Elite Abbot finished in 8mins
Elite Abbot finished in 8mins
Last edited by Filipinomaids; 12-28-2008 at 08:09 PM.
Proud Leader of The OriEnTal StYle
New cleric toon:Turnundead
couldnt see the links....
But grats again....
If your life's work can be completed in your lifetime, you're thinking too small.
~~Wes Jackson~~
link had been edited.
Proud Leader of The OriEnTal StYle
New cleric toon:Turnundead
Nice work Filipino and to those in FT!
Hopefully you guys are set for Tier3 Silver Flame/Emerald Claw turn-in loot and all the good raid loot now!
BTW: If you are able to run those consistent times on elite, that is even faster than when the Abbot mod first came out and was bugged being infinitely repeatable and a full raid group with several rangers would slowly range the abbot down from enterance...before fixed to the blue barrier dropping and gust of wind would kill you by blowing you into the muck if you loitered edge of enterance...
But just when you think you've left me blind
I will be creeping right up behind...
#1 Zero - audioslave
There is a specific place to post these kind of things, its called the Achievements forums