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  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    For example, my friend didn't liked it when I compared the gospels to Pokémon. While he got my point, he didn't really appreciate the comparison... and I understand the sentiment.
    I am neither a theist nor an athiest. I am a whocaresist and an argumentist. I've had these discussions on either side, and it is just too easy when you opponent truly believes either in the existence or absence of god. Generally speaking, these arguments are won by the people that care the least about the subject, as it isn't really difficult to **** all over someone's belief system if you won't be offended by their response.

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  2. #22
    Community Member RigorAdar's Avatar
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    Wow this thread hasnt been closed yet? Alright before it does I want to give a shout out to IB's mom, your great. TY, move on now.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by DelScorcho View Post
    [...] as it isn't really difficult to **** all over someone's belief system if you won't be offended by their response.
    I agree to this. My point was that since atheism is a lack of belief, getting emotions out if much less likely., #1 source for DDO information.

  4. #24
    Community Member GreenGurgler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RigorAdar View Post
    Wow this thread hasnt been closed yet? Alright before it does I want to give a shout out to IB's mom, your great. TY, move on now.
    While it may be against forum guidlines to discuss religion, I would guess the reason it hasnt been shut down is becasue of the civil tone taken so far by everyone who has engaged in this discussion.

    Kudos to people who can debate and disagree in a polite manner. If more people were able to do this, these topics wouldn't be so taboo.

    My reply to the OP: If your going to allow one on a government property, I can see why they allowed the other. BUT, IMO, the sign being placed right next to the nativity is plain tacky. There is a time and a place for everything.

    Seperation of Church and state wasnt implemented to forbid govt. institutions from acknowledging or respecting religions, but to prevent a state sponsered and mandated religion by the government.
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  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreenGurgler View Post
    Seperation of Church and state wasnt implemented to forbid govt. institutions from acknowledging or respecting religions, but to prevent a state sponsered and mandated religion by the government.
    It's funny how the words are crafted in the constitution. For example, your use of the highlighted word "respecting". Here's the actual "separation of church and state" clause from the constitution:
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . .
    While I think that Jefferson's use of the word varies quite a bit from yours, I find it interesting nonetheless.

  6. #26
    Community Member Aeneas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by secondchance View Post
    hey was that me bro??

    I'm a christian, but that sign who-ever posted it I am not angered by it....nope I'm sad for that person.... there's a lot of emptyness there.... this isn't the place for this though I think it may be against the rules and some one always gets "bent out of shape" when this topic comes up..... but christan to christian I would say this to you (the op) don't judge and don't let the beliefs or non beliefs of anyone offend or anger you ... I hope that helps you
    We're sad for you too. Sleeping in on Sunday's rules.
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  7. #27
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Eep! Religion and politics: not allowed on the forums gang

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