Thank you very much for all the preview nuggets so far! Whether I'm thrilled about everything that has been previewed yet or not, I am distinctly happy that you folks at Turbine have lifted the moratorium on information sharing. Again, thank you for giving us stuff to think about, debate, and look forward to.
I like that the class is flavorful, and that the prereqs aren't TOO crippling, and I like that someone with this line will knock the hell out of the Pit Fiend, Sulu, orthons and bearded devils, but it applies to so little of the content in the game until you hit the Vale. Renders, Reavers and Flensers in CO6 and Threnal are the only evil outsiders that spring to mind that early in the game.
And someone asked about it being +4 attack and +4d6 damage, and whether that was the same as greater bane exactly. No, greater bane would also add +4 damage (+4d6+4), but that's a minor issue.
I'm really just hoping that the Defender of Siberys is totally awesome.