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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Dwarven Kensia Khopesh or Dw Axe??

    I'm running a Dwarven TWF with Kensia as my end goal and have up to this point been using Dwarven Axes. As I look at the Weapon Comparison Tool and plug in all the numbers to the "to hit/damage/seeker/+1crit range" the Khopesh really pulls away. I'm about to start building my greensteals and it seems the "Feat" is very much worth the DPS...All I would lose in my build is a toughness feat or GRT Two weapon fighting if my crazy BAB does not need it. I would still keep my Dwarven collections of Vorps/Wounders/Disruptors...but the Greensteal DPS is looking "Khopesh" to me at the moment. I have seen the crazy numbers for rapiers and all....but thats not an option for me. Are any other Dwarven Kensia canidates considering the change to Khopesh??

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Justicesar View Post
    I'm running a Dwarven TWF with Kensia as my end goal and have up to this point been using Dwarven Axes. As I look at the Weapon Comparison Tool and plug in all the numbers to the "to hit/damage/seeker/+1crit range" the Khopesh really pulls away. I'm about to start building my greensteals and it seems the "Feat" is very much worth the DPS...All I would lose in my build is a toughness feat or GRT Two weapon fighting
    For a kensai3, the best 1h weapon is Khopesh, followed by Pick, then Rapier, and then Dwarf Axe. If you have the dwarf enhancements they might push axe above rapier, but not over khop or pick.

    Do NOT skip out on the GTWF feat; drop Toughness instead. Or if you want to keep both feats, then just use a Pick instead of a Khopesh, but understand it's a little less DPS. Anyone with 18 levels of fighter does have enough feats for Khopesh.

    WARNING: There is a small chance that the devs will change Kensai3 before release, so that the weapon superiority might not stay exactly the same.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    For a kensai3, the best 1h weapon is Khopesh, followed by Pick, then Rapier, and then Dwarf Axe. If you have the dwarf enhancements they might push axe above rapier, but not over khop or pick.

    Do NOT skip out on the GTWF feat; drop Toughness instead. Or if you want to keep both feats, then just use a Pick instead of a Khopesh, but understand it's a little less DPS. Anyone with 18 levels of fighter does have enough feats for Khopesh.

    WARNING: There is a small chance that the devs will change Kensai3 before release, so that the weapon superiority might not stay exactly the same.
    My bad the only thing I was thinking of swaping out was a toughness feat or Oversize Two Weapon Fightning. The loss of "2" might not be missed?? Just have to see how it all works out.

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