I live in Washington state and next to a Nativity scene in the capital of Washington (Olympia) a sign was posted that said...
At theis season of
the winter solstice
may reason prevail
there are no gods,
no devils, no angels,
no heaven or hell.
There is only our natural world
religion is but
myth and superstition
that hardens hearts
and enslaves minds.
IMO this sign is 1. ridiculous 2. offensive and 3. should not be posted up during christmas next to a nativity scene in the capital building.
But I am Catholic and have a bias; so I am curious, my fellow DDO community what do you think of this sign? I know there is freedom of speech but is this offensive to the point where it should not be posted next to a nativity scene? Is that a bit harsh or ok? Some may argue that the nativity scene should not be set up cuz of seperation of church and state but the American gov. considers christmas both a religous and philisophical holdiay and thats why it is allowed to be displayed in Washingtons capitol building. But anyway what is your opinion on this? Am I thinking logical? Should it be allowed or not? Is it just me or is this rude to be posted next to a nativity scene as Christams approaches?