on which is going to be changed a lot in 3). Plus the SS and video they have on the site is honestly very good and supposed to have a completely interactive environment. People have told me that it's just s re-hash of 2, but I haven't seen that in the videos and SS. Even if it is, having a classic game redone with DX10 and new cool abilities is enough for me. Depending on how good it is, it may kill DDO for me, especially if Mod 9 flops (well MOD 9 needs to be waaaay better than 7 and 8 that's for sure, and I would like a lot more communication between Turbine and the customer).
    Last edited by Drwaz99; 12-30-2008 at 04:42 PM.

  6. #26
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    Id prolly call up Genosis and get a pnp game going.

    weither its ddo or d&d, its all ftw.
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  7. #27
    Community Member Odium's Avatar
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    When diablo 3 comes out i am taking a week off of work. I also played diablo 2 into the ground, the loot runs were the best ever. The new graphics and mechanics look awesome. The online play was great, and there was always people to group with. the magic items were good.

  8. #28
    Community Member Wxob's Avatar
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    Hmm No mention of EQ at all? NWN2 and NWN were fun to play just didn't deliver what DOO does with the instance's.
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  9. #29
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
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    I would reconstitute my clan on Jedi academy if I wasn't already engaged with my real life clan

  10. #30
    Community Member liamfrancais's Avatar
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    The thought of DDO shutting down gives me a nauseous feeling, I don't know that I could go to another MMO, not right away at least. I never played a MMO before DDO but I was hooked from day one.
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  11. #31
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    Well, 2 of the Closest as far as Playstyle are In the process of shutting down...

    Both of em were Sci-Fi, but were very similar to DDO in Pathing, FIghting, and Instancing...

    Hellgate:London - Could of been a Great game.... But Released far too early. Grouping up was never made easy or a priority for that matter..... But the playstyle and character creation reminded me a LOT of DDO....

    and the other?

    Tabula Rasa..... Oh I wish Garriot gave that game a chance.... Such a Shame... Great combat, Excellent graphics, a Nice MMO Feel to it... But now.. WIth him gone, that game is shutting down too.

    I'm Looking forward to Stargate and Star Trek.. Although Star Trek sounds like its going to be more EVE like than DDO....
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  12. #32
    Community Member vtecfiend99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    Perfectly unbiased opinion there.

    actually it is kind of un biased. I've tried many times to fins something with a bigger community, more content and such. those things are out there but they dont compare to the play experience of this game.

    If there are such better games then go play them. Say what you want there is a reason you're still here and its not because everyone would miss your rosy personality

  13. #33


    Ive yet to find another MMO that has what DDO has that interests me.

    Namely, its about the combat style and character customization.

    In DDO, there are a lot of paths you can follow to end game to make a really great toon. In a lot of the others, the end game looks very cookie cutter without enough variation.

    The combat style is second to none in DDO IMO. I just havent found anything quite as good. I did enjoy COH/COV fighting however...but Lotro/WoW and the like just leave me bored from a twitch perspective.

    I agree with Impaqt...Tabula Rasa was built on a combat style/cooperative fighting system that was fun. Too bad the content at release made even DDO look content rich.

    I'd probably head back to Battlefield until the next MMO came out that excited me.
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  14. #34
    Community Member KLBen's Avatar
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    Wink Hope the devs are seeing this.

    DDO is the only other MMO I have played, and love it "warts and all". The only other MMO I have tried is WoW, and did not like it too much for all the reasons others have stated. What would I do without DDO? I would like to try out some form of Star Wars MMO provided I was allowed to play with something of a low end machine.

  15. #35
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    DDO while not perfect by any stretch of the imagination is the only game to hold my interest thus far.

    Could it use a ton of extra content. Absolutely

    Could it use a nice rebalancing. Yup

    Would I like to see a rebuild of the Enhancement System. Definatley

    Is there stuff missing that I'm jonesing for... yeah

    But despite all that and more I think it is the best game going... or at least the only interesting one to me

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  16. #36
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    I'd probably play a lot more Team Fortress 2. DDO is my first MMO, but my background is mostly in FPS games, Valve ones in particular. I'm older and slower, so I would not be as good as I was when I played TFC competitively - but I still love the rush of a well played FPS match.
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  17. #37
    Founder PurdueDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Tabula Rasa..... Oh I wish Garriot gave that game a chance.... Such a Shame... Great combat, Excellent graphics, a Nice MMO Feel to it... But now.. WIth him gone, that game is shutting down too.
    Holy ****. Tabula Rasa's is barely a year out of the gate.

  18. #38
    Community Member Lundivar's Avatar
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    If DDO were to close... I'd probably switch to Warhammer, or City of Heros. Otherwise, I'd stick with "regular" games for a while. Tried Lotro a few times, I just can't take it, I caught myself just holding my head up with my hand while clicking away, that alone did it for me.
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  19. #39
    Community Member Boldrin's Avatar
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    If DDO were gone. I'd be spending a lot more time with the wife. lol. Nothing compares and I wouldn't waste my time on a lesser product.
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  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwooley1981 View Post
    well, Conan was SUPPOSED to have those things but it failed on an epic level to deliver half of what the game had been touting for a year or more before it's release.

    Having said that, it had alot of potential, and I mean ALOT... if they had done things more like DDO does with socializing and quests. Instead the game took what was the second best combat system ever put in an MMO (second to this game of course) and mired it in WOW-like messenger boy quests. The landscapes were pretty, the NPCs were cool and over all the game was neat. But there was no way to get a group reliably, small issues like promoting someone to leader of yoyr guild by clicking the promote buton one too many times(lol) and things like the auction not working, mail not working, the siege mechanic broken, the quests givers disappearing the lack of an adult only environment(supposed to have been NO kids there but there were ALOT of kids) ruined that game.

    Now we have The Old Republic to look forward to on the horizon. The combat is supposed to be really dynamic and fun... but can it compare to this game? Maybe maybe not. My money is on that game becoming a massive property second only to WOW if they get it right. Who know's if they will get it right though?

    Bottom line? For all this game annoying glitches and lack of customer support... IT IS THE BEST THERE IS. Period. There is a reason no matter how mad we all get and how little we get told about things happening if they offered a life time sub most of us would buy it tomorrow. It's just that good. What the game needs is advertising. Advertising it most likely will never get. Can you imagine this game with 2 million subs? We would be ROLLING in content...
    Conan is great from 1-20 after that it bites, on the old republic I am worried about rumors of its pay model(the kind you pay for extras) and I doubt it will be as large as wow(hate that game) swg never even came close at it highest, which was around a million subs. No I dont think there is anything in the pipeline close to what we have.

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