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  1. #21
    Community Member Geonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    Well, the beauty of a Druid is that there are several ways to play one. You have the various Clerical roles (i.e. battle caster; backline healbot; divine magic nuker), but you also have the added roles of shapeshifted meleer, and playing "pet" class role by buffing/healing your animal companion, and sitting back and watching the carnage. It's quite a versatile class, and should be quite fun if/when implemented.

    Let's also hope they get the druid spells correct.
    The clerics get their blade barriers. But the druids get to call down lightning from the skies

    I'd also love to see some of the epic shapeshifting stuff added later on.
    Being able to take an elemental form and, possibly, even a dragon-shape at later levels would be incredible.
    Druids never get Dragon shape.
    Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.

  2. #22
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geonis View Post
    Druids never get Dragon shape.
    Prerequisites: Wis 30, Knowledge (nature) 30 ranks, wild shape 6/day.

    Benefit: The character may use wild shape to change into a dragon (black, blue, green, red, white, brass, bronze, copper, gold, or silver). The size limitation is the same as the character’s limitation on animal size. The character gains all extraordinary and supernatural abilities of the dragon whose form he or she takes.

    Taken from the DND 3.5 SRD. It's an epic feat. Hence why I said "possibly at later levels"

  3. #23
    Community Member Milolyen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EinarMal View Post
    Not likely, my take is they had some kind of contractual obligation to "finish" the game with WOTC so they had to make it to level 20.

    After the next Mod they will go on maintenance mode and we will get no more updates.

    That is my prediction anyway
    Is there a bet in there some where? ... cause I will gladly bet you are wrong.

    If a company is looking to ride out their current customer base and just fill "kind of contractual obligation" would they:

    A)Crank out high end content, the lvl cap increase and other stuff that will satisfy the majority of your current customer base


    B)Add in things that will help attract new players even at the risk of losing more of the current player base.

    A company that is only looking to "ride it out" would do A while the company that is looking to bring in new players and be around for awhile yet would do B. Turbine over the last 2 mods have released some top end content (not as much as the current player base would have liked but then again they could have focused solely on that and still not had enough) and made some changes to the game that improved the game over all but had only moderate impact for the current player base. A company that is looking to "ride it out" also would not go and **** off their current player base by going in and changing things that have been around for awhile (Barb crit rage 2 ring a bell here?) even though the change will likely be better for the game over all ... just have to wait and see (If crit rage was never introduced how many people out there would be upset with the look of FB as one of the THREE barb enhancements?).

    Then back to topic ... Yes I belive we will see druids get released and belive mod 10 was mentioned for it. Handwraps being coded to turn a monk's body into a weapon (to me) looks like a test for when druids shapeshift and use natural weapons of the animal type they change into. Hirelings looks to me like testing AI for animal companions. Looks to me like Turbine is working hard on getting us those druids ... but guess that is just me.

    Even if Turbine was able to pump out enough high end content to keep even the biggiest power gamer happy they will still lose players. For a company/game to survive they have to actively work with both the present and future in mind and that is what I see them doing.


  4. #24
    Community Member Geonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    Prerequisites: Wis 30, Knowledge (nature) 30 ranks, wild shape 6/day.

    Benefit: The character may use wild shape to change into a dragon (black, blue, green, red, white, brass, bronze, copper, gold, or silver). The size limitation is the same as the character’s limitation on animal size. The character gains all extraordinary and supernatural abilities of the dragon whose form he or she takes.

    Taken from the DND 3.5 SRD. It's an epic feat. Hence why I said "possibly at later levels"
    Only level 27 to take it. Should come in the fall of '17.

    Edit: I would much rather see Turbine go with the "Aspect" option of Wildshape, as it is much easier to code, and would let Druids be released that much earlier.

    Quote Originally Posted by D20SRD.ORG
    Wild Shape Variant: Aspect Of Nature
    Instead of taking animal form, a druid with this variant form of wild shape takes on one or more aspects of nature when she uses her wild shape ability.

    At 5th level, a druid may take on one aspect from those described below. At 8th level, the druid can take on up to two aspects simultaneously. At 11th level, she can take up on to three aspects simultaneously, and at 15th level the limit increases to its maximum of four simultaneous aspects. (Some aspects can only be combined with certain other aspects, as indicated in their descriptions.) Each aspect taken on counts as one daily use of the druid's wild shape ability. Multiple versions of the same aspect don't stack. Taking on one or more aspects is a standard action (which does not provoke attacks of opportunity), and the effect lasts for 1 minute per druid level.

    Some aspects, as noted in their descriptions, have a minimum druid level as a prerequisite.

    A druid may take on one aspect per day for every daily use of wild shape she is entitled to. For instance, a 5th-level druid could normally use wild shape once per day, so she could assume an aspect once per day. A 10th-level druid could take on four aspects per day and can choose to take on two aspects simultaneously (which would use up two of the druid's daily uses).

    Unless otherwise noted in an aspect's description, a druid who assumes an aspect of nature retains her own type and subtype(s), keeps her extraordinary, supernatural, or spell-like abilities, and retains her ability to communicate and cast spells. She is considered proficient with any natural attacks granted by the aspect.

    The druid gains a +8 bonus to Dexterity but takes a -4 penalty to Strength. Prerequisite: Druid level 8th.

    The druid grows gills, enabling her to breathe underwater (while retaining her ability to breathe air). Webbing between her fingers and her toes grants her a swim speed of 40 feet (or 30 feet if wearing medium or heavy armor or carrying a medium or heavy load) and a +8 bonus on her Swim checks.

    Elemental Air
    The druids body becomes gaseous (as the gaseous form spell, except that she can fly at a speed of 100 feet with perfect maneuverability and doesn't lose her supernatural abilities while in this form). While in this form, the druid has immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning, as well as any other immunities provided by the gaseous form spell. The druid cannot cast spells while this aspect is in effect. She can't combine this aspect with any other aspect except for agility and endurance. Prerequisite: Druid level 16th.

    Elemental Earth
    The druid's body becomes stony and rocklike. While in this form, the druid has immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. She gains a slam attack that deals bludgeoning damage equal to a morningstar of the druid's size (1d8 for Medium druids, 1d6 for Small druids). Her natural armor bonus becomes +8 (replacing any other natural armor bonus the druid has, though enhancement bonuses to natural armor still apply normally). She also gains damage reduction 10/magic. The druid cannot cast spells while this aspect is in effect. She can't combine this aspect with any other aspect except for endurance and vigor. Prerequisite: Druid level 16th.

    Elemental Fire
    The druid's body bursts into flame. While in this form, the druid has immunity to fire, poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. In addition, any creature struck by the druid in melee (whether with a weapon, unarmed attack, or natural weapon) takes an extra 1d6 points of fire damage and must succeed on a Reflex save or catch fire for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is 10 + 1/2 druid level + druid's Con modifier. Creatures hitting the druid with natural weapons or unarmed attacks while this aspect is in effect take 1d6 points of fire damage and also catch fire unless they succeed on the Reflex save noted above. The druid also gains damage reduction 10/magic. The druid cannot cast spells while this aspect is in effect. She can't combine this aspect with any other aspect except for agility and endurance. Prerequisite: Druid level 16th.

    Elemental Water
    The druid's body becomes semifluid. While in this form, the druid gains a +10 bonus on Escape Artist checks, resistance to fire 10, and immunity to poison, steep, paralysis, and stunning. She gains a swim speed of 90 feet and a +8 bonus on her Swim checks. Her touch puts out torches, campfires, exposed lanterns, and other open flames of nonmagical origin if these are Large or smaller. The druid can dispel magical fire she touches as if she had cast greater dispel magic on it. She also gains damage reduction 10/magic. The druid cannot cast spells while this aspect is in effect. She can't combine this aspect with any other aspect except for endurance and vigor. Prerequisite: Druid level 16th.

    The druid gains a +4 bonus to Constitution. Prerequisite: Druid level 8th.

    The druid grows wings (feathery or batlike, at her option) that enable her to fly at a speed of 40 feet with average maneuverability (or 30 feet if wearing medium or heavy armor or carrying a medium or heavy load).

    The druid's body becomes plantlike. While in this form, the druid gains a +10 bonus on Hide checks made in areas of forest, overgrowth, or similar terrain. She gains immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. She gains a slam attack that deals bludgeoning damage equal to a light mace of the druid's size (1d6 for Medium druids, 1d4 for Small druids). Her natural armor bonus becomes 4 (replacing any other natural armor bonus the druid has, though enhancement bonuses to natural armor still apply normally). She can't combine this aspect with any other aspect except for vigor. Prerequisite: Druid level 12th.

    The druid gains a bite attack that deals bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage equal to a dagger of the druid's size (1d4 for a Medium druid, or 1d3 for a Small druid). In addition, the bite delivers a toxic venom (Fortitude save DC 10 + 1/2 druid's level + druid's Con modifier; initial and secondary damage 1d6 Con).

    The druid gains the scent ability.

    The druid gains a +30-foot enhancement bonus to her base land speed.

