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  1. #21
    Community Member ~Bandage's Avatar
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    With the build paths, I'm not sure if anyone really expects a player to take their build and use it to the current cap. Any of those builds, while not "uber", would last a new player long enough to learn the game and pull enough favor to get a Drow, as well as give them a good chance to figure out how to critique the build's weaknesses so they can rebuild an improved version.

    If you start with a pre-made uber build, then there's less reason for a new player to start experimenting with tweaks. I wonder if perhaps they didn't make the build paths slightly gimp on purpose, to promote people playing their own builds...
    Guild Leader ~ Twelve Moons ~ Sarlona

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  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    They just need builds that will get them started...
    Thudh, ponder on this one:

    If Turbine wants to give new players some help with the game, why do they build barbarians with Sap and no Improved Critical? Or, more importantly, why do they build a two-handed fighting paladin with 10 Con? Why, instead of making solid builds, do they make highly questionable builds that will, like in the case of the 10 Con paladin, be much harder to play?

    I can agree that the choice of Favored Enemy might be pushing it a bit, but why not optimize everything?

    Heck, you don't have to optimize for end game. You could simply make a strong end game build that is really strong at lower levels. After all, the whole point is to interest new players. The build has to be strong at first and remain good through their DDO experience. If not, you're increasing the chance they will leave., #1 source for DDO information.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Bandage View Post
    I wonder if perhaps they didn't make the build paths slightly gimp on purpose, to promote people playing their own builds...
    That's a big gamble. Make poor characters and risking that the player gets upset in order to encourage them experimenting.

    Personally, I cannot subscribe to this. Curiosity will kick in. Unless you are a purist, you will want to try it one of the mutilclass builds en vogue, one day., #1 source for DDO information.

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Look, if you had neither of those feats and were allowed to take either one of them, do you understand that Cleave would nearly twice as good Great Cleave? Is it a good thing for the lower feat to be better?
    Seems to work that way with enhancements...same benefit, but twice the cost at each level of enhancement. I find great cleave to be very handy...
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  5. #25


    Regarding favored enemy choices, I think for a new player, using these templates, A_D is right. I would recommend to someone that is new to the game to take undead, giant, evil outsider, and aberration as their favored enemies, in that order.

    I would not recommend these as favored enemies for end-game raiding, and they are not what I have on my finesse ranger, but they are what I would recommend for a new player.
    Drakion, Leader of the Lightbringers - Argonnessen - A Founding Guild

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  6. #26
    Community Member HumanJHawkins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    The thread whines about anything wrong with the preplanned build Paths introduced in New Player Experience.<Cut>
    You are right on most counts from a "Most Effective Build" perspective. And that's pretty important. Maybe there should be a disclaimer.

    But some people play this game for the fun of doing quirky things. And many of the paths are (I think) meant to say, "If you want to do this kind of quirky thing, here's how.

    Keep in mind that this game is really easy... You don't at all have to have a perfect build to succeed and have fun. And for a new player to be able to come in and pick a fun path that should hopefully take them to 1750 favor is not a bad thing even if in the process they learn that their first toon is gimped. Then they will have 32 points and can venture out into uberdom.

    Perhaps they should have a recommended power player build for Melee, Arcane, and Healing. But that would take a lot of the fun of figuring out what works best out of the game. I mean seriously, if I had started with my build for Sonnkral, I would never have rolled 3 other toons that I had to roll to learn from.

    Final note, my first high level toon was gimped beyond belief... A Drow fighter with a 17 Int. lol. T'was still a barrel of fun to play though.
    Sarlona - Nyr Dyv Raiders
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  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by HumanJHawkins View Post
    But some people play this game for the fun of doing quirky things. And many of the paths are (I think) meant to say, "If you want to do this kind of quirky thing, here's how.
    No, they're really not. The introductory writeup with each Path tells what it's really supposed to be doing, and many of them fail in various ways.

    People who want quirky can use custom selection.

  8. #28
    Community Member Chaosprism's Avatar
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    Given that Warforged is a premium race, it should NEVER be a recommended race for a path. A lot of new players will be free 2 play people trying the game.
    And the comment about it being harder for new people to play given it's healing difficulties I agree, although making healers friend enhancement a must for all WF paths (if there will still be some) would be a must.

    The barbarian paths should have a dwarf (2-handed axe), a human and maybe an elf

    Each path should feature a different base race (of the 4).

    Given that humans are supposed to be the most versatile, every class should have a path that features a human choice.

    The rogue paths should probably feature Dwarf , Elf and Halfling (and should all have maximised search and disable skills)

    The kensai fighter path should feature a two-weapon dwarven axe battler, (with axe enhancements)
    The stalwart defender should be human.

    One ranger path should feature a dwarven giant/orc/hobgoblin 2-axe attacker

    The paths should also show the racial features out for the enhancements,
    Like having the arcane failure reduction for an elven sorceror or wizard allowing them to wear padded armor or light armor with less failure.

    Given that a new player once they get more experienced can re-spec their enhancments, it's ok to
    Feats should be carefully chosen for all paths, given they're a lot harder to change.
    However with lesser and greater reincarnations, a new player respecing their character from a PATH is now much better.

  9. #29
    Community Member abull74's Avatar
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    I dont know if this has been fixed...but when I tried the WF monk gave me Mith body as a feat....I was uncentered from the word go.......EPIC FAIL

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