Comments in RedAt the moment..anyone who uses anything other then Khopesh or Heavy repeating crossbows gets "bullied" by other users because of their weapon choice..THIS HAS TO STOP!
Each Exotic weapon needs a feat to this should be a feat well spent...
My suggestions
1.Include light repeating crossbows in the weapon finesse lists
I don't get what making a ranged weapon finessable even means? But, I do think they should combine it so light and heavy are one feat and not two. That would be small nice thing.
2.add a bleeding effect to the Shuriken (say 5%) add to weapon finesse lists
Nah...Shuriken have a use as a monk weapon. That's enough of a valid existance.
3.add a trip effect to the kama (say 5%)
Nope, being centered on a monk is plenty of use for a Kama. They are fine IMO.
4.keep dwaven waraxe as is
5.Use the full hit detection for bastard swords (it should have the longest 1h weap range) add glancing blows.
I agree this is one case that can use some help. Maybe a small amount of glancing blows in not a bad idea actually.
6.reduce the attack bonus for khopeshes from (+3) to (+2) but keep the crit its overpowered. would remove all benefit from khopeshes, and make it a long sword. Its not overpowered. Its great but costs you an additional feat.
7.keep Heavy Repeating as is
As stated above, should combine with light xbows into one feat
8.keep Great Crossbow as is
Wow, now to me this is the single most useless weapon in the game. All non-repeaters suck, but this requires you to take a feat to completely suck. I would try to improve this big time. I'd suggest giving it an "armor piercing" ability by having it have a xx% chance to bypass AC altogether. At least then it might have some situational use on a hard to hit mob