First, multiclassing is the soul of DDO. It's what makes DDO different and better than any game out there. If you don't agree, this post is not for you. Feel free to flame me in here: don't hijack this thread with a discusision of the virtues of pure class.
In general capstones are a good idea. There should be a small trade-off for multi-classing. The capstones should be good, but not gimp all the multiclassed toons.
Therefore, in general: Capstones should enhance abilites a class already has, not create totally new abilities. Novel abilites run too much risk of gimping multi-classed toons. They will either be too powerful, or have to be gimped in execution.
Good capstone -
Master of Magic
Prereqs: Level 20 Wizard
Cost: 2 AP
Benefit: Grants +2 Intelligence and all metamagics you possess cost 1 fewer spell point to use. (Heighten Spell costs 1 fewer spell point per level of heightening.)
This is nice for your wizard, but gimp you wiz/rog.
and the fact that your "Gimped" Wizard has Evasion and can disable any trap inthe game breaks that character how? Because his DC is ONE lower??? Because he has 25 fewer Spell Points???? OVER REACTING!!!! FTW!!!
Bad capstone -
Divine Intervention
Prereq: Level 20 Cleric, 74 Action points spent
Cost: 2 AP
Benefit: You are a strong conduit of positive energy, and can expend a turn attempt to ward your target for five minutes against mortal damage - hit point damage will not lower their hit point total below -9. If the target is knocked unconscious, this effect will heal the target after a few seconds and then fade.
Uh-oh, depending how this is implemented, and what end content is like, this will either dominate or have to be gimped (like deathpact).
Or you could, Ya know.. Keep People alive instead of relyng on a Temporary effect to Stay that off for a few seconds