Which builds have you played that you enjoyed the most?
Pure-class? Multiclass? Something quirky like a battle mage or ranged-focused character? Bored players want to know!![]()
Which builds have you played that you enjoyed the most?
Pure-class? Multiclass? Something quirky like a battle mage or ranged-focused character? Bored players want to know!![]()
"Perhaps the end has not yet been written…”
The Hand of the Black Tower Officer
Najdorf, Assassin :: Keres, Vindicator :: Alekhine, Augur
"It's not 'Zerging.' It's an armed reconnaissance."
Hard question to answer honestly, because the quests I'm running have a significant impact on what I think is the most fun:
For example, I had a fighter multi-class build at lvl 12 cap that was absolutely a blast to play. Since later MOD's made its low HP completely gimp, however, it is not something I would really recommend to a bored player looking to build something new.
The Ginseng build is very fun (15 sorc / 1 barb WF). I highly like my rogue acrobat / barb splash because my running speed and AC are both insane. But overally pure bards are probably my favorite - self-haste, self-heal, awesome CC, and don't have to be a WF.
sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana
Whatever I have loaded.
My cleric gets playtime, my rogue is a blast but squishy. My bard is the jack of all trades. My wizzy is my new endeavor. My fighter is the front liner.
They all fill a role for how I feel like playing.
The evolution of DDO: Stormreach to Eberron Unlimited to Dungeons & Dragons Online
-1--2 -3 -4 -5--6 -7 -8--9--10 -11-12 13 14! 15 16 17 years & still spawning kobolds
From Turbine to SSG, who are the devs anyway? DDO Peeps Tracker
Tanka. He's his own class.
Seriously though, I could rebuild him for AC, but without seeing the new PrE (Defender), I'm not gonna worry about it right now.
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
14/2 Cleric/Monk. Battlecaster. Mid 60s Self Buffed AC 450 Unbuffed HP. 1650 SP. All Saves over 30. Best survivability to killing ratio I've played.
I still like my 9 bard / 7 barb WF the most. He isn't optimum (THF, rage vs. casting, etc) but he's unique and pretty much impossible to kill.
Mod 9 will likely ruin him, as I suspect crit rage enhancement might get moved from level 11...and even if it doesn't, tier II PrE's will be class level 12, which means I miss that. I'll need to reroll for 8 bard / 12 barb in that case, trash the whole idea if crit rage moves.
Still, he is always a blast to play for now.
I'd have to say my pally Korah, back when I rolled her the first time on Mabar. She's a human pure pally with bastard sword prof. (before I discovered kopeshes) Then again this was back when pally's were awesome to have in group. But much of the enjoyment came more from the group I ran with than the build.
I miss those days...
Hyldr>human paladin/rogue {main}Dyrge>Human bardNeviah>Human clericTekoa>drow rogueTabantielf arcane archerKorah>Human pally{rerolled, former main}
visit my art site http://nicirian.deviantart.com/
Similar, but probably different
halfling 1cleric/13 wizzie/2monk (only level nine right now 1cleric/8wizzie)
Full dmarks, emp, max, did have emp healing, but swapped for haste, gotz to have it
this guy is awesome, can't really nuke so he buffs/debuffs/cc and haste and back up heal and use lots a wands, and can even strap on shield and greater banes and have at it, well kinda lol
by far the busiest build i've had in a long time, and a lot of fun for sure, will never be elite end game build, but not all of em are.
1 rogue / 15 ranger. That character can do almost anything.
Pure monk's a close second, Abundant Step is a total blast (more so when capstone enhancements are available, yay passive ki regeneration!)
Assassin rogue is a blast too.
The most fun Ive ever had was when cap was 14 and my thf naked barbarian. Just the reaction from clerics that joined the party's i put together were reason enough for me to keep playing him. Alas I rolled a rogue, and never looked back from there. Now, sneaking thru dungeons and assassination are my new drug.
I've got my affairs in order for the coming zombie apocalypse, do you?
The build I still absolutely enjoy playing is my first 32 pointer I built 2 years ago, and only my 3rd toon ever built:
Kedyn Drow 13Rgr/2Ftr/1Rog
Why? Because i un-knowingly at the time gimped him in an important area lol. Which makes it a challenge to keep playing at the lvl content we're now at. He has undergone many changes, and is undergoing another series now
Still, he has very decent dps, good umd, and so far, there is only 1 trap that he can't handle. (hmmm haven't tried VoD on hard or elite yet, so TBH, there may be more he can't handle).
