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  1. #1
    Community Member talyor's Avatar
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    Aug 2007

    Smile Minimum Class lvl requirement for equiptment

    In order to help balance certain classes and increase potentially good raid/end reward gear how about making items that have a class and lvl restriction. like a realy nice piece of armour or weapon designed with bonuses or feats to beneft a ceratain class with a minimum class lvl to use and no umd to bypass because its use is not magicall but becase of your experiance and training in a certain class.

    light armor with a +4 dodge ,DD +10, and OL +10 for a build with 10 lvls of rogue NOT a lvl 10 build with 1 splash of rogue

    long sword holy +3 but if wielded by a build with 8 or more lvls of paladin the weapon also gains disruption.

    You know really cool combos to give to classes to help maintain balance while requiring more that just the slpash of a class to gain all the cool benefits.

  2. #2
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Absolutely not. What you are talking about is adding arbitration blocks on builds you don't like for reasons that aren't contained in the letter or spirit of D&D rules.

  3. #3
    Community Member talyor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    Absolutely not. What you are talking about is adding arbitration blocks on builds you don't like for reasons that aren't contained in the letter or spirit of D&D rules.
    And why is my suggestion any different than the already preexisting lvl reqs/race restriction that are found on items already. to me its a way to add some balance without changing all the rules.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Perhaps we could just add attributes like Pure Good, Holy, Disruption, Evil/Undead Bane, etc as part of a Paladin Specialty vs Evil/Undead?

    Call it, say, what Paladins should be able to do - rather than making specific weapons/items?
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  5. #5
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    I kinda like the idea of equipment that grows in power as you do.
    Some examples : -

    Rogues Gambit - A dagger that contains the soul of a long dead Master Rogue. When held it's voice inspires you to lift your skills to new heights. Adds your Rogue level (and rogue level only) to all class based rogue skills when equiped.

    Mystical Fabric - Made from an unknown material, thie small portion of cloth (trinket) seems to be tear in the fabric of the universe. When equipped a sorceror's spells last longer (caster level x2 seconds), do a additional damage (casters level added to all damage rolls) and use less sp (spell levelx2 deducted from sp cost)

    You get the idea.
    A friend will bail you out of jail.
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  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by talyor View Post
    And why is my suggestion any different than the already preexisting lvl reqs/race restriction that are found on items already. to me its a way to add some balance without changing all the rules.
    There is a big difference. A level restriction does not prevent anybody from using the item, just keeps the high level gear with the high level characters. The Race restrictions that occasionally show up are to balance the fact that you can use the item at a lower level.

    Your suggestion requires characters to use specific builds to get the best gear. I don't understand why so many people have a problem with multiclass characters, it's one of the greatest features of this game.
    Last edited by Zornochio; 12-10-2008 at 07:59 PM.

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