    Tooth and Claw
    The druid gains a primary bite attack (at her full base attack bonus) and two secondary claw attacks (at her base attack bonus -5 and adding only half her Strength bonus on damage rolls). The bite attack deals bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage equal to a short sword of the druid's size (1d6 for a Medium druid, or 1d4 for a Small druid), while the claws deal piercing and slashing damage equal to a dagger of the druid's size (1d4 for a Medium druid, or 1d3 for a Small druid).

    The druid gains a +8 bonus to Strength but takes a -4 penalty to Dexterity. Prerequisite: Druid level 8th.
    Last edited by Geonis; 12-23-2008 at 11:28 AM.
    Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.

  5. #25
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geonis View Post
    Only level 27 to take it. Should come in the fall of '17.

    Edit: I would much rather see Turbine go with the "Aspect" option of Wildshape, as it is much easier to code, and would let Druids be released that much earlier.

    Some would argue that our DDO level 16s are the equivalent of PnP level 27s
    Besides, wild shape 6/day = level 18 druid. And with the gear ingame now, it's possible to attain 30 WIS by level 16 easily enough (the other skill - knowledge: nature - isn't ingame).

    I'm not holding my breath for it, but I also wouldn't rule it out. Who knows what they intend for the 20 capstone for a class that hasn't even been released yet. It's pure speculation at this point, and a moot point worth arguing. I just threw it out there as a "what if" possibility.

    If you look at other games, such as NWN2, they modified it so as to be obtainable by level 21. In fact, they even threw in a dragon animal companion feat as another option.

    So, yeah. Who knows.

  6. #26
    Community Member Geonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    Some would argue that our DDO level 16s are the equivalent of PnP level 27s
    Besides, wild shape 6/day = level 18 druid. And with the gear ingame now, it's possible to attain 30 WIS by level 16 easily enough (the other skill - knowledge: nature - isn't ingame).

    I'm not holding my breath for it, but I also wouldn't rule it out. Who knows what they intend for the 20 capstone for a class that hasn't even been released yet. It's pure speculation at this point, and a moot point worth arguing. I just threw it out there as a "what if" possibility.

    If you look at other games, such as NWN2, they modified it so as to be obtainable by level 21. In fact, they even threw in a dragon animal companion feat as another option.

    So, yeah. Who knows.

    It should be level 27, to attain the Know(Nature) 30 Ranks, but I know it's not in game. It shouldn't be lowered, as that makes the feat even more powerful.

    I just think the Wildshape is overly complicated, and while in PnP, it can be agreat tool, it is hampering the arrival of Druids in DDO. So much so, that to choose a slightly less powerful implementation seems to be an appropriate way to handle it to me. Provided that Druids are rewarded in another manner (more SPs for example).
    Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.

  7. #27
    Community Member nbhs275's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geonis View Post
    Only level 27 to take it. Should come in the fall of '17.

    Edit: I would much rather see Turbine go with the "Aspect" option of Wildshape, as it is much easier to code, and would let Druids be released that much earlier.
    I think we are going to end up seeing the wildshape alternative from the players handbook 2, which basically give you "stances" like a monks. like way of the bear +4 str +4 con -2 dex, that kind of thing.
    Last edited by nbhs275; 12-23-2008 at 12:05 PM.
    Aundair, New Khyber
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  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milolyen View Post
    Is there a bet in there some where? ... cause I will gladly bet you are wrong.

    If a company is looking to ride out their current customer base and just fill "kind of contractual obligation" would they:

    A)Crank out high end content, the lvl cap increase and other stuff that will satisfy the majority of your current customer base


    B)Add in things that will help attract new players even at the risk of losing more of the current player base.

    A company that is only looking to "ride it out" would do A while the company that is looking to bring in new players and be around for awhile yet would do B. Turbine over the last 2 mods have released some top end content (not as much as the current player base would have liked but then again they could have focused solely on that and still not had enough) and made some changes to the game that improved the game over all but had only moderate impact for the current player base. A company that is looking to "ride it out" also would not go and **** off their current player base by going in and changing things that have been around for awhile (Barb crit rage 2 ring a bell here?) even though the change will likely be better for the game over all ... just have to wait and see (If crit rage was never introduced how many people out there would be upset with the look of FB as one of the THREE barb enhancements?).

    Then back to topic ... Yes I belive we will see druids get released and belive mod 10 was mentioned for it. Handwraps being coded to turn a monk's body into a weapon (to me) looks like a test for when druids shapeshift and use natural weapons of the animal type they change into. Hirelings looks to me like testing AI for animal companions. Looks to me like Turbine is working hard on getting us those druids ... but guess that is just me.

