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  1. #1

    Default Priority: Greensteel Deconstruction

    With the recent changes (and more announcements to come), things have shifted quite a bit. Add this to the fact that many people have made mistakes crafting, and even more people helped to pioneer the crafting from the beginning, and I think this reasons out:

    It is imperative that we are offered Greensteel deconstruction before Mod 9 arrives. Mod 8, Patch 3 would be the ideal delivery.

    It could cost us the greensteel item and the power cells, or however you need to implement it. It's very anti-grind, I know - but bear with us for once.

    Please consider this.

    Last edited by DaveyCrockett; 12-10-2008 at 03:27 AM.
    [Founder/Leader of the Bloodlords of Argonnesen]
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  2. #2
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    I'm all for this, especially all the errors and trials people made when they were testing out new dual-shards back in M6.

    But you know Turbine is about more grind, not less. If they do implement a deconstruction, it'll almost certainly give a diminished return.
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  3. #3
    Community Member Lewcipher's Avatar
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    Agreed. Made Wiz VI bracers on my Wiz. Wow, 2 weeks later I get a Wiz VII ring out of the hound.

    Casters got pretty much boned with the crafting compared to the rest.

    So /salute

  4. #4
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lewcipher View Post
    Agreed. Made Wiz VI bracers on my Wiz. Wow, 2 weeks later I get a Wiz VII ring out of the hound.

    Casters got pretty much boned with the crafting compared to the rest.

    So /salute
    Casters aren't the only ones to get boned. I've got two greatswords that are sitting in the bank, just in case they make deconstruction available. Oh, and a pair of bracers from before I got Levik's.
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  5. #5
    Community Member Lewcipher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    Casters aren't the only ones to get boned. I've got two greatswords that are sitting in the bank, just in case they make deconstruction available. Oh, and a pair of bracers from before I got Levik's.
    Ohh..Greatsword before they gave us Large horn craftability. I have a couple things as well, but the GS Greatsword, ouch.

  6. #6
    Community Member Gum's Avatar
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    **As the Great Emu is one with the hill, so am I with the Great Emu.**

  7. #7
    Community Member HeavenlyCloud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gum View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordelia View Post
    How does every thread on the Argo forums become about Blah?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mhykke View Post
    My question is how are there threads on other servers and in general forums not about Blah?

  8. #8
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveyCrockett View Post
    I'm not asking for anything that you haven't already said you would give us
    Davey I agree some form of deconstruction would be a good thing (even with the shards and cells, and maybe even blank ingredients lost) but I don't recall devs ever saying they would give it to us, I only recall players saying they should.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    Davey I agree some form of deconstruction would be a good thing (even with the shards and cells, and maybe even blank ingredients lost) but I don't recall devs ever saying they would give it to us, I only recall players saying they should.
    They didn't promise, but it was on a dev's to-do list at one point. I'm sure someone will dig it up, I'm too lazy though.

    I wholeheatedly agree with the need for GS construction, although Davey's twisted reasoning of wanting to make a new char to grandfather in with new enhancements is really pushing it.

    A better example might be how this will likely kill greensteel greataxes, similar to the greatsword saga (oh my god am I glad I waited).

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    But you know Turbine is about more grind, not less. If they do implement a deconstruction, it'll almost certainly give a diminished return.
    You know, there was a time when a statement like that wouldn't go unanswered.

    Now the masses, myself included, silently agree and move on without comment.

    Turbine, take note. For the love of god, take note.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    We have not stated that there will be any form of deconstruction for green steel weapons at this time.

    There will be many additions made to various systems over time, including the Shroud Green Steel system.
    I stand corrected, but the issue is there.

    Regardless of reasoning, many people are in need of this feature, including the many people that pioneered the crafting for all to enjoy.

    Twisted? I lie to call it opportunistic.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveyCrockett View Post
    Twisted? I lie to call it opportunistic.

    Pfft! Why do you think I don't spend my time on this stuff til they bring out level 20 and most of the PrC/PrEs? There's a reason I don't run the grind, DfC...

    Plan Ahead (I admit I'm psychic, but still... a little forethought will go a long way!)

  13. #13
    Community Member Deval's Avatar
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    Totally agree:

    For those people who built weapons before their weapons of choice were available:

    Built a greatsword, because Greataxe wasnt available etc etc

    And for those who accidently bugger it up to
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  14. #14
    Community Member Deaths_ward's Avatar
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    Like Kistilan said a little forthought, and here's my input if you built a flavor of the month toon, or flavor of the month green steel then you deserve to be stuck with a that decision, and if you have multiple tier III items then I have no sympathy because you're probably one of those elitist snobs that can just buy your ingredients with plat and items because you spend 80+ hours on this game a week.
    "At the end of all things, let it not be said that I didn't pull the switch that killed us all."