I lovingly call him my glass cannon
OMG!!!! I gave away his weakness!![]()
Jharka - Kanibal - Keadyn - Kedyn - KG2KM - Krenthael - KrescendoNOW YOU WILL KNOW TRUE POWER - Tade List
Brutality, 13 Ranger/3 Paladin
IC: Slash
Lightning II Scimitar
Radiance II Scimitar
Great Saves, decent A/C, reasonable Health pool.
Until I rolled her with a full stack of fresh +2 Tomes from Meridia, Paladins were my favorite Class, but she's awesome to play.
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu
oat, because i used to get tells of "warforged are gimps" and "rangers are gimps" and "you can't be any good" ect ect...and would then proceed to go on a quest breaking rampage making barbarians look like melee wizards.
Aundair, New Khyber
Alreck Gingerbarrel(15clr/1barb), Torrak Gingerbarrel(16 Brd), Oat(13 Rgr/3Ftr), Moxxy(16 Sor), Thorrac Gingerbarrel(6 Pal/1 Ftr) <<Current Toons>>
I like my Battle Cleric, good wis (34) so good DCs. hp are like 400 and some thing. crits on a great axe for like 190s. + acid and what not, by far my most favoret build i have made.
Galdair Fairmist,15 Cleric,1 fighter,28 S,30 C,34 W,17 D,17 I,
Verlock Terwand,14 Fighter,1 Ranger,1 Rouge,421 HP,43 UMD,34-40,Str,GTWF
Creolee Williams 2 Fighter 8 Barbarian...TWF Build
Galgone ,13 Cleric,2 Monk,1 Fighter...TWF Build
Naj, make a Warforged Rogue Acrobat/Monk who uses quarterstaves![]()
Most fun by far is my Dwarven Rogue..... 2 Levels of Barbarian, One ranger, Strength Based, Shes a Blast... Over 500 Hit Points Raged, 40+ Str and Con..... It a pretty sick combo. Being able to hold aggro on undead as a rogue is a lot of fun.![]()
My warforged warchanter 14 bard/2 fighter. Can probably out dps everyone (I've got 213 damage in one swing before) except for a TWF character* or a THF barbarian. Self haste, self rage, super songs, great UMD, 400 hp. Now who says that a bard can't tank?
*THF < TWF. I would sacrifice alot to make him a twf char. In one bad shroud pug, I had the most melee kills (somehow we got completion, though)
THELANIS - Chief Scientist of DARPA
Ravinex: Bard 18/Fighter 2 - Krotus: 20 Fighter - Hemium: Ranger 18/Fighter 2 - Stema: Favoured Soul 11 - Hemios: Ranger 15/Fighter 1/Monk 1
I enjoy running my Rogues. Have three and all multiclass.
Phelin-Dex based-12/3/2 rogue/paly/ftr
Banque-Str based- 10/6 Rogue/Ranger
Phish-Str based(WF)- 4/2Rogue/Ftr (will be 14/2)
Most fun and at just the right time too. (I was ticked off and waiting for Mod 7 and had all my other 10 Toons capped (or muled), so along came this build ...
Inquisittor - Dwarven Cleric 7 Fighter 2 Barbarian 7; Started Barbarian 1, but in order to gain some acceptance into groups (who thought I could be a Healer...) I stuck it out with 7 Cleric Levels before showing my true form and tossed in a couple of Barbarian levels and Fighter then capped him a week or so ago at Barbarian 7.
Upon creation and for those who know me and my Human "Holy Tactics Warrior" (Gregorius), they asked me what the build was and one guy stated: "So basically -Greg....on crack.... " That comment made me endure the hard road ahead of getting accepted into L8-13 groups.
What was easy was outkilling traditional "Tanks", Zerging ahead without a need for a Strapped Cleric to my Pack sucking mana...because that was the whole point of making him....a self healing Barbarian that can self buff nicely, heal himself and save the Cleric's arse with a few Superior Healing IV CMW's or in emergencies a Unyielding Sovereignity.
Anyway at 472 HP; 51 AC (No CE); 44 Base Intimidate; 820 SP's, 30/36 STR, 24 WIS; Cleave and Great Cleave and 8 DV's (when was the last time a Barbarian DV'd you?) he's a blast to play and has almost become my 2nd favorite.
"Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya