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Thread: Ya14/2cb

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Ya14/2cb

    Yet another 14/2 Cleric build...I've been workin on this guy for quite a while now and he is almost complete. If I had to do it all over again, I would take cleric first level for the ability to swap out my lvl 1 feat for a metamagic endgame. The skills I got from monk at 1 don't really make a difference in the build at all. He is primarily a healer in a group with tendancies to battlecleric/AC tank (I've even ran him through a hard hound as the chewtoy. It didn't go very well but we ended up completing just the same).

    I use him to do just about anything I want...he does everything extremely well...

    14 cleric / 2 Monk - Halfling...

    Str - 16 = 10 Starting + 2 Tome + 6 Item (belt) - 2 stance
    Dex - 26 = 16 Starting + 3 Tome + 1 Enhancement (Halfling) + 6 item (tharnes bracers)
    Con - 22 = 14 Starting + 2 Tome + 6 Item (neck)
    Int - 8 Starting and still 8
    Wis - 38 = 18 Starting + 2 Tome + 4 levels + 3 Enhancement (cleric) + 6 Item (gloves) + 2 stance + 3 shroud kama
    Cha - 8 Starting and still 8

    Level Progression
    Level 1 - Monk - Feat Dodge - Feat (monk) Toughness
    Level 2 - Cleric
    Level 3 - Monk - Feat Mental Toughness - Feat (monk) Weapon Finesse
    Level 4-6 - Cleric - Feat Empower Heal
    Level 7-9 - Cleric - Feat Extend
    Level 10-12 - Cleric - Feat Maximize
    Level 13 - Cleric - Swap Feat Empower Heal for Empower
    Level 14-15 - Cleric - Feat Improved Mental Toughness

    I had planned to swap dodge for Quicken at 13 (when I got BB) but realised I couldn't since I took monk first. I ended up swaping it for Two Weapon Fighting instead. If I could do it over again, I would have taken cleric first for quicken instead of twf.

    Skills - 8 int = 1 skill pt per level after lvl 1 for cleric levels which means he is pretty lacking in skills...but the ones of note are:
    Balance - 16 Total = 6 Ranks + 8 Dex + 2 Misc (shroud cloak +2 Dex skills)
    Concentration - 30 Total = 19 Ranks + 6 Con + 5 Misc (Shroud hat +1 con skills, +3 shroud gloves, +1 Way of the tortise)
    Spot/Heal - 18 Total = 13 Wis + 5 Misc (shroud hat - wis skills +2 and +3)

    128 Base
    96 Conv
    20 Heroic Durability
    18 Toughness
    20 Racial Toughness
    5 Way of the Tortise
    45 (shroud hat +10, shroud cloak +15, +20 shroud gloves)
    30 Greater False Life (Titan Belt)
    10 GH Favor
    372 total

    600 Base
    299 Wis Bonus (23 * 14)
    360 Feat/Enhancements
    175 Wiz VII (ring of thelis)
    150 (shroud tier 3 hat)
    1607 Total (1561 "normal" operation)

    Fort - 26 = 12 Base + 6 Con + 1 Racial + 5 Boots + 2 stance
    Reflex - 28 = 7 Base + 8 Dex + 4 Racial/Enhancement + 5 Boots + 2 Stance + 2shroud cloak
    Will - 34 = 12 Base + 14 Wis + 1 Racial + 5 Boots + 2 Stance
    Becomes 28/30/36 self buffed

    10 Base
    8 Dex
    14 Wis
    6 Armor (tharnes bracers)
    5 Deflection (shroud hat)
    8 Dodge (Alchemical + Icy Rainments + chattering ring)
    1 Centered Monk Bonus
    1 Racial (Size)
    4 Shroud weapon
    57 Unbuffed

    3 Bark
    1 Haste
    2 Recitation
    4 Shield (clicky)
    67 Self Buffed

    Dol Dorn's Champion (proficiency with LS or something, never use it, required for sov below)
    Unyielding sovereignty (1000pt heal once per 10min that removes death penalty)
    Halfling Dex I (+1 Dex)
    Halfling Luck (Reflex) IiI (+3 Reflex save)
    Way of the Patient Tortise I (+1 concentration/+5hp)
    Disciple of Puddles (monk stance - +2wis/-2str)
    Racial Toughness II (+20hp)
    Cleric Prayer of Life III ((9% crit chance on healing)
    Cleric Life Magic IV (+40% effectivness of heals)
    Cleric Energy of the Zealot IV (+80sp)
    Cleric Wisdom III (+3 wis)
    Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery IV (+40% to heal scrolls..technically all scrolls but I only use heal scrolls)

