But the Rogue or Monk levels invalidate the original premise of "pure fighter" I thought we were working from. And pretty much everyone gets some sort of enhancement bonus available to them. Be it a fixed Racial bonus, or a temp boost for 20 seconds.
I overlooked the luck bonus (+2 from Head).
You could also be fortunate and be playing next to a saves boosting Paly too.
Can you get to some pretty high numbers, yup, lots of ways, but many of them are not 24/7, or survive debuffing/death. Almost any level 16 FTR will be about 10 points behind in REF save given similar gear and circumstances an Evasion build. Now if you can get that SAVE high enough to overcome the mobs on all but a 1, the extra margin of save the evasion build gets is wasted, but that also allows them to perhaps swap in other gear instead to those slots.