My fun toon Flufty now has gotten to 11 Wiz with 1 level of Barb (1st level)
Str = 27 (18 + 3 lvl + 5 item + 1 tome)
Dex = 12 (10 + 2 item)
Con = 22 (16 + 2 enh + 4 item)
Int = 24 (15 + 3 enh + 5 item + 1 tome)
Feats = power attack, toughness, mental tough, imp mental tough(bonus - extend, max, heighten)
HP = 240ish (unraged - imp false life dusk heart)
SP = 950ish
I buff with false life, stoneskin, GH, resists, prot energy, displacement, rage, jump, and of course haste.
I use divine power clickies to allow myself to actually hit things (current BAB is +6). I have a total of 11 at level 12 with another 10 when I hit level 13 (should be good for running between shrines).
I can cast reconstruct, and cure crit (with +50% repair helm for 5th & lower) so I get 140ish from recon and 60ish from rep crit.
My AC is 18ish, so I don't bother with that
I use +4 holy greatsword of maiming, vorpal falcion, +1 transmuting of right, +3 para greatsword, +1 greatclub of disruption, +3 frost greatclub of maiming, +3 wounding, usually standing in a firewall, with a smattering of glitterdust and cloudkill.
My sp are used for buffs, repairing and AOE spells. I use wands for stuff like scorching rays as I hit for around 60dmg.
My question is what for next levels.
I'm kinda swinging towards another level of barb (total of 2) I will get an extra +1 con enhancement, then the rest fighter to get +1 str and extra feats which would be imp crit slashing (when I can), maybe cleave/greater cleave or weapon focus/spec then I can use my level feats for toughness.
When Mod9 comes out I could get Kensai fighting (6 levels fighter) so my vorpal would have a chance to hit more than 1 of the mob
What does anyone think?