sorry i traded them and i dont know how to delete this thread
sorry i traded them and i dont know how to delete this thread
Last edited by randolphin; 12-30-2008 at 03:32 PM.
It would be easier for those of us that are interested if you would post any wants you have, specifically, in order for us to make an offer - as it stands right now, we're taking a shot in the dark, and I for one, never have much luck with those.
I m interested in this boot.Because of the time lag ,i cannt reach ya immidiately
Arwenyi=20Fvs Pjs=20Sor Pepiero=13ranger/6pally/1monk Bluetide=18Pally/2monk
The OriEnTal StYle
dont hold you breath guys... i sent him a tell about 3 days ago and still no response.
Exisled..Maknee..Myknee..Metaliya..Metalya..Bankin ..Cutz.. Soulseeker..Aphro..Smashin..Twinkly..Nutty.. Puffpufff.. Butche