Red X?
Red X?
Just got booted
He asked us "Be you Angels..??"
And we said "Nay...We are but Men..! Rock On..!!!"
Was looking at a chest too, unopened...
He asked us "Be you Angels..??"
And we said "Nay...We are but Men..! Rock On..!!!"
was in desert doing boot/bloodstone runs and suddenly ran into an invisible walls. could backtack and fight mobs around me, but rubberbanded when going forward. recalled out of desert then got the big boot. tried relogging and got the Red X.
past 2 weeks just hasn't been good for me lol....ISP keeps crashing at most inopportune times, now this.
ah well....on the flip a lot of gardening in hehehe
Jharka - Kanibal - Keadyn - Kedyn - KG2KM - Krenthael - KrescendoNOW YOU WILL KNOW TRUE POWER - Tade List
Time to go watch last nights DVR...
Yup, booted from the world and red X upon reconnect attempt.
Better not be a roll back. I spent hours trading for 2 +2 Tomes with Quikster, and levelled my Lowbie to L7 finally.
This craqp is getting really old....
"Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya
Yikes! good point Dex....glad now i didnt pull the boots or stone. I wudda been p****d![]()
Jharka - Kanibal - Keadyn - Kedyn - KG2KM - Krenthael - KrescendoNOW YOU WILL KNOW TRUE POWER - Tade List
atm is red 一
Arwenyi=20Fvs Pjs=20Sor Pepiero=13ranger/6pally/1monk Bluetide=18Pally/2monk
The OriEnTal StYle
Lame the servers went down?
Last edited by Quikster; 12-16-2008 at 09:14 AM.
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
So on my 2nd box i set up a bank toon to trade with dexx. Im running a Shroud group and we're zoning into two and he says I got that on another guy. I say fine, get it and open a trade window when your ready and send me a tell on my main. We buff and start pulling, Orthon, Earth, Gnoll, Blah. I get a tell from Dexx, "whenever you're ready" then i hear over party chat, "I got orthon, uhhh I guess I got em all, get em off me! get em off me!"Obviously Orthon is not as bad as Devil, but I've seen enough pugs wipe like that, and my buddy is trying to complete for the 5th time since being ready to craft his first greensteels.
I tell everyone to orthon, pull and kill, then repull orthon after we're set up. K so we kill orthon, everything is pulled, and bard starts wandering into center :O. Anywho we get it all worked out, and get our loot. I zone into pt 3. 5x5. I look over to my Laptop to pull up my solver, and there's dex, trade window open, tapping his foot. DOH! Sorry bro. So i finish the trade, pull up the solver and start solvin, and send dex a "sorry bro" tell. He's like "do you like this, do you like that?"
I say, "i didnt even look, im solving right now, ill look later and pm ya"
Pretty funny. BTW dex, weird rollback, i gave all the stuff i was supposed to trade you, and the stuff you traded me. Guess your SOL, better luck next time
And yeah, the armors coolConsider yourself PM'd
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
There were a bunch of morons in my group spaming music on mic and trying to make "music" by tapping on the mic.