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  1. #1
    Community Member Xun's Avatar
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    Default Constant Crashing in Shroud

    My DCClient deeps crashing since the update a few weeks ago ONLY when I run Shroud. I have not changed and installed any HW/SW on my computer but obviously I am having problems.

    Noticed a previous post that another was having the same problem and people believe it may be a Vista issue with Creative drivers.

    I am running Windows XP, any IDEAS?

  2. #2


    Could you provide us with a DX Diag please?

  3. #3
    Community Member brnzdragon's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    I've also been having the same issue, and running xp, but im unaware what a dx is
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  4. #4
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    From the start menu, select run, and then type in the dialog box "dxdiag." and click ok. A program will start, select "Save All Information" and put it some place easy to find, like say your desktop. This will save a file called DxDiag.txt . This is the file tech support needs to see which drivers and stuff you have installed in your system as well as your computers hardware configuration.

    It does sound like a driver issue.
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  5. #5
    Community Member brnzdragon's Avatar
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    ty i did that
    Watchyour - Imanuclear - HandyManny - Imanuke - Imajugernaut - Imanintitank -

  6. #6


    I was having this problem too, and I was told that I needed to do a full uninstall/re-install of DDO to fix it because of suspected corrupt files. (I too am using windows xp)

    Anyways, I'm not sure if this will help or not, but when I went to uninstall, DDO did not even show up on my Program Files list. So I had to do a full computer reformat to fix it. x.x It actually turned out in my situation that my hardrive had gone bad, but after all that was fixed I no longer have problems with my DDOclient failing.
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  7. #7
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    I am trying this:

    C-Media 6501 card, new drivers(HARD AS HELL to find, as the C-Media Website has no hosted drivers... yeah, you heard right. The manufacturer doesn't provide drivers atm... looks like for several months now)

    I plugged in a new Logitech USB Headset with Mic(Skype Certified) and ran under its embedded Generic Software(as it does not give any other option whatsoever, without causing a Service_Exception crash), same problem with the IRQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL... so the DX10 Sound needs to be an option, not a requirement.

  8. #8
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Default Drivers... or??

    DX10 seems to be the issue. I had no problems whatsoever with this particular crash sequence pre-DX10, and applications and games which support up to DX9.0c run fine, no issues at all.

    Again, I push for a Toggle, DX9.0c, DX10, or User Files(For DX Developers who like Win XP and recognize Vista for the steaming PoS it is.)
    Last edited by GlassCannon; 12-26-2008 at 05:17 AM. Reason: Typo...

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    I had this same problem, crashed every time in first part of the shroud, and sometimes in vision of destruction. The problems seem to have disappeared after I changed Sound Playback option from "Generic Hardware on SB X-Fi Audio" to "SB X-Fi Audio". I'm using WinXP.

  10. #10
    Founder Fallout's Avatar
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    Looks like I wasn't the only one. Yah for Shroud always crash a few times. Not anywhere else so far. Running Vista Ultimate 32bit. I can play DDO fine the whole day, when in Shroud, guarantee crash 3+ times for the entire raid, which is annoying, all the buffs are gone.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Theboz's Avatar
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    For people having this crash problem in XP

    Do the following

    Start>Control Panel>system Icon

    click on the Device Manager

    With the Device manager open you should see four menus at the top, click on the one that says "View" and scroll down to "resources by connection" and click on it

    You should see your computer name and four expandable menus click on the one that says "(IRQ)"

    With that open look though the list until you find your videocard and soundcard. On some computers when these two devices are are the same IRQ it can cause problems, adn on some it don't. Check the Number next to each device, If your videocard and soundcard share the same number or if your soundcard and NIC(network interface card) share the sme number, then you either need to reinstal the devices.

    If you need reinstall then it could be a pain to do, the best way is to remove the device from the computer and then remove drivers and then start computer without device and then you turn off and reinstall the device and start computer and reinstall drivers. Sometimes you need to go into the Bios or even the device manager will let you do it by manually changing the IRQ's wwithout doing the above. IT can be a pain, but well worth it if it fixes the problem.
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