as title says let me know what do you want for it.
i had one of these on hfb... it should be on bill's account now. awww ****
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Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)
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GROAN-1 (Melee/Casting Horc FVS)
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[Founder/Leader of the Bloodlords of Argonnesen]
[Davey•Khealer•Acapella•Parlospi•Godith•Gearey Gygax]
Ive got one I dont use and probably never will. Hit me up in game on Cold...
I'll let you have it for a dps g-axe and you putting a particular quote in your forum sig until mod 9 goes live. Details to be discussed in game.
Id like an electric haze also lol...
Solo: Eadq1, Eadq2, EDA, EChains, EVOD. 2 man EShroud, 4 man ETOD, World First ELOB