Looking for plat for these so send offers or post on here thanks Banisher is lvl 12 no rr and Puncturer is lvl 10 no rr
Looking for plat for these so send offers or post on here thanks Banisher is lvl 12 no rr and Puncturer is lvl 10 no rr
Proud member of Archangels - former member of Mindflayers.
Maturin, Dragonscar, Joehanson, Nobodies, Pessimist, Dayslater, Oneyed, Totall, Fridiculous, Chunkey, Verticali, Verticalli, Mcrib, Deepest, Melonfarmer, Cantankurous, Baconnator, Ilikeit, Notready. All capped or undergoing TR.
2.3 mil plat for both will haggle the price needs to be a good offer
Last edited by Yagerdude87; 12-30-2008 at 05:20 PM.
thats just waht a guildee told me to do i told him might be too much but the banisher was a good pull and checked teh AH prices for that and about 1.7 for that didnt seem too bad and teh other i had no clue about
Last Banishing rapier I sold for 250k Gold... It took over 2 days for it to sell on the AH.... I thought it was gonna bounce.