    Even if Turbine was able to pump out enough high end content to keep even the biggiest power gamer happy they will still lose players. For a company/game to survive they have to actively work with both the present and future in mind and that is what I see them doing.

    Yeah umm claiming that Turbine has been cranking out anything over the last year is pretty laughable thanks for the chuckle though nice!

  9. #29
    Community Member Thoreg's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Yes I think So

    Yes I think they will be released. As to when...I have no idea. I never did play a druid in pnp. I haven't played pnp in a long time so as to all the abilities I can't make any comments. The only thing I do remember is that druids have to be True Neutral. But they would make an interesting addition to the game.

  10. #30
    Community Member nbhs275's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thoreg View Post
    Yes I think they will be released. As to when...I have no idea. I never did play a druid in pnp. I haven't played pnp in a long time so as to all the abilities I can't make any comments. The only thing I do remember is that druids have to be True Neutral. But they would make an interesting addition to the game.
    in 3.5 rules, they just need to be A nuetral, meaning NG, TN, NE, LN, and CN.
    Aundair, New Khyber
    Alreck Gingerbarrel(15clr/1barb), Torrak Gingerbarrel(16 Brd), Oat(13 Rgr/3Ftr), Moxxy(16 Sor), Thorrac Gingerbarrel(6 Pal/1 Ftr) <<Current Toons>>

  11. #31
    Community Member Lymnus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    Prerequisites: Wis 30, Knowledge (nature) 30 ranks, wild shape 6/day.

    Benefit: The character may use wild shape to change into a dragon (black, blue, green, red, white, brass, bronze, copper, gold, or silver). The size limitation is the same as the character’s limitation on animal size. The character gains all extraordinary and supernatural abilities of the dragon whose form he or she takes.

    Taken from the DND 3.5 SRD. It's an epic feat. Hence why I said "possibly at later levels"
    Dragon Wild Shape is a non-epic feat too, sir. From Dragonomicon (or something like that.)

  12. #32
    Community Member Thoreg's Avatar
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    Wink Showing my age?

    Quote Originally Posted by nbhs275 View Post
    in 3.5 rules, they just need to be A nuetral, meaning NG, TN, NE, LN, and CN.
    Well, there you go. This just proves it has been a while(1.5). Thanks for the clarification.

  13. #33
    Community Member al73r's Avatar
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    I remember a game called diablo 2.

    I could play as a druid that could shapeshift into a werewolf and do mad damage.

    If it is a issue with changing form.. I think that is minimal. Prolly has to do something with, not enough developers?

  14. #34
    Community Member Milolyen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EinarMal View Post
    Yeah umm claiming that Turbine has been cranking out anything over the last year is pretty laughable thanks for the chuckle though nice!
    First ... where in there did I say they cranked content out?
    Second ... you may want to reread the post.

    My point was that your prediction of "After the next Mod they will go on maintenance mode and we will get no more updates." is what was laughable for the reasons I stated in the post.

    IF that was the case you would expect the company to crank out top end content to meet the "contract requirements" instead of all the revamp and development of new tech that they have been working on over the last two mods.

    To think that mod 9 will be the last mod they put out because they just want to hold up their end of the contract and then call it quits shows a TOTAL lack of foresight. Hirelings would have been a waist of time better spent on other things instead of testing new AI (most likely for real pets and animal companions). Black Loche would have been a total waist of time as there is nothing there (will prolly have quests added to it in the future) and the time could have been put in for other things. It was prolly harder for them to implement hand wraps the way they did and came out with a lot of bugs but was more than likely done so to test the tech for dmg while druids are in animal form and to get a jump start on that. The total lack of forward thinking you show is what I find laughable and will gladly bet you there will be atleast a mod 10 and 11.


  15. #35
    Community Member bobbryan2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milolyen View Post
    First ... where in there did I say they cranked content out?
    Second ... you may want to reread the post.

    My point was that your prediction of "After the next Mod they will go on maintenance mode and we will get no more updates." is what was laughable for the reasons I stated in the post.

    IF that was the case you would expect the company to crank out top end content to meet the "contract requirements" instead of all the revamp and development of new tech that they have been working on over the last two mods.

    To think that mod 9 will be the last mod they put out because they just want to hold up their end of the contract and then call it quits shows a TOTAL lack of foresight. Hirelings would have been a waist of time better spent on other things instead of testing new AI (most likely for real pets and animal companions). Black Loche would have been a total waist of time as there is nothing there (will prolly have quests added to it in the future) and the time could have been put in for other things. It was prolly harder for them to implement hand wraps the way they did and came out with a lot of bugs but was more than likely done so to test the tech for dmg while druids are in animal form and to get a jump start on that. The total lack of forward thinking you show is what I find laughable and will gladly bet you there will be atleast a mod 10 and 11.


