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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Dec 2008

    Default language problems

    been playing the Eu server for a year now, figured id come over and take a look on the other side of the pond. took me a good 2 hours to down load the game first time... same 2nd and 3rd it only took 3 hours. now that iv been here a whole day id say its starting to look very bleak.

    the thing is. the examine part of the launcher tells me every time to re-install the game... that got old fast. so if its not the files i downloaded. what else is there? do be honest i did have a Eu version when i loaded the Us version. after my first error i removed both games and tried again. So now its just retrying and telling me that it cant find core data file.

    any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    May 2006


    Here's a thread with someone who had the same problem. Doesn't look like he found a resolution but it does appear to relate to the UK version being installed prior to the US version, then possibly not uninstalling correctly.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Known issue. Once the British version has been on there, the American version will be sullen and insolent until you round up all the tea in your house and hurl it into the harbor.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Default tea party

    must admit your comment lightend my mood frugal gourmet though the issue is still unresoulved. worse you seem to have the same kind and friendly people we do.. makes it hard not being able to get to stormreach and run with you all. strakeln thanks for inserting the link - read it - and are glad others have had same problem and saddened that it was solved in a way i cant. i have corrupted my missus and she is bound by the same universal laws i am(eu version ddo). im not gonna buy a new computer or booting it. so im stuck and my 10 days running out as we speak. while i waited first time i stupidly went and signed up ofc. well i got to talk to you guys...

  5. #5
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    Keep checking this thread, Altimus should be by shortly. To prepare for his arrival, I recommend you post your dxdiag output (as that will likely be the first thing he asks for).

    My thoughts, which are completely uninformed and therefore have a likelihood of being completely false:

    It sounds like DDO-EU is not uninstalling properly. I'm guessing that one of two things is happening... either:
    1) Files are not being deleted.
    2) Registry settings are not being cleared.

    To address the first one, do an uninstall of both versions, then do some manual searching for anything relating to DDO... in C:\Program Files\Turbine, in Documents\Dungeons and Dragons Online, etc. Also use search functionality (google desktop will likely work best) to find anything that might be hidden elsewhere.

    For the second one, well, that's a bit more complicated and risky. Search online for some tools to edit the registry, but if you decide to do this - before you do anything - make a backup of the registry!

    I have had problems relating to #2 when installing different versions of VPN clients (same distributor) on a Windows machine, which is why I suspect that may be related to the problem.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Dec 2008


    well been looking at launcher and there are a lot of old ones not deleted from codemasters/turbine from the original installations. also not sure how to get to teh information he will need. been looking and they seem to be hidden or somewher else "over here." the thread suggested is no wher to be found? must be a language thing again. (danish and my settings are ofc in my language..)

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