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  1. #161


    Quote Originally Posted by baddax View Post
    Now those are just plain annoying! Although my guess is that DDO could be somewhat self policeing as people who went around griefing would find it very hard to get groups!
    Where is the line between miscalculation and to purposely one-shot your teammates? How about the line between incompetence and inexperience? Is the demarcation between a genuine mistake and purposely causing the failure of a quest all that clear?

    Should we really assume that it would not increase the tension between players and guilds?

    Would PuGs start fearing having arcane casters in their party all of a sudden? Would be playing a sorcerer or a wizard be as fun anymore?, #1 source for DDO information.

  2. #162
    Founder Chaos000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baddax View Post
    In reality it would be no different than people who get into long complicated quests and then say "sorry guys gotta go I was only expecting this to be a 10 minute quest because thats how long it take me to solo it on my sorc!" or "I gotta go i have no time to Baby sit you guys!". True quotes from people on my Not so friendly list.
    Wow sounds like something I've been tempted to say in more than one occassion. ::shrug:: it's a pug, what do you expect?

    "drink triple ... see double ... act single! uh oh wife aggro" *hides*

  3. #163
    Community Member query's Avatar
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    Default Great Story Bor

    and WONDERFUL "speech" you did...darn it wasn't REALLY from Turbine

    Well, I sent it to El and hope he gets some inspiration (and a clue) to stop this hyperinflation of immunities and HP and reduce us ALL back to what D&D 3.5 suggests, modestly enhanced for the live action pace. MODESTLY. No more 800 HP pc's and no more normal 3000 Ice giants unless I get the flamethrower of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!

    As for the evolution thing. Evolution is nohting more than mutations that worked well in the current situation so they didn't die out, Even the Neanderthal technically didn't disappear (when they were stronger, smarter and more adaptable, but the soon to be hom* sapiens were more savage, larger in number and had that genocide thing ingrained pretty well then as the future Saxxons,) but like the "lost" Mayans, interbreeded with their conquered into non regognition. Thank Discovery channel for showing what we may still carry even if it's not "highlighted." While evolution helped the Neo help the sapien develop so many of the basics we have now, the other branch was simply more aggressive in an age of climatic peril where the tougher literally did survive well.

    Going to DDO's changes, some work, some were done for opportune points to battle conflict (the most often cause of mutation as much of the hom* sapien's evoluton was for us to avoid being eaten and get more food, including that upright walking thing...helped with tools too,) and some were just random "ideas" that still exist as useless as they were then, but the only predator "developers" see it as a non priority target, focusing on what causes the "most conflict"

    Since one of the traits to reduce anxiety and stress was to get away from it, some of our race live in a state of "that's not happeneing" *cough cough global warming cough cough* when something can cause bad consequences, yet is a long stressful path to reverse.

    In no way am I sayin Turbine is putting its head in the sand, but I doubt the'd take the view of a minority population (forum posters) compared to what a sampling feedback of ALL subscribers say.

    Mind you, sometimes weird things happen (like the VERY small minority compared to the rest of the feedback in number that got the toolbars up to 20 or why they went ahead with updating the friend's list at a time when many of the classes were undepowered and needed the updates first [and the list completely stopped working anyway] or what in the world is keeping them from guild housing and being able to release a new module and INCLUDE the pathing for the teleport spells?)

    It's not completely a locical flowchart but more of a river with many interscecting streams and tributaries and commerce deciding what needs to make the journey from one side to another both in value and cost effectiveness on planning the journey. Some trips are short, others are bogged down for quite a while, and sometimes our "Captain" has no clue what path they think they can take compared to the experts able to phantom the depth and direction that the current is going and will likely go (Sorry, but Kate is no Mark Twain, but more a Publisher trying to sell his stories in a common tongue when some of the technical details are not fully understood by her as they first are introduced.)

    Alas, we listened to the daredevils on their dangerous looking craft say how easy the trip was rather than ask the people taking the steamboat, upping the rapids and risky banks for them, missing the rest of those not yet suited for rough waters.

    So perhaps in the golden age, things were easy for those who were bold, but blanket decisions making it harder for MORE than the risk takers now has imbalanced the imbalanced causing this monty haul exchange to its x or go home attitude.

    Well, I say we GO home and start taking care of our house first. Yeah the majority or "center" is what things need to be based on, and if we could actually get enough to comment (a very rare ever comment until they leave) on what they would like to keep or go or just improve, we MAY have a starting point for a negotiated change all can accept even if not always like.

    Or so says my late night logic wild goose hunt

    Edit: Oh yeah, forgot the "Demise" line:

    Last edited by query; 12-27-2008 at 09:05 AM.

    Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
    I AM, -- the truthseeker

  4. #164
    Community Member baddax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by query View Post
    and WONDERFUL "speech" you did...darn it wasn't REALLY from Turbine

    As for the evolution thing. Evolution is nohting more than mutations that worked well in the current situation so Since one of the traits to reduce anxiety and stress was to get away from it, some of our race live in a state of "that's not happeneing" *cough cough global warming cough cough* when something can cause bad consequences, yet is a long stressful path to reverse.

    ........... I think you are referring to global climate Change!! We all know that global Warrming is not for real!

    As for the evolution thing. Evolution is nohting more than mutations that worked well in the current situation so they didn't die out, Even the Neanderthal technically didn't disappear (when they were stronger, smarter and more adaptable, but the soon to be hom* sapiens were more savage, larger in number and had that genocide thing ingrained pretty well then as the future Saxxons,) but like the "lost" Mayans, interbreeded with their conquered into non regognition. Thank Discovery channel for showing what we may still carry even if it's not "highlighted." While evolution helped the Neo help the sapien develop so many of the basics we have now, the other branch was simply more aggressive in an age of climatic peril where the tougher literally did survive well.

    It's not completely a locical flowchart but more of a river with many interscecting streams and tributaries and commerce deciding what needs to make the journey from one side to another both in value and cost effectiveness on planning the journey. Some trips are short, others are bogged down for quite a while, and sometimes our "Captain" has no clue what path they think they can take compared to the experts able to phantom the depth and direction that the current is going and will likely go (Sorry, but Kate is no Mark Twain, but more a Publisher trying to sell his stories in a common tongue when some of the technical details are not fully understood by her as they first are introduced.)
    /smite Evil!!
    .......... Blasmpemey I say!!
    “If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles" TsunTzu

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