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Thread: RAID Suggestion

  1. #1
    Community Member Jacoby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Default RAID Suggestion

    After running a Demon Queen Raid last weekend and pulling no Raid (zero for all 8 who participated) loot with my guild we were a bit disgusted. I did have a negative post on this but wanted to make a positive suggestion as I do love this game, having contributed to your coffers for nearly 2 years now.

    1) Remove flagging for Raids after you flag the first time. I do believe this would keep more interest in Raids that require extensive flagging. The Reaver and Shroud are fine examples of this. The loot in DQ is ok but it's just not worth re-flagging for again and again so players loose interest rather quickly. Knocking the DQ out is worth several more runs however and would be repeated more often.

    2) Would people run other quests if this was done? I say yes for favor and some special random drops that are in the quest "if" they were made a bit more frequent than next to never.

    3) Lower end boss HP to a bit more realistic levels. It kinda sucks having to beat a Demon down for 20 minutes. There's no real skill or strategy there.

    Other quick suggestions

    1) Expand Alchemical crafting. Allowing a little customization of the way the armor actually looks. People love this.

    2) Named armor should always have a custom look, it's all about looking cool. Are we seeing a trend here?

    3) Add guild housing, banking.

    4) PvP Add bridge battles with real rewards. If you add a reward system to PvP you'll see it take off.

    5) I think explorable area's could be expanded into PvP to some degree. Maybee with a cap on the numbers to keep lag to a minimum in the area.

    I should have made a separate post on this but the stuff just spews out that way... O.o

    Again, I love this game and want to see it with some more life.

    Last edited by Jacoby; 12-10-2008 at 10:21 AM.

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