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Deaths_ward View Post
    Like Kistilan said a little forthought, and here's my input if you built a flavor of the month toon, or flavor of the month green steel then you deserve to be stuck with a that decision, and if you have multiple tier III items then I have no sympathy because you're probably one of those elitist snobs that can just buy your ingredients with plat and items because you spend 80+ hours on this game a week.

    You are noone to tell people what they should be stuck with.

    Someone trying out a new build (then others catching on later and claiming it as 'flavor of the month'), should not be penalized anymore than any other player that enjoys the game.

    Take your assumptions of me and shove it up something attached to you.

    I don't want your sympathy, not at all. I want Turbine to offer something that would benefit ALOT of players. I just gave my own examples of why it would be handy for me as well, since I didn't pioneer crafting, and haven't made any mistakes so far (knocks on wood).
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  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post
    Pfft! Why do you think I don't spend my time on this stuff til they bring out level 20 and most of the PrC/PrEs? There's a reason I don't run the grind, DfC...

    Plan Ahead (I admit I'm psychic, but still... a little forethought will go a long way!)

    Sorry, Krist, can't agree here. People run content to run content, including whatever crafting is available. It is not reasonable to expect people playing a game to not play that game, yet still maintain their accounts, yes?

    Even with the cap at 20 and PrC/PrEs out, do you really think the game will remain static? No changes? On an MMO?
    Brenna, Tzanna, and Tzinna Wavekin
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  17. #17
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deaths_ward View Post
    Like Kistilan said a little forthought, and here's my input if you built a flavor of the month toon, or flavor of the month green steel then you deserve to be stuck with a that decision, and if you have multiple tier III items then I have no sympathy because you're probably one of those elitist snobs that can just buy your ingredients with plat and items because you spend 80+ hours on this game a week.

    Absurd. The shroud has been out what, 8, 9 months? People always wanted greensteel greataxes. And we've had those for what, 5 months now? Longer?

    Seems like "flavor of the month" wouldn't last a significantly long time, but don't let me stop your rant.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by SableShadow View Post
    Sorry, Krist, can't agree here. People run content to run content, including whatever crafting is available. It is not reasonable to expect people playing a game to not play that game, yet still maintain their accounts, yes?

    Even with the cap at 20 and PrC/PrEs out, do you really think the game will remain static? No changes? On an MMO?
    It's not what I said persay. You're read'n into it too much.

    I saw what was happening, but I have a strange foresight. I don't pity or envy those who had greensteel items to whoop-snoogans for eons and now find themselves gett'n a little rough sandpaper.

    The fact it, this happens a lot in games and life. I don't expect any game or situation in life to remain static. I think you all should adapt and stop emo'n this up so much. Run the Shroud again if you don't like your item after the PrCs come out.

    Turbine gave you more options with the coming mod9. Celebrate that! New greensteel items can be made. You're still running a level 16 to level 20 for it.

    I've guys at specific levels for specific reasons due to the level 20 that was inevitable. I've never stopped playing. I admit I can't play as much as you guys due to my job and life these days.

    I stand by my final thought: "I think you guys are underestimating how badly you want the perfect greensteel item for your character."

    Stop asking for free handouts. If anything, I'd encourage Turbine to make this "Greensteel Deconstruction" a Premium Service along with the Full Character Respec option.

  19. #19
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    Me I wish they had never done GS at the power level they have but since they have it would be nice to have some kind of deconstruct avail for people whose builds are being affected or who made a mistake in their crafting, shouldnt get all their ingredients back but a majority of them in the deconstructing. maybe loose the blank.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  20. #20


    Kist, Kist, Kist...

    First, you pioneered absolutely nothing in the Greensteel world. I don't mean that negatively, but the truth is - you didn't. What about those that did? All of those wasted ingredients to compile information for the masses to benefit from.

    Secondly, you've obviously never made a mistake while crafting. What about those people that did?

    Thirdly, you probably didn't even start crafting (ie, have enough ingredients) until the full list of weapons was out, for the people that did, they probably had a khopesh on their dwarven s&b, or a greatsword on their barbarian. Then came Dwarven Axes and Greataxes.

    Fourth, noone here is asking for yours, or anyone else's pity. Deconstruction would go along way in helping many players, for many reasons. If people would stop thinking that things that hurt the 'uber' help them, we wouldn't have this negativity pop up in every 'idea' thread. This particular idea has the potential to help everyone.

    Lastly, do you really think I don't have the ingredients to build more Greensteel, or that the amount of ingredients lost would even be felt? That's not the point in this discussion.

    In closing, I'm asking for a feature to be added that many people could benefit from, not an 'oh ****" button for min/maxers.
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