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  1. #1
    Community Member Mazeratti's Avatar
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    Wink Boring Tales for the VERY bored


    (for those that dont know Play School is a Pre-School/educational program on ABC here is Australia)

    Five year old daughter comes to you and says,
    "Mummy, I want to play your game" *smiling sweetly*. Being in a good mood, you agree thinking Ill let her play around for 5 mins and she will get bored.

    You get out your highest character and think ok Kobald Island should be ok not realising Kobald Island is gone and you have to go Korthos Island now for lowbie fun and games.

    Then you realise that you have to do a bunch of quests before they will let you out the gates. Five minutes has turned into three quarters of an hour, but its all good at least you have learnt what you need to do now to get your new toons through in "lowbie ville".

    So out the gates we go, and honestly it was a lot of fun watching my daughter manage forward and back and left and right (she actually goes left when I say left and not right like me ) in the end she had mastered even the art of jumping up on ledges, LOL.

    I was tempted to put up an LFM for other five year olds just for a hoot at watching a bunch of toons running haphazardly around Korthos, but I restrained myself.

    Now she is bugging me to play all the time Ive created a monster, but have increased the server population by one.

    Well that killed five minutes, back to work now LOL
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  2. #2
    Community Member Resurrection's Avatar
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    Default Lmao

    If only I didn't know exactly what you mean! I let my 8 year old daughter play because she's always complaining that I'm on the computer too much. I made a fighter for her that she gets to run once a week with a friend, but she made this great case for not being challenged enough and wanting to use spells. So, as she was asking so nicely, (and that must be rewarded) I let her log on my level 2 bard and loaded her into the Korthos adventure area. Well my two year old kicked up a fuss about something or other, and I stepped out of the room for a few minutes. When I came back in, she had a few hundred kills and all the explorer points! The kid got me a level! Now I see why child labor is so attractive...
    Smurfett, Mystres, Shirah, Xtreme, Pleasant and Popples
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  3. #3
    Community Member Mazeratti's Avatar
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    LOL Thats awesome.

    Kids seem to take to these games so easily, I even call in my 13 year old son to solve the puzzles for me He used to be the one I called if I needed to jump anywhere too, but finally I can manage that myself...almost always

    Thing is now I have to fight two of them for "game time"
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  4. #4
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazeratti View Post
    LOL Thats awesome.

    Kids seem to take to these games so easily, I even call in my 13 year old son to solve the puzzles for me He used to be the one I called if I needed to jump anywhere too, but finally I can manage that myself...almost always

    Thing is now I have to fight two of them for "game time"

    I am so glad I'm not the only one who has resorted to that.

    I was roguing VoN many mods ago, and was having trouble with the lightning hallway traps. (was my first time in there.) After several deaths, i finally called my boy in (who had been thru many times already) and had him get the trap boxes. (Oh, and he has NEVER let me forget it, either.)

    Now the twerp can dang near swim crucible with his eyes closed. Derned teenage whippersnappers.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  5. #5
    Community Member ChadMan's Avatar
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    I am a kid so 8D i help my dad all the time(his highest toon is 7 mines a 16 and a 15 as i htink u guys can tell KIDS RULE

  6. #6
    Community Member Hyldr's Avatar
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    My little one is four now. so far he only wants to play Spore all the time he's getting pretty good at it, for a four yr old.. I'm sure he'd want to play this too, if I played while he was awake lol. I think I shall wait a while before letting him though, I already have a hubby to contend
    Hyldr>human paladin/rogue {main}Dyrge>Human bardNeviah>Human clericTekoa>drow rogueTabantielf arcane archerKorah>Human pally{rerolled, former main}
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  7. #7
    Community Member Sirea's Avatar
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    LOL, my 5 year old son will stand next to me sometimes while I'm playing and say things like "don't fall in the lava!" or "ahh spiders! Kill em!" or if he sees my screen flash he'll say "Mommy did you just die?" ROFL Then he'll go off on his own in the living room and I'll hear him "fighting" pretend monsters He calls DDO the "dragon game." Come this time next year I'll probably be asking him to do Shroud puzzles for me cuz I still haven't gotten the hang of them
    Sohryu ~ Raven's Guard ~ Orien

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Traps in DDO don't actually deal damage, they politely ask your avatar to damage themselves.

  8. #8
    Community Member Katarrah's Avatar
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    Default don't you love it

    when most the time people claim that we kids are "noobs" and don't know anything about this game? got 4 capped toons all great builds already got my 32 pointer within the time it took my uncle who played this game since PnP to get his 2nd toon capped when its kids that take to the game fastest the most

  9. #9
    Community Member Mazeratti's Avatar
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    Default LOL yes...

    I am amazed at how young people can rock in this game. It is their lack of fear I think to some extent. My son used to laugh at me getting all nervous in Sewer Rescue (in my beginning days - now I get all jittery in Meridia and also anytime I have to jump somewhere )
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  10. #10
    Relic of the Last War
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazeratti View Post
    I am amazed at how young people can rock in this game. It is their lack of fear I think to some extent. My son used to laugh at me getting all nervous in Sewer Rescue (in my beginning days - now I get all jittery in Meridia and also anytime I have to jump somewhere )
    Your jump skills have improved tremendously. Keep work'n on your mario footwork. And yes, your nerves have become more solid too. Meridia is nothing but another ballpark to play the game. Nothing to sweat.

  11. #11
    Community Member Mazeratti's Avatar
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    Well thanks

    But you have to say that Master/Sensei

    I still hate it when you make me do the VONs Jump
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