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  1. #1
    Community Member GrrArgh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Collectables on the AH

    I'm in a bit of a rush these days, with no time to crawl through the forums digging for answers so maybe you guys can help me. I usually auction items off at cost with a buyout of a copper more....figguring it's better money than I'd make brokering the item and a deal for someone else....but now I'm looking to post some collectables. I do tend to gather quite a lot of them. And I'm wondering - what are some high priced collectables and what is a valid posting range for em on the AH? I don't mean what prices are posted now....they're all over the charts for some collectables...What I mean is: "What would you buy and how much would you reasonably spend on them?" Just trying to get a general idea of base price and buyouts.....or point me to another thread, please if this is covered well someplace else already. Thanks.
    "I gots me a bad feeling about this..."

  2. #2
    Community Member Lorichie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    If you have Blessed Candles/ Silver Bowls/ Ritual Athame let me know how many and how much you want for them, if you are selling those that is.


  3. #3
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Just look on the Auction House, and you can see how much they generally go for... Post yours about 20% under the lowest already out there on AH, and they'll probably sell...

    Some collectables are used in crafting, and are therefore more valuate.

    Lightning-split soarwood is probably the most expensive right now... You can probably get 300k - 600k gold (or more maybe) for those.

  4. #4
    Community Member Maxwell1380's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    the reason for the ridiculous prices is because some collectables are craftable while others are not. I cant atm remember which are which, just be carefull if you are posting them to know what you have.

  5. #5
    Community Member Cutter1968's Avatar
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    Jan 2008

    Default Craftable Collectibles

    Is there any place to find out what collectibles are used in crafting?
    Thelanis-DocUnderhill Dwarven Cleric (7) & Shortcutt Halfling Ranger/Rogue (4/2)
    Ghallanda-Grinedar Dwarven Barbarian (5) Kyber-Retnoal Elven Paladin/Fighter (4/1)
    Sarlona-Kanndar Dwarven Fighter (6) Argonnessen-Rollard Elven Paladin Orien-Taumond Halfling Cleric/Rogue (10/1)

  6. #6
    Community Member GrrArgh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Aware

    Yeah. I'm aware of the crafting uses....I was just looking for some actual numbers. LoL. I kept finding things....let's just use lightning split soarwood for instance....with opening/closing bids in the 100k, 200k, and 500k range....and then I found some going for a buyout of a couple hundred. Just wondering what some good general ranges are....For instance based on your recommendation, I'll probably put my lightning split soarwood up for a minimum bid of 300k and a buyout of 600k since that's what I can "probably get for them".

    I was actually looking for input on what people would actually pay for certain ones without feeling cheated. Those types of values I'd like to put up as my buyouts. I'm not looking to get the most gold...but I'm not one of those powerhouses that buy/sell/trade uberloot all the time so my coffers usually run pretty low. I'd like to change that without being ridiculous about it.
    "I gots me a bad feeling about this..."

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