The Shire is like that -- it has the slowest gameplay out of the three starting areas and a lot of hoofing it. I've completed nearly all of it on Sejan Stormrune (my Guardian), but overall I enjoy the dwarven/elven and human starting areas moreso (in that order).
The crafting is fairly easy once you get the hang of it. Cooking is probably the most confusing to start with, so try working with your other 2 skills instead first. The easiest profession to "figure out" is metalworking and weaponsmithing or armorsmith (or even jeweller). Those started me off in the right direction and after that everything made sense.
The satchel running SUCKS. It's only useful to become a Champion Pie Eater, Hero of the Shire and Member of the Shire Drinking League (paraphrased titles, can't recall exact names atm).
It's better to drop most of your hobbit quests and hoof it to Bree, and then onward to Combe/Archet. Careful when you enter Chetwood -- it's dangerous without friends and there's a level 15 elite warg that roams near the Chetwood Bandit Stronghold/Keep. Once you've hit about 10 to 12 mix it up and head to Ered Luin to Thorin's Hall or Celondim to see the dwarves or elves. Those quests are pretty decent too (my favorites actually, although the human area is the fastest to level). Finally, go back to the Shire once you're bored or on a horse -- you can ride like the wind at level 35 and complete a lot of the errands much faster.
If you're on Elendilmir, that's the unofficial sister-server of Argonnessen and Khyber. It has a very very (ridiculously large) Australian and New Zealander population as well as Americans & PacRim players.
PS: There is 1 quest that requires you to bring a bucket of water to a Forest Spirit from the town well in the next townlet between Combe & Bree. In order to not drop the bucket, you have to be walking. It's abnormal because the default settings allow you to run. It took a long time to figure out how to not fail the quest, and when I found out I could walk... I was pretty upset. One of the buttons on the keypad (del/ins?) will allow you to toggle walking and running.
Last edited by Kistilan; 12-16-2008 at 02:18 AM.
Nobody is going to "Poke" MY piehole!
And they claim D&D corrupts people into immoral demonic worshiping. How'd they overlook the BIG FRICKIN EYE?!
Seriously, have fun, and perhaps it's the DDO combat talking (nope, it's the Three Stooges,) but I am sad there's no pie fight!
But fear not, this is far from the taintedness of D& the craving hobbits just want to "eat your pie."
(Oh gods, they are SO going to string me up and use this as the example what NOT to post now)
Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
I AM, -- the truthseeker