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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Dang broken sleeping potions

    I was at a party a couple years ago, and some darling of a halfling girl fed me an ale.... and i just woke up ><

    I used to live in a world called Reidra, but apparently some cosmic anomaly ended that place, so now here i am..


    I played DDO on Reidra with The Thousand Eyes at launch and for the months after, and eventually stopped playing with a couple lvl 10 characters (max level at that time). Now i have decided some part time DDO would be fun, and to see whats new.

    Unfortunately after this much time, i am fairly newbish. Yes i have a collection of Khopesh's and +5 armor etc, and at the time, it was the best you could get... now im not so sure what's what in the world of Stormreach.

    If any guilds are out there with 30 or active members that want to help an expirienced MMO (and DDO) player get back in the the groove, please drop me a line. I am not sure how to email my character in game, as apparently his name is appended by his old server name.. Seraph ~Reidra Lux Lucis... but i have my original character, Zarcharius still and he doesnt appear to have the appendix, though i havent logged him in yet.

    Anyhow... im kind of groggy after that sleeping potion and could use a guide or 2 around town.

    Thanks Khyber

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero
    2016 DDO Players Council
    Uska's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Well I can give you a try out for the Eagles if you want I remember seeing your old guild running around in the old days. as to mailing your character you do name-server not the ~ that should do ya good or if you dont trust the mail you can look me up when I am on and would be happy to help you switch you gear around or answer any direct questions you have. you can find me on Mornings CST and weekends vairable I will be one of the following possibly


    catching the theme? I have a couple that dont fit that but most do

    Last edited by Uska d'Orien; 12-18-2008 at 12:56 AM.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #3


    thousand eyes are still here
    If you want to know why...

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