    I still find it funny that you're basing the longevity of DDO off of a basis of the last year has sucked for releases.

  16. #36
    Community Member Milolyen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by al73r View Post
    I remember a game called diablo 2.

    I could play as a druid that could shapeshift into a werewolf and do mad damage.

    If it is a issue with changing form.. I think that is minimal. Prolly has to do something with, not enough developers?
    They have said in the past the issue with druids is they do not have the tech in place to develop them properly but that we would see that tech get added to the game over time. If I remember right that was right after or right before mod 7 release. Since then we have seen monk get added with the tech for handwraps actually turning the body into a weapon instead of used as a weapon (wildshap anyone?) and we have seen hirelings get released with new ai (actual pets instead of a summoned charmed mob like current pets anyone?). I am sure if it was just a matter of turning a (insert race here) into a (insert beast here) it would have been done by now.


  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbryan2 View Post
    I still find it funny that you're basing the longevity of DDO off of a basis of the last year has sucked for releases.
    People have been crying doom for a long time. I am meerly pointing out that IF Turbine did not plan to develop past mod 9 then the mods over the last year would have been MUCH different from what they where.

    IF you don't plan to develop past a certain point then why put in tech and revamp stuff that your current player base for the most part could not care less about?

    Answer: You DON'T ... You crank out stuff they do care about.

    But that is not what turbine has done have they? No ... They have gone back and addressed things that needed to be done before the game could grow. We can all agree that between mod 4 - 6 we did not see DDO grow right? Why was that? For those answers we needed to look at what new players that stumbled into the game thought of it. Most complaints I remember seeing was game is complex with a steep learning curve and the tutorial sucked. So they go back and fix it but at what cost? The cost was less end game content which was what the majority of your current player base wants and a lot have left because of that. Now if you are only planning to develop to Mod 9 then stop ... what was the sense in doing that? I mean think about it for a sec.


  18. #38
    Community Member GrayOldDruid's Avatar
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    Default Aspect or Stance

    Wild Shape as the above mentioned "Aspect" or the Stances would totally suck and I would be finding something else to play, no kidding.

    I don't think DDO has the interactions or quests that could really highlight a Druid's power... like they just ignore the Rogue's abilities for the most part.

    My favorite quests from PnP days were with me playing high-level Druids. Surrounded by the King's men, Sorcerers and their Troll allies? Wild Shape to a bat and fly off in the night. Wild Shape to a mouse and scurry through the walls of a building to find the secrets. Nowhere left to hide? Wild Shape to Dire Bear and show how aggravated you are. Even better, with Wild Casting feat, Have that Dire Bear shape stand on hind legs, towering above your enemies (unless they are giants) and call Lightening down upon them before wading in to wipe them up. Cornered by a nasty Dire Tiger, low on HP and desperate? Baleful Polymorph and ooooh, lookie the cute house-cat!!
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  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by nbhs275 View Post
    I think we are going to end up seeing the wildshape alternative from the players handbook 2, which basically give you "stances" like a monks. like way of the bear +4 str +4 con -2 dex, that kind of thing.
    thats horrrible and not really druids just another reason that I hated the phbII

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  20. #40
    Community Member Geonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrayOldDruid View Post
    Wild Shape as the above mentioned "Aspect" or the Stances would totally suck and I would be finding something else to play, no kidding.

    I don't think DDO has the interactions or quests that could really highlight a Druid's power... like they just ignore the Rogue's abilities for the most part.

    My favorite quests from PnP days were with me playing high-level Druids. Surrounded by the King's men, Sorcerers and their Troll allies? Wild Shape to a bat and fly off in the night. Wild Shape to a mouse and scurry through the walls of a building to find the secrets. Nowhere left to hide? Wild Shape to Dire Bear and show how aggravated you are. Even better, with Wild Casting feat, Have that Dire Bear shape stand on hind legs, towering above your enemies (unless they are giants) and call Lightening down upon them before wading in to wipe them up. Cornered by a nasty Dire Tiger, low on HP and desperate? Baleful Polymorph and ooooh, lookie the cute house-cat!!
    Yet more ways to use Wildshape, that have nothing to do with DDO, except one (Dire Bear).

    Woooooh, months of development for an alternate melee form? Waste of time to me.

    Druids power comes from their variety of their spell selection and other abilities (most of which will have minimal usage in DDO).
    Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.

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