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  1. #1
    Tasty Ham Smuggler Kromize's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Character selection Screen.

    Hmm, I want my old, outside view back.

    So, why don't you put in option in that lets us choose our background? (;

    Just a thought.

  2. #2
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    more options wouldn't hurt. maybe a different one for each race (like many other games).

    my only complaint is that it takes so long to load my characters in that screen that i generally select one and go in the game before it finishes. might just be me though.

  3. #3
    Community Member Grimtooth333's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Laith View Post
    my only complaint is that it takes so long to load my characters in that screen that i generally select one and go in the game before it finishes. might just be me though.
    It isn't only you... same here, and it is annoying.

    I also really want to loot that chest off to the side, but that is another story.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006


    The background could 'progress' as the character in question progresses through the game.

    A possible solution would be to base the background on which quests the character has completed.


    #. [as background (what should be completed)]

    1. Korthos
    2. harbor (as soon as the character has left Korthos)
    3. marketplace (WW / sealed writ of commendation)
    4. generic wilderness or crypt (TR / SC / Gwylan's / Delera's)
    5. Tempest's Spine (Sor'jek)
    6. House Kundarak (Velah / VoN 1-4 completed)
    7. Zawabi's Refuge (Lailat / Wiz King, OoB or CoF completed)
    8. Gianthold (Stormreaver / member of one of the brigades)
    9. Necropolis (Abbot / all 3 crypts completed)
    10. Reaver's Refuge (Sor'jek mk. II / EtK, PotH or MotS completed)

    Race and/or class could be other possible variables.


    Paladin: temple of the Sovereign Host
    Barbarian: wilderness
    Wizard: library

    or (the character creation screen used to have these set by race)

    Human: House Deneith
    Elf: House Phiarlan
    Warforged: generic factory
    Caius Furius Aurelius of Fernia
    Philadelphus - Theodorus - Vibius - Isidorus - Cnaeus - Lucius - Flavius
    Aurelia - Lucilla - Iulia - Marciana - Caecilia - Pompeia
    Subsidium - Robotello - Roboangelo - Argentarius

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