Feylina - Lvl 16 Human Cleric
Str. 8 -> 14 (+6 Levvik's)
Dex. 8 -> 8
Con. 16 -> 24 (+2 tome +6 con ring)
Int. 8 -> 8
Wis. 18 -> 34 (+3 tome, Lorrik's Necklace, +4 ability ancrease, +3 enhancements)
Char. 14 -> 22 (+2 tome, +6 from armor)
Notes: 14 charisma will give 11 dvs, 15 if i'm in party healer mode. more than adequite for me.
Concentration (24 before items)
Balance (8 before items and in robes)
Notes: Most people take diplomacy, especially on a high char character like a cleric. never needed it really. i prefer the concentration. there are times when i'm looking to conserve sp and don't have quicken on. and it's nice to be able to take the hit without losing the spell. balance is a must imo although i could see taking diplo also here or even haggle.
Empower Healing
Mental Toughness
Improved Mental Toughness
Note: when parked in healer mode and not soloing i swap maximize for Extra Turn Undead for 15 dv's.
Human Adaptability Wisdom
Cleric Improved Empower Healing I, II, III
Racial Toughness I, II
Cleric Life Magic I, II, III, IV
Cleric Improved Spell Penetration I
Cleric Energy of the Zealot I, II, III, IV
Cleric Wisdom I, II
Cleric Divine Vitality I, II, II
Cleric Extra Turning I, II
Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery I, II, III, IV
Notes: You will notice i don't have anything for my heal crits. i used to but i find them a terrible waste of ap. if i can't keep a party up with a 400+ heal and my masses then there is more to worry about than being able to crit an extra 9% of the time.
Armor: Dragontouched outfit - Fearsome, Charisma +6, Lorik's
Main Hand: Wand or Scroll; Skiver - Archmagi, Greater Arcane Lore, Improved Extend I, Improved Empower II
Offhand: Lorik's Champion - Panacea (CL:9, 2/rest), Lorikk's Champion, Eternal Faith; Superior Potency 6
Goggle: Shroud goggle - Blindness immunity, disease immunity, +150 Sp, Slay living guard
Head: Minos Legos - Heavy Fortification, Toughness
Trinket: Silver Flame Talisman - Deathblock, Negative energy absorbtion; Dusk Heart - Improved False Life, Dusk
Necklace: Lorrik's Necklace - Lorikk's Champion, Wisdom +6, Wizardry VI, Efficient Metamagic - Empower Healing II
Wrist: Levik's Bracer - Healing Amplification 20%, Strength +6; Armor +8
Glove: Gloves of the Glacier - Glacial Assault, Efficient Metamagic - Maximize II, Efficient Metamagic - Extend II
Belt: Proof Agains Poison Belt of Greater false life
Cloak: Shroud: +6 con skills +45 hp, greater disruption guard
Ring: +6 con
Boots: Gyroscopic boots of striding, Firestorm Greaves
Ring: Utility - feather falling, Ring of spell storing, Reaver ring, Ring of the Djinn
Notes: kind of a mess of equipment. i'm mostly looking for the metamagic bonuses; improved empower, maximize and extend mostly for soloing. although having empower healing and empower on for mass cures for only 15 sp is kind of nice.
End Results:
16 Human Cleric
367 hp
1765 sp (counting skiver to not stack with wizardry)
Superior Devotion 8 or Superior Potency 6 for soloing
9% crit chance on all spells
Maximize for 19 sp
Empower for 11 sp
Extend for 8 sp
Empower Healing for 4 sp
i'm sure equipment will get better and some of this is a waste for in the future. but hey if i had that attitude i'd park fey, roll a lowbie or go play something else til 20 cap comes along.