    26 First attack unbuffed (+5 kama) if necessary but usually dual wield kamas so that becomes 24/24 (Since I'm a support dps character, I can almost always get backstabbing +5 from my goggles so 29/29 is pretty standard in a group)...these are unbuffed numbers

    Equip...starting at the top
    Hat - Mineral II - 10hp/+1 Con Skills - 50sp/+2 Wis Skills/Stoneskin - 100sp/+3 Wis Skills/Heavy Fort/+5 Protection
    Neck - +6 con or Silver Flame Talisman (when fighting beholders)
    Trinket - Bloodstone
    Back - Air II - Greater Lightning Resist - 15hp/Dex Skills +2/Haste - Exceptional Reflex +2/Air Guard
    Belt - Titan Belt (+6 str and Greater false Life
    Ring - Ring of Thelis (WizVII - Efficient Empower)
    Ring - Chattering Ring (+3 dodge) / Tumbleweed (+2 Tohit situationally) (also swaps out with FeatherFall)
    Hands - Concordant Opposition - Healing lore - Poison Immune/Fear Immune/+6 wis/+10 diplomacy/+10 haggle - +20hp/+3wis skills
    Feet - Boots of the Innocent (+5 saves)
    Wrist - Tharnes Bracers (+6 dex - +6 armor)
    Robe - Icy Rainments (+5 Dodge w/ Alchemical ritual)
    Goggles - Tharnes Goggles (+5 backstabbing/Trueseeing)

    Set Bonus = Ghost Touch (tharnes)

    weapons - Min II kama Holy/+3 Wis/Stoneskin
    - Min II kama Acid/Greater Devotion VI/+4 Insight AC
    - Sup Pot VI qstaff.
    - +2 vorp kama (x2)
    - +5 wounding Kamas (x2)

    Plans for the future (They don't fit in the build currently but who knows what lvl 20 will bring in terms of gear)
    Bracers of the Glacier (Archmagi...probably on my 40th end reward)
    DT armor - No idea what I want on it at this point. I will probably wait until level increase comes to see what other new gear is available.

    Stuff I've got sitting in the bank if it ever works in my equip selection
    - Leviks Bracers
    - Lorriks Necklace
    - Gloves of the glacier
    - Enlightened Vestments

    One of the most frequent comments I get about this is "Looks fun" And honestly, it certainly is. However, it has taken me a TON of time to get him to where he is today. Up until about a month ago, I always had the feeling of "He isn't quite there yet". Just ot give an idea of what I've gone through to get him to where he is today, here is a brief breakdown of my loot and the time I've put into him since hitting 13 (I started raiding immediately after hitting 13. Almost all of my XP from 13 to 16 was from raids).

    VoD - 22 runs - acquired Vestments at about run 8, gloves of the glacier at 18 (noone else wanted them), tharnes goggles for 20th end reward, and tharnes bracers on 21st run (noone else wanted them).
    Hound - 31 runs - acquired lorriks on 1st run, Ring of Thelis at about run 12, leviks bracers as 20th end reward (no tomes available)
    Abbot - 0 runs - (not quite flagged since noone runs it)
    Reaver 41 - Bracers on 1st run, woo stick on 4th run, head on 10th run, amulet on 12th run, another woo stick for 20th end reward (no tomes available) which I ended up vendoring because it couldn't be made into a power cell for crafting, and +3 dex tome on 40th run (all of this was aquired because I pulled it and noone wanted to roll on it).
    Demon Q - 0 runs - (I'm flagged but I've never gotten around to running it)
    Titan - 22 runs - Titan belt as 20th end reward, chattering ring pulled by me in chest on 22nd.
    Shroud - 36 runs - This should also be coupled with another 30+ runs on other characters acquiring ingredients. passed up +3 wis tome in 20th end reward list for the cleansing item, and I will almost certainly do it again on 40th comming up cause I need to make some gloves.

    Total of 116 non-shroud raids and 36 shrouds (not counting the other charcter's runs) to equip this character.

    It took me 2 months farming Ghosts of perdition for Icy before I finally got them, and the only reason I did was because I was helping a ranger friend get his and 2 dropped in the same run. I farmed Vol for the boots for 2 months (solo probably 60 runs) before finally giving up and buying a pair on the AH.

    All in all, yes, this is an extremely fun build. However it is only as good as it is currently because I enjoy the grind. I like being able to solo dificult missions without expending costly resources. Don't get me wrong, it was still a very fun character when I initially capped him and he only had 1150sp, no raid loot, and only able to kill stuff that was destructable, banishable, or easily run through a BB, but had I not worked to get him to the point he is now, that would have worn off fairly quickly. Don't expect the build itself to make a great character, you have to put the effort in or else you might be disappointed.
    Last edited by kinar; 02-20-2009 at 03:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    not a bad battle cleric variation of the 14/2... cool idea I had for weapon setups for the build.....

    holy, +1 wisdom, +4 AC Mineral 2 Kama
    acid, good burst, +2 wisdom Mineral 2 Kama

  3. #3
    Community Member ZNKJ1234's Avatar
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    Post Great build

    Just wondering what feats did you take?

  4. #4
    Community Member ZNKJ1234's Avatar
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    Post Sorry

    Quote Originally Posted by ZNKJ1234 View Post
    Just wondering what feats did you take?
    My bad. I didnt see the i do.. lol

  5. #5
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    Thanks, I also updated to current equip and feats (swapped out Dodge for TWF)

  6. #6
    Community Member ZNKJ1234's Avatar
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    Thumbs up ONe suggestion

    Did you ever think of taking a cleric level first? then u can take mental toughness that level then next level(monk)
    and take two weapon fighting and weapon finess

  7. #7
    Community Member ZNKJ1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinar View Post
    Plans for the future
    Chattering Ring (will require a major equipment change if I ever get it)
    Titan Belt (yeah right)
    DT armor with Greater Potency and some +6 stat (whichever one I get will change other gear)
    Tharnes Goggles (20th VOD commin up)...

    Stuff I've got sitting in the bank if it ever works in my equip selection
    - Leviks Bracers (20th hound only end reward I could potentially use and didn't already have)
    - Loriks Neck (is there any spellcaster on in DDO who doesn't have this?)
    - Gloves of the glacier (got this by surprise last night when noone else wanted it)

    questions/comments/did I miss anything?
    What do these do?Where can i get them?
    -Leviks Bracers
    - Loriks Neck
    - Gloves of the Glacier

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZNKJ1234 View Post
    Did you ever think of taking a cleric level first? then u can take mental toughness that level then next level(monk)
    and take two weapon fighting and weapon finess
    Yes, I wish I had taken cleric first, but only because I had originally planned to swap out Dodge for Quicken. Since I had no spellcasting ability at level 1, I was unable to make the swap so I chose TWF instead.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZNKJ1234 View Post
    What do these do?Where can i get them?
    -Leviks Bracers
    - Loriks Neck
    - Gloves of the Glacier
    These are all from Mod7 raids (Levik and Lorrik from Hound, gloves from VoD).

  9. #9
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    I've been getting a lot of questions about this build ingame again recently. I've updated it to be current. Got my 3rd shroud accessory crafted which allowed me to finally equip my Titan Belt and no longer have to swap +6 wis neck with silver flame for beholders.

    For now, I consider this build "complete". I can't immagine any way to make him better at the current time.

  10. #10
    Community Member Aerilyn's Avatar
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    Default Noob

    FYI People this character still sucks I know he's a guildie

  11. #11
    Community Member Starlytes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerilyn View Post
    FYI People this character still sucks I know he's a guildie
    Ya No kidding Rorl dont brag about this gimpazz Cleric untill we talk you into being the Hero tank in VOD...

    Nah realy its a nice build and the ac on a cleric is just sic...I know having recieved many tells from you...just solo'd monestary need a free rune...just solo'd (insert Rainbow or Sleeping Dust or Coal Chamber) need a free pie piece.


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerilyn View Post
    FYI People this character still sucks I know he's a guildie
    Quote Originally Posted by Starlytes View Post
    Ya No kidding Rorl dont brag about this gimpazz Cleric untill we talk you into being the Hero tank in VOD...

    Nah realy its a nice build and the ac on a cleric is just sic...I know having recieved many tells from you...just solo'd monestary need a free rune...just solo'd (insert Rainbow or Sleeping Dust or Coal Chamber) need a free pie piece.

    I see you guys finally found this post.

    As for you star...I'll tank VoD (or at least attempt to) as soon as I'm not required to be a cleric in VoD Oh, and I still haven't forgotten about "anyone wanna come loot Vol and get some free boots of the innocent?".

  13. #13
    Community Member Starlytes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinar View Post
    I see you guys finally found this post.

    As for you star...I'll tank VoD (or at least attempt to) as soon as I'm not required to be a cleric in VoD Oh, and I still haven't forgotten about "anyone wanna come loot Vol and get some free boots of the innocent?".
    Yes that was fun and Ranger Star Loves the BotI she got on that run

  14. #14
    Community Member Falcion's Avatar
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    Ya nice build man if I ever decide to run another clr may try something like it... thou I don't think I can bring myself to be a half-pint
    Falcion Silverfeather - 20 clr (Argo)
    Falcionn Silverfeather - 15rgr, 3rog, 2mnk (Argo)
    Johnathon Ranthor - 13 rog, 6 rgr, 1mnk (Argo)

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZNKJ1234 View Post
    Did you ever think of taking a cleric level first? then u can take mental toughness that level then next level(monk)
    and take two weapon fighting and weapon finess
    This doesn't work. If you take a monk level at 2nd level, you can't take two weapon fighting (not a martial arts feat) or weapon finesse (you don't have a BAB of 1).

    You would need to go cleric/cleric/monk/monk to take a cleric level first...

    I made one of these a while ago and found it out the hard way


  16. #16
    Community Member Line-dog's Avatar
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    Alignment? I went Lawful Neutral but now I'm thinking I should reroll Lawful Good to equip Good aligned weapons.

    Thanks for the build.
    Smoking Gun of Thelanis

    Quote Originally Posted by EinarMal View Post
    You could put 6 Ranger on a clod of dirt and it would be pretty decent DPS...

  17. #17
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    Yes, Lawful Good

  18. #18
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    A little tangent but do you find Concordant Opposition worth it? Some people think it is too small gain for too many ingredients.

  19. #19
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    Obviously your gear is very nice, but I disagree with many of the others for one specific reason - my question is why go melee at all? You have a 16 str, use kamas, and you are a cleric so in terms of stat damaging or dps just not happening. You could throw in some intimidate skill or something to give yourself the ability to use your defense to your advantage but you didn't. Looking at this from the other side of the coin you have a 38 wisdom, but yet don't have any spell penetration or arcane lore which seems a waste of a nice wisdom score. What I see here is a build that solos well, but in a group setting is a healbot in terms of functionality because it can't cast offensive spells or melee remotely as well as the melee. If that is your mindset that of an indestructible healbot that is great but the weapons you made show that you want to be a battle cleric..

    I would actually go with the blue robes at current cap or at least the potential to swap to them if you decide to drop blade barriors or the the like.

    I regularly run with a player who has a 14 cleric 2 monk build, but he has more melee feats, proficiency with rapiers (he is an elf) for stat damaging purposes, and a different stat distribution. He is a battle cleric you are a healbot trying to do otherwise.
    Last edited by maddmatt70; 03-25-2009 at 03:16 AM.
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  20. #20
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    IMO, no, concordant op isn't worth it (especially on an AC build such as this). I have it on one of my other clerics as well (not an AC build) and it isn't worth it there either. However, after acquiring all the other gear, I needed a spot for +6 wis and only had gloves open. After going with exenstial stalemate, I decided to just finish it out anyway.

    As the first paragraph says, this is a healing focused cleric but as you said, is virtually indestructible. And, his melee ability isn't as bad as it looks. He can keep up with anyone in killcount in part one fo the shroud save w/p rangers. He can clear out part2 trash solo given enough time (I generally run into part 2 after roaming in part 1 without shrining and kill my way to sc while everone else is screwing around shrining/buffing/looting). He can stand toe to toe with almost any red named in the game solo. Sure it will take a bit longer than an AC build ranger or a non-ac build ranger/barb with a cleric strapped to thier back, but he can do it when necessary. As stated, I have successfully been the chewtoy in the hound (on hard), he can stand in wiht harry and help with DPS in parts 4 and 5(granted not a ton of DPS but an extra 20-30 dmg per hit is better than none) while throwing masses without quicken. He can do the same with sally in VoD. He can solo the cat in melee out in reavers refuge. He can solo the red named fiends of madness on the way to the hound melee. About the only thing this character cannot do is rogue skills.

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