It has been announced that the Barbarian Critical Rage enhancements (which give +1, +2 threat range at levels 11, 14) will become untrainable in module 9. Characters who have them already can keep them, but they can't take barbarian class specialties.
That kind of handling is a mistake for a few reasons. Following is a suggestion to nerf that feature less-severely.
Change Critical Rage into a full-fledged barb specialty. Here is a fuzzy example of how that could work. I'm not going to really get into whether or not this would be a good idea.
Barb Bloodthirsty Fury 1
Prereqs: Barb 6, Sprint Boost II, Improved Critical<any>, Lightning Reflexes or Precision or Quickdraw or Evasion
Cost: 4 AP
Benefit: You can spend a use of Rage to enter Critical Rage, which provides a +1 bonus to the critical threat range of your mainhand (or single) weapon. Critical Rage is separate from your ordinary Rage, and may be used at the same time. The duration of Critical Rage is determined by Extended Rage enhancements and your Dexerity score.
Barb Bloodthirsty Fury 2
Prereqs: Barb 12, Sprint Boost III, Bloodthirsty Fury 1
Cost: 4 AP
Benefit: Your Critical Rage now provides +2 threat range on twohand weapons and +1 threat range on onehand weapons. You can spend a use of Sprint Boost to gain +20% melee attack speed for 20 sec, which cannot be combined with Haste Boost enhancements.
Barb Bloodthirsty Fury 3
Prereqs: Barb 18, Sprint Boost IV, Bloodthirsty Fury 2
Cost: 2 AP
Benefit: Your Critical Rage now provides +2 threat range to all weapons. On a critical hit with a two-handed weapon you can add your Dexterity bonus to your Strength bonus for damage.
Notice that it's impossible to get this specialty before level 8 or 9. Notice that the requirement for a junky feat makes this ability more expensive. Notice that a barb with this system will need to spend rages twice as fast in combat, unless he's willing to temporarily miss out on either raging strength or threat range. He could quite possibly run out (especially if he gets killed & raised)