Well.. It's truly time for Zen to go. Azgrard, Kelina, Kalinthal, Tonedeaf, Loghan, Sorcbot, Leonidaz, Selenes and Bushido have been put to rest. I have sat here withe Zen's name in the Delete box for about 45 mins now, thinking about the last 3 years I have been on my adventures in Stormreach. I wanted to thank the many friends I have made and wish you all the best of luck. I'll always have fond memories of my fellow Lhazzarians and my new Ghallanda friends, I've been thru alot while I played this game; over 6 deployments to Iraq, 4 to Afganistan and a few others I can't mention. This game and the people who played it have always been there for me to help alleviate some of the worries I have in my real life, but it's time for me to move on. For those of you who think this is a knee jerk reaction to the previous post I had and what transpired from it, please put those thoughts out of your head. This decision and that previous event have no connection what so ever. I hope the items and plat I gave away earlier today will be of good use to you all who recieved them. Well.. I guess that's it, Happy Hunting Stormreach.
/wave as Zen walks off into the sunset
Delete key pressed