well, Conan was SUPPOSED to have those things but it failed on an epic level to deliver half of what the game had been touting for a year or more before it's release.

Having said that, it had alot of potential, and I mean ALOT... if they had done things more like DDO does with socializing and quests. Instead the game took what was the second best combat system ever put in an MMO (second to this game of course) and mired it in WOW-like messenger boy quests. The landscapes were pretty, the NPCs were cool and over all the game was neat. But there was no way to get a group reliably, small issues like promoting someone to leader of yoyr guild by clicking the promote buton one too many times(lol) and things like the auction not working, mail not working, the siege mechanic broken, the quests givers disappearing the lack of an adult only environment(supposed to have been NO kids there but there were ALOT of kids) ruined that game.

Now we have The Old Republic to look forward to on the horizon. The combat is supposed to be really dynamic and fun... but can it compare to this game? Maybe maybe not. My money is on that game becoming a massive property second only to WOW if they get it right. Who know's if they will get it right though?

Bottom line? For all this game annoying glitches and lack of customer support... IT IS THE BEST THERE IS. Period. There is a reason no matter how mad we all get and how little we get told about things happening if they offered a life time sub most of us would buy it tomorrow. It's just that good. What the game needs is advertising. Advertising it most likely will never get. Can you imagine this game with 2 million subs? We would be ROLLING in content...