So, I am running my test of the best place to put in coins.
117 Copper Coins
10 Silver ( I was going to do 34 silver but became agitated with Evil Jester)
1 Gold that I just pulled
That Jester ripped me off on the silver coins. I will no longer test on House J and silver.
10 silver coins
3 Coals
1 Sun Flask
1 Dal Quor
But the Evil Jester is very nice with trading in Copper Coins
117 Copper Coins
4 Twigs
1 Coal
2 Sun Flasks
8 Queen Lailat (my first four copper trade ins were all for Queens)
7 Velah
5 Warforged Titan
4 Arraetrikos
2 Syrania
2 Cupcakes
2 Lamannia
2 Thelanis
I figured with how evil he was with me that he was just being evil to give me something really, really nice for that lone gold coin I was carrying. No awesome reward, but a nice one
1 Irian for Resurrection
I took my remaining 24 silvers over to House K
1 Coal
2 Daanvi
2 Candy Canes
1 Mabar
1 Stormreaver
1 Beholder
1 Dal Quor
1 Kythri ( last year this was a gold coin)
1 Black Abbott
1 Xoriat