Quote Originally Posted by Leyoni View Post
You are an idiot. This is my statement, "The good and skilled cleric is the one that performs either function with ease depending on the party composition and need."

A good cleric heals when needed. A good cleric banishes when needed. A good cleric blade barriers when needed.

What I think a cleric should be is all of these things. It is you and Aranticus and the others that are pigeon holing the clerics.

I'm just telling you all what the problem is -- clerics that refuse to heal are self-centered and useless to a group oriented game AND clerics that do nothing but heal are self-centered and useless to a group game. Neither is living up to it full potential. The good and skilled cleric fits the role needed by the group.

A point lost on those of you who are self-centered.
Ahhhh. We are a special one eh?

It is not refusing to heal, its refusing to babysit, and this it what YOU do not get. THIS was the original point of the op. If you get cursed, dont ask for remove curse, drink a potion. If you can wand whip, then at the end of a fight, top off.

Yeah, if I see someone drop 50+% in one shot, I'm throwing a heal and I'm throwing one quick. But I am NOT babysitting some gimpy !#@ character who refuses to be self sufficient in any way.

Healbots are gimp clerics, they are the antithesis of everything D&D and any other class that refuses to be self sufficient in any way are also gimp

Also buddy, if you like your posting privilages, watch with the name calling.